How will they rule ??!

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Lol wow. The MSM can't even get this stuff right.

Still pretty positive Flynn will be in the cabinet

You idiots have all three Houses of Government and you've barely discussed a word about what actually needs to get done. It's all about how you feel slighted by the media or whatever. Bunch of SJW's. That's what all of you are.

oh yeah? well why don't you c'ck-smooches come up with at least one f'king idea with what this piece of sh't can do with the remaining 65 days he has left?
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We do know that his tax cuts will not help the average American that much, but will help corporations and the wealthy a great deal. All while continuing to balloon the deficit that is such a worry to Republicans. It would not shock me to see 2 and 3 trillion dollar deficits by year 3 or 4. After taking over a $300 billion deficit, down from over $1 trillion when Obama took over.

what a democrat calls budget deficit: failed to tax as much as intended
what a republican calls a budget deficit: when democrats overspend

what democrats call taxing more than budgeted: surplus
what republicans call a surplus: theft by democrats

what a democrats call something that can hopefully make people not pay attention to 11 trillion dollars of debt created by barry Obama: comparatively irrelevant discussion about budget and deficit

what republicans call something that can hopefully make people not pay attention to 11 trillion dollars of debt created by barry Obama: fantasy
You do know that I called a Trump victory back in August, September, and October. I also put my money where my mouth is with a bet with a buddy of mine...who unsurprisingly still hasn't paid up.

Just because I know he's a bigoted asshole without any idea of how to run this country(oh remember how Obama had no experience) doesn't mean I didn't think he was gonna win. I grew up in Eastern KY, lived in Florida and Texas, so I know how 'rural America' thinks. Evidently Trump does too. He knew exactly what buttons to push and what lies he could tell and get away with.

But right now I'm too busy laughing at the country for electing such a clown to care much about posting on what has become a board driven by hate speech and fake news. Maybe I'm too busy keeping my minority friends safe from the hatefulness from the bigots and racists who think they can now say and do whatever they please.

It's funny how much is forgotten in 8 years. Like how bent out of shape conservatives were that Obama won. Plenty of racist signs, talk about the end of the country, not my president, and not going to work with him. So, we're gonna see how Republicans like that treatment over the next 4 years.

He may not even make it 4 years. Sounds like he's already backing off or changing his mind on the policies that got him elected. This will continue as he's held different views on pretty much everything. His companies will make lots of money because his family will be on the inside profiting off of classified information that only a few people know. There will be no 'blind trust', which is the ultimate hypocrisy considering the cries over the Clinton Foundation. He has no core values except to make himself and his family wealthy. What he has shown is that his 'drain the swamp' talk is just that. Already getting the lobbyists and Wall Street bankers in line. His supporters of course, will just move the goalposts and say they knew all along he wasn't going to do this or that.

What we do know is that Republicans are hell bent on getting rid of Medicare and turning social security into more of a privatized 401k that will only make Wall Streeters that much richer.

We do know that his trade deals will only cause a trade war which will hurt American companies and workers. Forcing companies to stay in the US will only lead to either bankruptcy for these companies, or a much faster pace of companies replacing workers with automation. It's similar to the $15 minimum wage fight. Both events will lead to more, not less automation and fewer jobs.

We do know that his tax cuts will not help the average American that much, but will help corporations and the wealthy a great deal. All while continuing to balloon the deficit that is such a worry to Republicans. It would not shock me to see 2 and 3 trillion dollar deficits by year 3 or 4. After taking over a $300 billion deficit, down from over $1 trillion when Obama took over.

We do know that this will ultimately lead to higher interest rates, greater inflation, greater trade deficits, and less investment. But hey, at least you guys won. Come talk to me in a year or two and let's see where things are. Good luck with that whole 'racist in the white house' thing(Steve Bannon). Really, good luck.

Fortunately, like I said, I saw this coming a mile away so I'm prepared. Thanks for wondering where I've been though, that really means alot. I'm just fine though. America is f#$*ked though.

IF you saw Monk and Fox burning an American Flag on youtube would you still hope they hit a game winning shot for UK?
IF you saw Monk and Fox burning an American Flag on youtube would you still hope they hit a game winning shot for UK?

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying but I'd want nothing to do with the pair after something like that nor would I bother following the team if they pulled a stunt like that.

My interest in sports has really taken a hit because of how many terrible people are playing them and I don't think they're worth my time. I've already quit watching the NFL and NBA so what's one more?
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Best Ann Coulter in years.

The immediate reaction of most celebrities to Trump's victory was: "THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR MY TAKE ON THE ELECTION!”
Sorkin was especially irked that Trump was supported by white men who don't appreciate rap music. As proof that the end was near, he triumphantly reported: "The Dow futures dropped 700 points overnight."
You idiots have all three Houses of Government and you've barely discussed a word about what actually needs to get done. It's all about how you feel slighted by the media or whatever. Bunch of SJW's. That's what all of you are.
Translation: My team lost and I remain majorly butt-hurt.
Hillary looking rough these days

She looked rough last night. She said she had a hard time going to the event because she was so down about losing last week. She looked like she aged another 10 years. Funny stuff. The more the left weeps over their loss and does the things they are doing the more I am going to gloat about Trump's victory. Originally had no plans on doing it but the way these ass clowns have acted this past week leaves me no choice.

Just wait until he starts to activate his policies. These poor souls will have to start working.
She looked rough last night. She said she had a hard time going to the event because she was so down about losing last week. She looked like she aged another 10 years. Funny stuff. The more the left weeps over their loss and does the things they are doing the more I am going to gloat about Trump's victory. Originally had no plans on doing it but the way these ass clowns have acted this past week leaves me no choice.

Just wait until he starts to activate his policies. These poor souls will have to start working.

Prolly hungover as hell too.
I don't have many of the same political views as most of you, but when I got this email yesterday, the first thing I thought of were the guys in the Political Thread. I work at a University and have a Divisional meeting this morning. Here was the email sent out by the VP that is leading the meeting this morning (have at it):

Dear Colleagues,

I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Student Development Division meeting tomorrow at 9am in the 4th Floor program room. We will have a reflection and activity to process our campus’ reaction to the presidential election.
I don't have many of the same political views as most of you, but when I got this email yesterday, the first thing I thought of were the guys in the Political Thread. I work at a University and have a Divisional meeting this morning. Here was the email sent out by the VP that is leading the meeting this morning (have at it):

Dear Colleagues,

I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Student Development Division meeting tomorrow at 9am in the 4th Floor program room. We will have a reflection and activity to process our campus’ reaction to the presidential election.
I also received an alumni email from my university that was hosting a meeting designed to "process and talk openly about the election results in a safe, non-antagonistic environment".

They're actually inviting alumni back that are so triggered by the election they need to discuss it within the safe confines of cultural marxist institutions.
On Centre's Facebook page, the President issued a rather long winded statement about the election with the comment, "our nation will survive this." Along with some support, he also received quite a bit of backlash. I don't remember my college experience being so liberally minded. Maybe it wasn't back then, or maybe I just didn't realize the BS I was being fed.
Having to have to sign a 5 year pledge on not becoming a Lobbyist if you want to work in a Trump Administration once you leave.

Out-freaking-standing. I don't care what side you cheer for…that is good for all. Plenty more reforms I would like to see re: the lobbying sector. But that is a great start.

Would love to see him tackle campaign finance reform as well and also somehow manage to find a way to get term limits for senators on the ballot on a national scale where the public can vote on it.
On Centre's Facebook page, the President issued a rather long winded statement about the election with the comment, "our nation will survive this." Along with some support, he also received quite a bit of backlash. I don't remember my college experience being so liberally minded. Maybe it wasn't back then, or maybe I just didn't realize the BS I was being fed.

I sat next to John Roush (Centre's president) on a redeye flight from California to Atlanta about 6 years ago. We started talking and he quickly let me know who he was. I blasted him for tuition prices. He couldn't justify them at all.
On Centre's Facebook page, the President issued a rather long winded statement about the election with the comment, "our nation will survive this." Along with some support, he also received quite a bit of backlash. I don't remember my college experience being so liberally minded. Maybe it wasn't back then, or maybe I just didn't realize the BS I was being fed.
Depends on time and location. In the deep south, it was virtually non-existent thru the 90's, aside from the occasional activist group of 7 people passing out fliers to feed the kids in Ethiopia. To think that I used to actually fear Hare Krishna groups at airports...

Now, I'm more than sure that the southern schools were WAY behind the SJW learning curve in more progressive, northeastern and left coast states during the same span. But, I'm very thankful to be where I was when I was there, comparatively.

My wife, with the PharmD, wants to know how these "students" have time to protest 24/7. She claims to not have had time to wipe properly in undergrad and graduate school. I confess to not taking my education nearly as seriously, but still...
So with all the issues, this is at the top of your list after he won spending 1/3rd of what HRC spent?

Not at the top of my overall list…but its in the top 3 things concerning changing politics in DC. And that was the topic of discussion at hand. Because I think the entire political world needs a shake up concerning lobbying and donations and term limits…which are all intertwined.

Sure, Trump winning by spending less than Hillary is great. But I still think they BOTH spent too much. Trump still raised over $250 million. McCain actually spent less than Trump did back when he was the GOP nominee. But I was mad at him back then too. Because he and Obama had pledged to agree to a campaign finance cap during their primary campaigns. But then Obama found out how much he could raise…so when he won the Dem nomination...he flipped. And then McCain had a great opportunity to distinguish himself…but he flipped also. Maybe he could have won by sticking to his guns. maybe not. Still pissed me off.

Not to mention all of the excess money spent on the House and Senate races. Too much influence is generated through donations and lobbying. Make it about the issues…not about who can raise the most money. Take the money out of the game. Cap it.

  1. Major reforms on the lobbying sector.
  2. Term limits on senators.
  3. Campaign finance reform. Caps for all political races.
Again, obviously there are more important issues to tackle both globally and domestically speaking. But no reason these can't be on the table as well.
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