How will they rule ??!

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SJWs are the most disgusting humans on the planet. I hate them even more than ISIS.

It's sad really. These SJWs are cry babies.

Well, after Trump finishes out 2024. I'm making a run for it. I'll be 50 and "credible" (just held back a laugh). Going to focus on eradication of the SJW from American society.

What if I could make every SJW disappear in 2024?
I've often wondered if LBJ was behind the assassination of JFK. Maybe, maybe not. But one thing that I agree with you 100% on. Is when LBJ took office. That was the day the democrat party began to die. When people talk about bad presidents. They all talk about Obama & Jimmy Carter & rightly so. But no one ever says LBJ. In my opinion LBJ did about as much damage to this country with his welfare giveaways as any president ever has. I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. I have seen first hand the destruction that government giveaways [welfare] can cause. I once worked with a guy that was as dependable & as hard working as any one you would ever see. Until him & his wife figured out a way to start drawing welfare. If he worked 40 hours a week he made too much money & couldn't draw. So he starting working only about 30 hours a week. Then they figured a way to draw even more welfare, but only if he worked about 20 hours a week. I knew the day was coming when he would grab his back & try to draw disability. Well sure enough, a little over 2 years ago that's precisely what happened. ....... If they ever make a Mt. Rushmore for rotten presidents. LBJ belongs on it.

Not to mention what he and McNamara did to this country with Vietnam. Over 50,000 Americans killed and untold number of innocent Vietnam civilians. LBJ is worst POTUS in my memory.
Trillion dollar big government infrastructure plan on the way from Trump along with tax cutting for the rich and corporations. I wonder what will happen to the deficit? Wasn't that the mantra every time Obama tried to do something?

What about the deficit? What about the deficit? What about the deficit? What about the deficit? What about the deficit?

Another big spending Republican is going to blowup the deficit again while handing out tax cuts to all his rich buddies. Make American great again?

More like make America "Greece" again.
I'm finding it harder and harder to relate to people. KFC was brought up at work today. someone thought it was relevant to inject "Col Sanders was a racist" into the conversation. We're talking about fried chicken, can't I just enjoy that without giving a shit about racism?
I'm finding it harder and harder to relate to people. KFC was brought up at work today. someone thought it was relevant to inject "Col Sanders was a racist" into the conversation. We're talking about fried chicken, can't I just enjoy that without giving a shit about racism?

Willy no .. Rex says he was a trannyphobe.
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Republican House. Republican Senate. Republican President. So when you aholes run it up this time with your massive spending and tax cutting for the rich then I wonder how much whining about the deficit we will have to listen to?

I suspect suddenly that won't be an issue any more.

“In light of president-elect Trump’s proposed policies regarding immigration, undocumented students are afraid of losing their work permits, in-state tuition, and financial aid,” Sophonie Bazile, Leif Johnson and Araby Smyth wrote in a letter accompanying the petition.

Leif and his classmates urge UK to not comply with raids and deportations on campus.

What in the world is going on at UK?
I am 100% certain Trump will be impeached. This is Nixon all over again. Too arrogant to understand his political mortality.
I'm certain the democrats will try to impeach Trump too, but not for your reasons. They'll be in destroy Trump mode the second hes inaugurated.
We're 20 trillion in debt. That's never getting paid off and were never again going to have a budget surplus. So I'd prefer my taxes get cut instead of continuing to throw hard earned money into a bottomless pit while we're still running half trillion dollar deficits.

Basically, "where's yo dolla" for a hard working middle class American.

If Trump just wants to enrich himself with government money like Z says, I'd prefer he get that money from China, not me.
We're 20 trillion in debt. That's never getting paid off and were never again going to have a budget surplus. So I'd prefer my taxes get cut instead of continuing to throw hard earned money into a bottomless pit while we're still running half trillion dollar deficits.

Basically, "where's yo dolla" for a hard working middle class American.

If Trump just wants to enrich himself with government money like Z says, I'd prefer he get that money from China, not me.

Trump will do what he can. I'm sure the DC machine is so well oiled that not even Trump can change some of it.

You really think this is a superficial surface issue with Hillary to just simplify to arrest her? It's not. She is involved in global network of murder, kidnapping, treason, bribery, kidnapping that effects the upper .5% of the 1%.

You're right. Corruption will never go away. It's to late in human civilization to right that wrong.
We're 20 trillion in debt. That's never getting paid off and were never again going to have a budget surplus. So I'd prefer my taxes get cut instead of continuing to throw hard earned money into a bottomless pit while we're still running half trillion dollar deficits.

Basically, "where's yo dolla" for a hard working middle class American.

If Trump just wants to enrich himself with government money like Z says, I'd prefer he get that money from China, not me.
[roll] Really were concerned about Hilldog's conflict of interest and getting rich 'on the taxpayers dime' from speeches though. Just say you don't care what he does in office and be done with the b.s. Because it's obvious he doesn't care what he does in office. He's now above the law.

I guess instead of buying overpaid hammers from American suppliers we'll now buy them from Trump Inc., by way of China of course. [poop]:americanflag:
Trump will do what he can. I'm sure the DC machine is so well oiled that not even Trump can change some of it.

You really think this is a superficial surface issue with Hillary to just simplify to arrest her? It's not. She is involved in global network of murder, kidnapping, treason, bribery, kidnapping that effects the upper .5% of the 1%.

You're right. Corruption will never go away. It's to late in human civilization to right that wrong.

It's would take about 24 years of outsider presidents to really clean out DC. at least 16 years.
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The overtime law was a solid policy. Made ALOT of sense and required companies to think before abusing a salary employee. But I'd like to hear why it was blocked.

Yes infastructure cost a ton of money, however if we cut back on Obamacare I'm sure there is billions of dollars to help aid those projects.

Also do you not think having a construction guy in place to accomplish infastructure is a good think?

There is a lot more to things than just one element so increased infastructure and lower taxes do not combine to simply blowup another crazy debt addition.

I mean cut welfare and your roads are paid for, bring home all our troops and your roads are paid for, give offshore money a one time tax discount to bring money home and millions of tax dollars are collected day 1.

I truly believe people have no clue how a comprehensive budget works.