How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Meanwhile back at the ranch, CNN is still refusing to understand that the race card is a losing hand. They just can't let that hand go. Like a pair of jacks they just keep pushing chips in when they are drawing dead.

Stop the sensitivity. Stop trying to disqualify people. In the internet age voters are too smart to fall for the old race card. Focus on the issues and let the demographics take care of themselves rather that be infatuated with patching enough of them together to form a win.

For every voter you draw in with the race card you drive 2 away in key midwestern and rust belt states. THE RACE CARD IS A LOSING HAND.

For the love of God why can't these idiots understand that?
Lol. Got a bunch of babies that are freaking out over every little word trump or Conway says

He won't Persue Clinton... maybe that actual person who is in charge of that will?

He sends a few tweets st 5am. Who gives a shit. Everyone else is still asleep. And last I checked he's not the president yet. Still getting more done that obummer
Lol. Got a bunch of babies that are freaking out over every little word trump or Conway says

He won't Persue Clinton... maybe that actual person who is in charge of that will?

He sends a few tweets st 5am. Who gives a shit. Everyone else is still asleep. And last I checked he's not the president yet. Still getting more done that obummer

I agree.

People already think he is president. in two weeks trump has successfully ended all interest in democrat functioning. They are irrelevant.
How much ya wanna bet dragon ball Z is curled up in a fetal position in a dark room continually telling himself it will be okay and that he is the man
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Does the president need to persue a legal battle? Not sure why or what purpose that serves? Doesn't mean she will escape the existing investigations into the Clinton Foundation.

Banning Muslims was a joke, if you didn't know that then you are the sheep following TV programming.

Are you aware Obama deported more illegals than every other president combined? It's a real stat.......ever wonder why they didn't bring it up on the news?

Why exactly when a man flip flopped on every talking point are you touting off like some know it all? Was he going to conform? Yes, they all do to a degree.........

If his tax plans allow offshore money back into the US, and brings a few jobs home as well as stop the bleeding and saves me money day to day well he doesn't need to do anything else for me to support him.......NOTHING.
If prosecuting Clinton brings down the entire federal government and leads to war with Russia, so be it.

If we've gotten to the point where the American Government is so corrupt you can't prosecute those breaking the laws, lets just pull the plug on the American experiment now.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised people want Clinton to skate because the government is too corrupt to fail given the way they let the heads of the banks they decided were to big to fail skate.
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Meanwhile back at the ranch, CNN is still refusing to understand that the race card is a losing hand. They just can't let that hand go. Like a pair of jacks they just keep pushing chips in when they are drawing dead.

Stop the sensitivity. Stop trying to disqualify people. In the internet age voters are too smart to fall for the old race card. Focus on the issues and let the demographics take care of themselves rather that be infatuated with patching enough of them together to form a win.

For every voter you draw in with the race card you drive 2 away in key midwestern and rust belt states. THE RACE CARD IS A LOSING HAND.

For the love of God why can't these idiots understand that?

Because they have no platform other than that to use Z, they can't talk about performance of the democrats, or Obama.

The media and Democratic party are the ones that started talking about "Alt Right and white nationalists", I, and most people had never heard of either of those groups, but we have now because the Dems need a boogeyman.

Hell, people in northern and western cities still think the KKK runs rampant in the south. The KKK for all intents and purposes is dead, and if the media would drop it they'd go away completely.

The left has nothing but fear tactics to rile up their base, and like you correctly wrote, its a losing mentality.
If prosecuting Clinton brings down the entire federal government and leads to war with Russia, so be it.

If we've gotten to the point where the American Government is so corrupt you can't prosecute those breaking the laws, lets just pull the plug on the American experiment now.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised people want Clinton to skate because the government is too corrupt to fail given the way they let the heads of the banks they decided were to big to fail skate.
Best post in all 1,300 pages of this bitching. Our founding fathers had similar thoughts.
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The whole KKK thing is a joke. Was born and raised in Hopkinsville.....a farming community and only a few miles to the birthplace of Jefferson Davis. Have never--every--seen the Klan, a poster or announcement from the Klan, a protest, or ever known anyone that discussed or indicated they or any of their friends were in the Klan. I've had as much touch with the Klan as I've had with men from Pluto--which is zero. (Have also spent 10 years in Atlanta and another 16 in Nashville area---same with both of these locales.)

But based on the media and many ultra-liberals, they are everywhere and drive all southern conservative decisions. Such BS.
Because they have no platform other than that to use Z, they can't talk about performance of the democrats, or Obama.

The media and Democratic party are the ones that started talking about "Alt Right and white nationalists", I, and most people had never heard of either of those groups, but we have now because the Dems need a boogeyman.

Hell, people in northern and western cities still think the KKK runs rampant in the south. The KKK for all intents and purposes is dead, and if the media would drop it they'd go away completely.

The left has nothing but fear tactics to rile up their base, and like you correctly wrote, its a losing mentality.


Dems constantly demonize whites so they can radicalize minorities and the third world culture they imported, to vote Demorat. That's why they're so focused on "diversity" and "multiculturalism." They're obsessed with identity politics and whites have become the "devil" despite whites being the one who created the nation.

So Dems need to create a boogeyman for the left, like you said and that is now whites. Particularly, straight whites with straight white males being the worst of all. They need their ignorant base to think there's racism everywhere and that whites are out to get them, which is why we get constant race hoaxes and the press never mentions race when whites are attacked by minorities.

So now the left, the kings of propaganda and brainwashing, have a voter base of radicalized blacks, self loathing whites, SJW nut jobs, Mexicans, a good chunk of Latinos and elitist whites and the "evil" is Middle America, working class whites.

Think I'm lying? Look at the context of "diversity" when Dems use it. It's only if they feel there are too many whites. Notice they didn't attach "uneducated" to any other race during the election coverage. The left is pure evil.
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Krazy, Turning around at the border is now considered deporting, that wasn't the case for prior Presidents before Obama.

Maybe so Bill but of the 50 or so Mexicans I deal with daily at least half have been sent home and that slowed the projects they worked on down until they got back in the US.

Even still why create a silly ass law and not flaunt it?
The whole KKK thing is a joke. Was born and raised in Hopkinsville.....a farming community and only a few miles to the birthplace of Jefferson Davis. Have never--every--seen the Klan, a poster or announcement from the Klan, a protest, or ever known anyone that discussed or indicated they or any of their friends were in the Klan. I've had as much touch with the Klan as I've had with men from Pluto--which is zero. (Have also spent 10 years in Atlanta and another 16 in Nashville area---same with both of these locales.)

But based on the media and many ultra-liberals, they are everywhere and drive all southern conservative decisions. Such BS.

Yes, the KKK is nothing. They're a small group of idiots that the media overplays so it can portray whites or their opponents are evil. Meanwhile, the left backs BLM, Muslim Brotherhood, NOI and every special interests race group in the country. They have Affirmative Action, mandatory diversity quotas to force you to hire unqualified and uneducated minorities and even give extra SAT points based off of race.

Basically, in America, you can be for the interest of your race, get benefits simply because of your race except for whites. And this BS is allowed to continue with no consequences.

BTW, I had never heard the term "Alt Right" until like three months ago.
Apparently Kanye joined the "alt-right" and he was taken in handcuffs for a psych evaluation lmaooo.

So, not good for the alt right.
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The media is nothing but poisonous. They project BS to the world and generate insanity. You'd actually avoid a lot of divisiveness if it wasn't for leftist media and university brainwashing.
I may be incorrect, but just because he said he's not going to pursue it doesn't mean she won't be prosecuted, right?

Maybe, unlike Obama, he'll just GTFO of the way and let law dogs be law dogs.
It will be up to Jeff Sessions and whoever the new FBI director will be.

The President can't prosecute anyone, but the DOJ and FBI can.
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I'm stunned / not stunned that the left is doubling down on the shit that got their *asses* handed to them, but man are they ever.

I know there has to be a "terminal velocity", if you will, about the max number of overall legislative branch seats R's can top out at, but we are going to find out that number in '18.
We conservatives need to thank the Good Lord everyday that we aren't as dumb as those idiot liberals are. We also need to thank him for giving us liberals, because it gives us something to laugh at. We better laugh at them while we can. Because after the 2018 midterm election, there probably wont be much of a democrat party left to laugh at.
I'm not a member of the alt right, but it bugs me that Trump was forced to denounce them. Yet Obama and Hillary supporters have been burning cities down for years now, but they aren't forced to denounce them? Why?
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Nobody can ever convince me that LBJ wasn't behind the JFK assassination. The day LBJ took office is the day the Democratic party truly began to die.
I've often wondered if LBJ was behind the assassination of JFK. Maybe, maybe not. But one thing that I agree with you 100% on. Is when LBJ took office. That was the day the democrat party began to die. When people talk about bad presidents. They all talk about Obama & Jimmy Carter & rightly so. But no one ever says LBJ. In my opinion LBJ did about as much damage to this country with his welfare giveaways as any president ever has. I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. I have seen first hand the destruction that government giveaways [welfare] can cause. I once worked with a guy that was as dependable & as hard working as any one you would ever see. Until him & his wife figured out a way to start drawing welfare. If he worked 40 hours a week he made too much money & couldn't draw. So he starting working only about 30 hours a week. Then they figured a way to draw even more welfare, but only if he worked about 20 hours a week. I knew the day was coming when he would grab his back & try to draw disability. Well sure enough, a little over 2 years ago that's precisely what happened. ....... If they ever make a Mt. Rushmore for rotten presidents. LBJ belongs on it.
I think the Rust Belt put them down for good, and good riddance.
Funny you mentioned that, dat dude Tim Ryan (think it is Tim) has been all over the place campaigning for the house minority gig against Pelosi....impressive guy. From Ohio, college QB, down to earth. Basically the kind of guy that could get the rust belt back.


Must double down on racist bigot sexist homophobe trannyphope ageist kidist rhetoric.....oh yeah what's Keith Ellison up to these days let's give him a platform lol

Regional party. West coast and northeast. Oh and the People's Republic of Rahm.

You folks best get to munchin', that's an awfully big bag of dicks for you guys to snack on for the next few decades....
Funny you mentioned that, dat dude Tim Ryan (think it is Tim) has been all over the place campaigning for the house minority gig against Pelosi....impressive guy. From Ohio, college QB, down to earth. Basically the kind of guy that could get the rust belt back.


Must double down on racist bigot sexist homophobe trannyphope ageist kidist rhetoric.....oh yeah what's Keith Ellison up to these days let's give him a platform lol

Regional party. West coast and northeast. Oh and the People's Republic of Rahm.

You folks best get to munchin', that's an awfully big bag of dicks for you guys to snack on for the next few decades....

Yeah he's one of the few that seem to get it. The rest of that party have their heads so far up their asses I don't think they could pull out if they wanted to. They're alienating more people every day and they still don't understand.
Funny you mentioned that, dat dude Tim Ryan (think it is Tim) has been all over the place campaigning for the house minority gig against Pelosi....impressive guy. From Ohio, college QB, down to earth. Basically the kind of guy that could get the rust belt back.


Must double down on racist bigot sexist homophobe trannyphope ageist kidist rhetoric.....oh yeah what's Keith Ellison up to these days let's give him a platform lol

Regional party. West coast and northeast. Oh and the People's Republic of Rahm.

You folks best get to munchin', that's an awfully big bag of dicks for you guys to snack on for the next few decades....
Damn, Rex not holding back.

Keith Ellison. Ahh, the guy who thinks Yakub the Scientist made human beings? Scientology better not let this hot prospect go.

racist, bigot, homophobe, trannyphobe, ageist, kidist rhetoric. Call sheep too many times, no one listens.
Yes, the KKK is nothing. They're a small group of idiots that the media overplays so it can portray whites or their opponents are evil. Meanwhile, the left backs BLM, Muslim Brotherhood, NOI and every special interests race group in the country. They have Affirmative Action, mandatory diversity quotas to force you to hire unqualified and uneducated minorities and even give extra SAT points based off of race.

Basically, in America, you can be for the interest of your race, get benefits simply because of your race except for whites. And this BS is allowed to continue with no consequences.

BTW, I had never heard the term "Alt Right" until like three months ago.
Half of the KKK is undercover FBI suits collecting names for a registry, it's a joke.
Actually what we are seeing is the blowback from the Evangelicals influence of the 80s, 90s and early 00s. We've left one extreme to another.

My prediction. This SJW movement will correct itself just like the Evangelicals. But the SJWs will go through a phase wondering why no one agrees with them. The same maneuver the Evangelicals did in the the late 2000s.

Shame we have to go to the ploar ends of either side before we realize how ineffective that is
Maybe so Bill but of the 50 or so Mexicans I deal with daily at least half have been sent home and that slowed the projects they worked on down until they got back in the US.

Even still why create a silly ass law and not flaunt it?

The Mexicans you encountered were probably here legally and their work pass expired or about to. So, they go back and start the process over again which is perfectly legal.
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I don't think Trump is going to go after Hillary, I didn't during the election either.
However, if he did intend to unleash the law on her the time to announce that isn't right now when he's trying get a cabinet in place, and Obama still has a get out of jail free stamp.
You know what. Yeah, my generation is prolly to blame for these whiny, incessant, weakling, vulnerable SJWs for parenting these self absorbed little snots, but guess what? We as a society are to blame too. We let these bratty little shits cry and holler till no one is happy but them and did nothing to them as a punishment. Shame on us
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