How will they rule ??!

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[roll] Really were concerned about Hilldog's conflict of interest and getting rich 'on the taxpayers dime' from speeches though. Just say you don't care what he does in office and be done with the b.s. Because it's obvious he doesn't care what he does in office. He's now above the law.

I guess instead of buying overpaid hammers from American suppliers we'll now buy them from Trump Inc., by way of China of course. [poop]:americanflag:

You lost traitor. Cardkilla. good thing I ain't AG. I'd lock you up and my sister in Obama's federal torture center
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Leif and his classmates urge UK to not comply with raids and deportations on campus.

What in the world is going on at UK?

My former university sent out a similar email stating that their undocumented staff and citizens will be safe and that the police won't have jurisdiction there or what not. They freaked out because an illegal felon was stopped on a broken taillight while driving on campus and got deported in no time.

People are nuts.
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I actually think the OT law was well intended. The minimum salary threshold to make someone exempt was set years ago and was pretty low at $23k. An increase to that was probably needed although $47k was way too high.

But how in the hell are they going to block this thing a week before it was to go into effect? Most companies had already done the leg work to comply and had informed their employees of any changes. So now they're just supposed to say something like, "You know how we told you we were going to give you a raise to meet the new requirements or going to start paying you overtime? Yeah, about that ..."

It just puts employers in a real crappy position. This should have been settled long ago either way.
Shit, i bet it leaches over to the establishment Repubs too
Oh no doubt. Some in the GOP establishment are no better than the DNC establishment. The best thing about Trumps win, is that there will be many more outsiders running for President, which is terrific news. He broke the glass ceiling for it.
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It's sad really. These SJWs are cry babies.

Well, after Trump finishes out 2024. I'm making a run for it. I'll be 50 and "credible" (just held back a laugh). Going to focus on eradication of the SJW from American society.

What if I could make every SJW disappear in 2024?

You don't have to make them disappear. Just say it at every campaign stop and enough will believe it and vote for you.
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You don't have to make them disappear. Just say it at every campaign stop and enough will believe it and vote for you.

Yeahhh Are you saying I could turn deaths into votes by camouflaging death? I don't understand, Chuck
Oh no doubt. Some in the GOP establishment are no better than the DNC establishment. The best thing about Trumps win, is that there will be many more outsiders running for President, which is terrific news. He broke the glass ceiling for it.

Best thing that ever happened. Trump spent $100 million dollars while Obama, Romney, and Hillary spend almost $5 billion.
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Romeny is a POS and I hope he doesn't get picked.

People don't know why Romney never backed Trump. Welp. Romney has a ton of Puerto Rican debt that was hopefully was going to get written off andTrump said no.

Will Trump do it afterwards? I dunno.
I actually think the OT law was well intended. The minimum salary threshold to make someone exempt was set years ago and was pretty low at $23k. An increase to that was probably needed although $47k was way too high.

In corporations 36-42K is entry level so the 47K covered most people after 1-2 promotions. That's fair. You can not start entry level on salary and give them OT because it sets a bad precedent. If that was the case might as well give them hourly pay.

I actually got caught up in a situation like that at ResCare where I was hired on in the Tax dept and when we outsourced the work my pay carried over to treasury. Well treasury was run different and I was making more than my manager because in the tax dept your contract was 42K over 2080 hours but for tax time OT kicked in. Well at $20 an hour plus OT I was solid, but Treasury filled their positions through temp services and started them at $12 an hour........

Once my manager realized why her labor budget was through the roof she cut me back to salary. At 4pm I left regardless if my job was done.......and needless to say we butted heads. The treasury position was more of a monthly deadline for reporting spot but man she was livid after cutting my OT that I wouldn't stay and she had to regardless.

Once I accepted a position elsewhere she tried to tell me sorry it was just business.......I laughed and in front several people she kissed up to explained her business just hurt her dept by bringing it down instead of fighting for a higher salary using me as her reason.

They scattered like rats knowing damn well what had happened.

Anyway, the point is 47K after a promotion or 2 is a perfect OT point in today's world.
Does the left really expect to be taken seriously by calling everyone against them nazis?
That's what I find the most odd of all if this. They just used these same accusations against Trump for the last 6 months. We heard them over & over it, yet the people still elected Trump.

What makes them think that now, all of the sudden, the same exact accusations that didn't work & led to Trump being elected are somehow going to stick & change everyone's mind about Trump?
Best thing that ever happened. Trump spent $100 million dollars while Obama, Romney, and Hillary spend almost $5 billion.

The media still to this day doesn't understand their role in this either or that Trump is way ahead of them and their Friday reporting.
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I love this. The moment rubes finally realize they've been had by a slick carnival barker.

So Trump's first 100 days:

No Wall.
No Muslim ban.
No prosecuting the Clintons.
No repealing Obamacare.
No mass deportation of illegals.

Oh, and Trump now believes in man is contributing to climate change. He's a new convert. Trump also tweeted that the Clinton foundation is a good thing that does good work.

How's that feel, RUBES!
Pretty sure that first 100 days video was covering what he'll do via executive orders, among other things.
The media still to this day doesn't understand their role in this either or that Trump is way ahead of them and their Friday reporting.

Krazy. Trump may run this 4 years through You Tube. hahaha

Bet CNN has You Tube black ball Trump too.

Then Cardkilla comes and says "Oh, TRUMP WON'T DO YOU TUBE. FAKE NEWS!"

I've never been happier with a presidential pick and at the same time I want to leave this country due to leftists. Ironic huh?
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CNN is still a hoot to watch daily!

I can't get enough, and the people are being trolled something fierce and are loving their "we told you so" moment........

Ok. Glad you told me! Sure was sweating all the shit that scared you to your not scared of him anymore right?

Well yea he is the worst anyway!
I hope dems are dumb enough to make Ellison (tied to a terrorist group) or Pelosi their DNC chair.

I want to see them lose even more.
Ryan is already being attacked & accused of being sexist by the far left radicals just b/c he's challenging Pelosi for her position, & trying to save the party.
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Oh no doubt. Some in the GOP establishment are no better than the DNC establishment. The best thing about Trumps win, is that there will be many more outsiders running for President, which is terrific news. He broke the glass ceiling for it.

It would be so sweet if you could say that to Hillary and I could be there.[laughing]
Obama and well intended should never be in the same sentence.

Unless you're saying he never does anything well intended, because you'd be correct.

When has he ever shown well intentions? Every thing he does, there is a sinister plan behind it.

I don't know enough about the OT law, but Obama was using it to try to stick businesses with some stupid shit that they didn't deserve most likely. If it was well intended, Obama wouldn't have done it in the first place.
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Obama has been a disaster. He is easily the worst president we've had in in 40 years and easily in the top five of worst ever.

He has enjoyed the celebrity life and lived large for eight years. Gave us tons of debt, gave us Obamacare, made our military weaker, created more racial division, made a war on cops, empowered SJW morons and terrorism while trying to bully everyone who dared to stand up against leftist policies by calling them "racists."

The guy got away with so many scandals that should have got any president impeached. The guy used the IRS to target enemies and spied on the AP and threatened anyone who didn't promote leftist insanity that if they didn't play ball, he'd pull federal funding.

Eff him and his skank wife who simply got off on going on talk shows, being adored by the press and Hollywood and were completely terrible for this country in every way.
Obama has been a disaster. He is easily the worst president we've had in in 40 years and easily in the top five of worst ever.

He has enjoyed the celebrity life and lived large for eight years. Gave us tons of debt, gave us Obamacare, made our military weaker, created more racial division, made a war on cops, empowered SJW morons and terrorism while trying to bully everyone who dared to stand up against leftist policies by calling them "racists."

The guy got away with so many scandals that should have got any president impeached. The guy used the IRS to target enemies and spied on the AP and threatened anyone who didn't promote leftist insanity that if they didn't play ball, he'd pull federal funding.

Eff him and his skank wife who simply got off on going on talk shows, being adored by the press and Hollywood and were completely terrible for this country in every way.

It will take 8 years of Trump to kill off the SJW movement

Everybody is offended. Biggest pussies on the planet. It's maddening.
Yes, but you really think Trump of all people is going to beat her? Good luck with that...

The electorate is much browner and less white these days. Heck, Trump isn't even fairing as well as Romney when it comes to white voters.

Since Hillary is going to win, these conversations have become stale. What do people think the Republican party will become after this election? The electorate is no longer going to favor a Republican president.

If the Republican party in its current form survives, when do you think we will see a Republican president?

So when Hillary doesn't cover, what will end up happening? LOL.

I think after the debates, we are going to see a 5 TD lead...she's going to go to town on Trump in the debates and I fully expect the moderators to not let Trump say anything deceitful.

I'm jet-lagged AF...
So we all in agreement with Hillary winning tomorrow night yet? Surely Willy has finally seen the light...

Obama and well intended should never be in the same sentence.

Unless you're saying he never does anything well intended, because you'd be correct.

When has he ever shown well intentions? Every thing he does, there is a sinister plan behind it.

I don't know enough about the OT law, but Obama was using it to try to stick businesses with some stupid shit that they didn't deserve most likely. If it was well intended, Obama wouldn't have done it in the first place.

I don't think a POTUS has the authority to set wage rules, that is a function of congress. That cap does need to be raised, as does the minimum wage. But congress has to do it, not Obama and his pen. The bastard has pissed on the constitution enough.
Actually what we are seeing is the blowback from the Evangelicals influence of the 80s, 90s and early 00s. We've left one extreme to another.

My prediction. This SJW movement will correct itself just like the Evangelicals. But the SJWs will go through a phase wondering why no one agrees with them. The same maneuver the Evangelicals did in the the late 2000s.

Shame we have to go to the ploar ends of either side before we realize how ineffective that is

That's a very good point, Willy. I've said a couple times that the Republican party of today is nothing more than the Democratic party of the 80's. I think it's a very accurate assessment in terms of social issues.
I don't know if either side will work to get back to the middle, if they do I think it will take a large scale attack on American soil...again. That may be enough to wake up a lot of these idiots looking over the edge of the cliff on the left. I don't think the Republican party has been very extreme since the 70's thru the 80's possibly. I like to think of the parties as a family. The Republicans are the older wiser group telling the kids (democrats) to slow down, because they have been there and done that. Sadly (or not) like it a lot of cases the kids don't listen.

Dude, I'm not an overly religious person by any stretch, but your pic creeps me out. Go back to a serial killer or something. lol
[roll] Really were concerned about Hilldog's conflict of interest and getting rich 'on the taxpayers dime' from speeches though. Just say you don't care what he does in office and be done with the b.s. Because it's obvious he doesn't care what he does in office. He's now above the law.

I guess instead of buying overpaid hammers from American suppliers we'll now buy them from Trump Inc., by way of China of course. [poop]:americanflag:

Yep you got it Cardkilla. "Like Z says" was clearly meant to indicate I agree with Z after all his dumbass nonsensical ramblings, and think Trump should be able to borrow money from China to enrich himself.

I do want taxes cut though. I also want spending cut, but I know that's never going to happen. So if we're going to build up the debt anyway, in the famous words of Obama, "Where's yo dolla".
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Obama and well intended should never be in the same sentence.

Unless you're saying he never does anything well intended, because you'd be correct.

When has he ever shown well intentions? Every thing he does, there is a sinister plan behind it.

I don't know enough about the OT law, but Obama was using it to try to stick businesses with some stupid shit that they didn't deserve most likely. If it was well intended, Obama wouldn't have done it in the first place.

Maybe you're being facetious, but if not, that kind of thinking is exactly what's wrong with our country today. "The other side did it, so it must be terrible, even though I admittedly have no idea what I'm talking about".

I wasn't a big fan of the OT law although I get why it was done. It was just done incorrectly. But at least educate yourself on the topic before spouting off either way. Because I guarantee when the other side says "Well Trump did it so it must be awful", you'll be beside yourself.