How will they rule ??!

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Not sure why you're rejoicing anyway because without the auto bailout you hated Obama for their would be no jobs to 'save'. Your idiot President wanted to let them go bankrupt.

You are a GD idiot..... Ford is the only American car manufacturer that didn't take a penny from your democrats
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Obama says in the New Yorker article that I mentioned that the Dems saving grace is more minorities and fewer white people in the future.

A man who understands his voter base makes for a good politician.
Find it interesting that so many liberal writers/editors feel the need to tell us what went wrong in 2016, what needs to be done so that it doesn't happen again and what all of us should expect and demand out of a Trump presidency.

You'd figure the election might have given them a clue that most of us don't give a damn what they think. You'd figure.
Find it interesting that so many liberal writers/editors feel the need to tell us what went wrong in 2016, what needs to be done so that it doesn't happen again and what all of us should expect and demand out of a Trump presidency.

You'd figure the election might have given them a clue that most of us don't give a damn what they think. You'd figure.

They aren't really talking to us, they are talking to those that have ZERO common sense and lack the ability to think for themselves. It's truly amazing how ignorant a LOT of libs are.
Obama says in the New Yorker article that I mentioned that the Dems saving grace is more minorities and fewer white people in the future.

Another reason why I hate the left. They cry about "dangerous rhetoric." Meanwhile leftist politicians and professors indoctrinate and radicalize people to hate whites and they're getting attacked and blamed for everything.

This is the same group who excuses Islam every step of the way, excuses black criminals and favors them over cops, tells a group that whites are oppressors and Trump is Hitler but they want to talk about dangerous rhetoric?

Gotta love the left's stupidity. They hate whites who were 88 percent of the nation a little over thirty years ago and want to import as many third world people to the west in order to destroy it.

The day that the left targets non-white majority countries about the importance of "diversity" maybe I'll listen to them then but for now, I see them as simply a group who will not be happy until they destroy this nation like they did Sweden.
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A snowflake just called into hannity(guest host)

Tiffany from Kentucky: trump says he wants to create more jobs. if theres more jobs, we will have more businesses....that will create more pollution!!!
I just trolled the Starbucks in our office bdg. Went up to the counter, ordered, she asked for the name and I said "Trump".

You could see the steam coming out her ears... it was delicious.

Order comes out, she names the drink. I walk up and ask for the name on the drink.

She says "Trump' without even looking up. I thought I heard her teeth grinding.

Damn this has been a great day!
I just trolled the Starbucks in our office bdg. Went up to the counter, ordered, she asked for the name and I said "Trump".

You could see the steam coming out her ears... it was delicious.

Order comes out, she names the drink. I walk up and ask for the name on the drink.

She says "Trump' without even looking up. I thought I heard her teeth grinding.

Damn this has been a great day!
Really showed her. Where the hell does she get off working at Starbucks?!?!
A bit off topic, but this is the first article I have seen take a stance on why Transgender has become so popular....could the APA be change their definition again?

Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), a condition in which able-bodied people believe they are meant to be disabled, and resort to desperate methods to remove arms, legs, make themselves intentionally blind, etc. are correctly encouraged not to do so. If one decides to remove reproductive organs you are a hero, a trailblazer, a protected class,a special flower.etc. SMH @ the lunacy of the left...
Not sure why you're rejoicing anyway because without the auto bailout you hated Obama for their would be no jobs to 'save'. Your idiot President wanted to let them go bankrupt.
They should have gone bankrupt. It is because of idiots like you who continue to all these people to squander everything knowing they will be bailed out. Capitalism lost out in these bailouts imo.
They should have gone bankrupt. It is because of idiots like you who continue to all these people to squander everything knowing they will be bailed out. Capitalism lost out in these bailouts imo.

they should have sued Obama for their right to enter bankruptcy. Not only the most corrupt thing the a US President ever did to industry, but done in a way - by Obama - to sensationalize it to the maximum extent - forcing those corporations to accept "loans" in amounts exceeding their own market capitals by multiples of 3 or 4, essentially "giving" to them the interest off 100+ billion dollars for whatever time period it was "re-designated" from the US Treasury" to the "borrower" . . . effectively the same thing as just writing a check to them for the amount required (the interest portion), much smaller dollar figures, amounts never brought to the attention of the American public, un-sensational as that would have been, unsupportive to the "too big to fail" narrative rammed down our throats and in our ears.
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Trump is considering General James Mattis for Secretary of Defense. Here are some quotes from him. #13 is my favorite

13. “You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling.”
"President-elect Trump should consider her for the position," said Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), whose district includes Trump Tower in Manhattan. She added that Clinton "would make an excellent Ambassador to the United Nations."

Clinton "will never stop working," Maloney said. "She will always make a difference and will always be a part of the dialogue in a positive way to advance the values of America."

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"President-elect Trump should consider her for the position," said Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), whose district includes Trump Tower in Manhattan. She added that Clinton "would make an excellent Ambassador to the United Nations."

Clinton "will never stop working," Maloney said. "She will always make a difference and will always be a part of the dialogue in a positive way to advance the values of America."

"President-elect Trump should consider her for the position," said Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), whose district includes Trump Tower in Manhattan. She added that Clinton "would make an excellent Ambassador to the United Nations."

Clinton "will never stop working," Maloney said. "She will always make a difference and will always be a part of the dialogue in a positive way to advance the values of America."
Hillary needs to be making license plates in Marion, Illinois. Pete Rose and Martha Stewart went to prison. Hillary ought to have it jacked up and slid underneath.

Wait..Marion is for males...whatever.
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I mean you can't have that out there as president of the US. Glad he did that, right or wrong.
How is this any different than when a bakery refuses to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual couple ? When this happens the government has levied such stiff finds against these bakeries that it bankrupts them. Lets see if they find this designer that refused to do business with Melania Trump. Lets get ready for the old double standard to rear its ugly head again. If anybody believes our hypocrite government will find this liberal ass designer. Then I've got a statue in New York harbor I would like to sell you.
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Trump is considering General James Mattis for Secretary of Defense. Here are some quotes from him. #13 is my favorite

13. “You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling.”

I'm all about having a tuff bad-ass for defense sec. and all but that quote there is just, you know . . . well . . okay, yes
I just trolled the Starbucks in our office bdg. Went up to the counter, ordered, she asked for the name and I said "Trump".

You could see the steam coming out her ears... it was delicious.

Order comes out, she names the drink. I walk up and ask for the name on the drink.

She says "Trump' without even looking up. I thought I heard her teeth grinding.

Damn this has been a great day!
She was suppressing the grin from spitting a huge loobie into your cup. She especially enjoyed your smug grin as you drank it whole.
For the love of GOD CNN please get Angela Rye off of television. I cannot in good conscience be in the same party and support the same side as that shallow race baiting dumbass.

CNN delivered more midwestern voters to the Trump campaign than all the political operatives, tv ads, and campaign events combined. They are just awful and Angela Rye is the crown jewel of that unbearably incompetent bunch.

Why don't they just lynch whitey live on television and get it over? They are totally driving this country into entrenched white vs black positions. Just horrible.
