How will they rule ??!

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Just to recap:

Steve Bannon is unfit to be in a position because he is the editor of an openly right wing publication, which amounts to state run media.

Huma Abedin is a ok even though she has serious ties to hostile foreign states and sharia law

Also, apparently state run media was ok as long as it favors the dems, and hides it's leanings.
It's going to be a painful next four years (minimum) for many of you...painful.

Since Hillary is going to win, these conversations have become stale. What do people think the Republican party will become after this election? The electorate is no longer going to favor a Republican president.

If the Republican party in its current form survives, when do you think we will see a Republican president?

Wow, I can see why Albany is in hiding.
Just read the story and I am completely baffled by how the left supports and promotes Muslim immigration, yet also stands for women's rights...just no logic involved at all.
Because what the left is concerned about is securing the Muslim vote. These hypocrites on the left aren't concerned about women, just their votes.
Because what the left is concerned about is securing the Muslim vote. These hypocrites on the left aren't concerned about women, just their votes.

Just concerned about votes, period. No matter where they come from. They already know Americans reject them. That's why they have to import votes.
Still awaiting responses from: @cardkilla @~Keyser Soze~ on his "bigly" prediction where he was too bigly of a ♤♡££¥ to put a # on it and @AlbanyWildCat and his 4 touchdown lead that evaporated
You do know that I called a Trump victory back in August, September, and October. I also put my money where my mouth is with a bet with a buddy of mine...who unsurprisingly still hasn't paid up.

Just because I know he's a bigoted asshole without any idea of how to run this country(oh remember how Obama had no experience) doesn't mean I didn't think he was gonna win. I grew up in Eastern KY, lived in Florida and Texas, so I know how 'rural America' thinks. Evidently Trump does too. He knew exactly what buttons to push and what lies he could tell and get away with.

But right now I'm too busy laughing at the country for electing such a clown to care much about posting on what has become a board driven by hate speech and fake news. Maybe I'm too busy keeping my minority friends safe from the hatefulness from the bigots and racists who think they can now say and do whatever they please.

It's funny how much is forgotten in 8 years. Like how bent out of shape conservatives were that Obama won. Plenty of racist signs, talk about the end of the country, not my president, and not going to work with him. So, we're gonna see how Republicans like that treatment over the next 4 years.

He may not even make it 4 years. Sounds like he's already backing off or changing his mind on the policies that got him elected. This will continue as he's held different views on pretty much everything. His companies will make lots of money because his family will be on the inside profiting off of classified information that only a few people know. There will be no 'blind trust', which is the ultimate hypocrisy considering the cries over the Clinton Foundation. He has no core values except to make himself and his family wealthy. What he has shown is that his 'drain the swamp' talk is just that. Already getting the lobbyists and Wall Street bankers in line. His supporters of course, will just move the goalposts and say they knew all along he wasn't going to do this or that.

What we do know is that Republicans are hell bent on getting rid of Medicare and turning social security into more of a privatized 401k that will only make Wall Streeters that much richer.

We do know that his trade deals will only cause a trade war which will hurt American companies and workers. Forcing companies to stay in the US will only lead to either bankruptcy for these companies, or a much faster pace of companies replacing workers with automation. It's similar to the $15 minimum wage fight. Both events will lead to more, not less automation and fewer jobs.

We do know that his tax cuts will not help the average American that much, but will help corporations and the wealthy a great deal. All while continuing to balloon the deficit that is such a worry to Republicans. It would not shock me to see 2 and 3 trillion dollar deficits by year 3 or 4. After taking over a $300 billion deficit, down from over $1 trillion when Obama took over.

We do know that this will ultimately lead to higher interest rates, greater inflation, greater trade deficits, and less investment. But hey, at least you guys won. Come talk to me in a year or two and let's see where things are. Good luck with that whole 'racist in the white house' thing(Steve Bannon). Really, good luck.

Fortunately, like I said, I saw this coming a mile away so I'm prepared. Thanks for wondering where I've been though, that really means alot. I'm just fine though. America is f#$*ked though.
Cardkilla comes here and types up a thesis paper

While a lady in Haiti who was investigating Clinton's human trafficking is now dead.

Monica Petersen was in Haiti working for the Human Trafficking Center and also previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force.

She died a few days ago under suspicious circumstances. Her friends on Facebook are looking for answers. Several close friends have made mentions on various FB posts that friends and family have no clear understanding of what happened to Monica except that she died on Sunday.
all these people wanting to leave or hating the country now don't have to, they can just move to one of our sanctuary cities, right? so they can be together with all their barely vetted Syrian refugees, illegal immigrants, joined them with all the SJW's in places like downtown Chicago. they would all be together. it would be a merry place of peace and tranquility. gays and lesbians side by side with muslim sharia law practicing refugees, young hipster white liberal white guilters side by side with the large african american inner city population. it's their utopia, right? nothing would go wrong in a city with all the democrat party voting bloc living in one place, together, would it?
Telling ya'll now. Mark my words. Once the fire gets lit to the Clinton pedophilia ring.

You're gonna see the worst case of cognitive dissonance in the history of human kind.
You do know that I called a Trump victory back in August, September, and October. I also put my money where my mouth is with a bet with a buddy of mine...who unsurprisingly still hasn't paid up.

Just because I know he's a bigoted asshole without any idea of how to run this country(oh remember how Obama had no experience) doesn't mean I didn't think he was gonna win. I grew up in Eastern KY, lived in Florida and Texas, so I know how 'rural America' thinks. Evidently Trump does too. He knew exactly what buttons to push and what lies he could tell and get away with.

But right now I'm too busy laughing at the country for electing such a clown to care much about posting on what has become a board driven by hate speech and fake news. Maybe I'm too busy keeping my minority friends safe from the hatefulness from the bigots and racists who think they can now say and do whatever they please.

It's funny how much is forgotten in 8 years. Like how bent out of shape conservatives were that Obama won. Plenty of racist signs, talk about the end of the country, not my president, and not going to work with him. So, we're gonna see how Republicans like that treatment over the next 4 years.

He may not even make it 4 years. Sounds like he's already backing off or changing his mind on the policies that got him elected. This will continue as he's held different views on pretty much everything. His companies will make lots of money because his family will be on the inside profiting off of classified information that only a few people know. There will be no 'blind trust', which is the ultimate hypocrisy considering the cries over the Clinton Foundation. He has no core values except to make himself and his family wealthy. What he has shown is that his 'drain the swamp' talk is just that. Already getting the lobbyists and Wall Street bankers in line. His supporters of course, will just move the goalposts and say they knew all along he wasn't going to do this or that.

What we do know is that Republicans are hell bent on getting rid of Medicare and turning social security into more of a privatized 401k that will only make Wall Streeters that much richer.

We do know that his trade deals will only cause a trade war which will hurt American companies and workers. Forcing companies to stay in the US will only lead to either bankruptcy for these companies, or a much faster pace of companies replacing workers with automation. It's similar to the $15 minimum wage fight. Both events will lead to more, not less automation and fewer jobs.

We do know that his tax cuts will not help the average American that much, but will help corporations and the wealthy a great deal. All while continuing to balloon the deficit that is such a worry to Republicans. It would not shock me to see 2 and 3 trillion dollar deficits by year 3 or 4. After taking over a $300 billion deficit, down from over $1 trillion when Obama took over.

We do know that this will ultimately lead to higher interest rates, greater inflation, greater trade deficits, and less investment. But hey, at least you guys won. Come talk to me in a year or two and let's see where things are. Good luck with that whole 'racist in the white house' thing(Steve Bannon). Really, good luck.

Fortunately, like I said, I saw this coming a mile away so I'm prepared. Thanks for wondering where I've been though, that really means alot. I'm just fine though. America is f#$*ked though.


Please link true stories of actual trump supporters doing anything..

I can link about 1948280934 stories of you poor pathetic libtards getting violent all because of someones voting preference.
LOL@ Cardkilla.

Please be like your high school yearbook and never change. Always be you.

I guess I know now why Cardkilla always gets me irritated. I was having transference. He reminds me of my very liberal sister. I mean they could be identical.

You have one of those sisters too? My sis works for buzz feed in NYC, she will barely speak to me now.
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Pentagon, DoD working on fully autonomous robots who can kill on their own; i.e., killer robots.

Maybe Gutfeld isn't so paranoid after all.
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Cardkilla comes here and types up a thesis paper

While a lady in Haiti who was investigating Clinton's human trafficking is now dead.

Monica Petersen was in Haiti working for the Human Trafficking Center and also previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force.

She died a few days ago under suspicious circumstances. Her friends on Facebook are looking for answers. Several close friends have made mentions on various FB posts that friends and family have no clear understanding of what happened to Monica except that she died on Sunday.
conspiracy theories and spreading fake email chains, sounds about right. You'd think the Clintons are the head of the Illuminati or something the way you guys talk. The same woman who is incapable of being President and can't set up a decent email server, has this worldwide operation that goes undetected and can pull off assassinations at will. Yup, right up there with the fake moon landing or 9/11. Keep on showing the insanity. The deductive reasoning of the group is breathtaking. Might wanna cut back on the meth.
conspiracy theories and spreading fake email chains, sounds about right. You'd think the Clintons are the head of the Illuminati or something the way you guys talk. The same woman who is incapable of being President and can't set up a decent email server, has this worldwide operation that goes undetected and can pull off assassinations at will. Yup, right up there with the fake moon landing or 9/11. Keep on showing the insanity. The deductive reasoning of the group is breathtaking. Might wanna cut back on the meth.

It's no conspiracy theory. It's getting investigated. Those emails weren't fraudulently made up. It's not photoshopped. Those emails are tying in a lot of loose ends on some of these pedophilia cases.
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Please link true stories of actual trump supporters doing anything..

I can link about 1948280934 stories of you poor pathetic libtards getting violent all because of someones voting preference.
Aww yes, the ole, if I don't agree with it, it must be false.
I guess the FBI reporting hate crimes increasing over the past year is not enough. Or NYC reporting a 50% increase in hate crimes. Or the black vet being treated like a thief by a Trump supporter because, well, he's black, and blacks always lie and stuff. Do you really think libtard is some kind of burn? What are you 5? Note the irony of you talking about someone getting violent because of their voting preference, yet you basically do the same thing.
Cardkilla: "When I get my news, I go to a news source that tells me what I want to hear."

Cardkilla googles "violent Trump protesters" and grabs the first CNN, Yahoo, Huff Po link that suits his validation.

Yahoo news isn't real news.
After taking over a $300 billion deficit

Updated Budget Projections: 2016 to 2026
March 24, 2016

CBO projects a $534 billion deficit in fiscal year 2016, about $100 billion more than in 2015. If current laws generally remained unchanged, the deficit would increase from 2.9 percent to 4.9 percent of GDP over the next decade.

And this was the closest thing to the truth is your Ed Schultish ramblings. What a loser.
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Just a couple days ago Trump said on national tv that the Clintons were "good people" so I wish you folks would stop undermining him before he even gets into office.
Pretty clear to me at this point that the Republicans are hell bent on sabotaging Trump before he even gets started. I think he's going to have to work with the Democrats if he wants to get anything done. Mitch is already sabotaging his badly needed infrastructure deal. Best go back to his roots and channel his inner liberal which is his true north anyway.
Aww yes, the ole, if I don't agree with it, it must be false.
I guess the FBI reporting hate crimes increasing over the past year is not enough. Or NYC reporting a 50% increase in hate crimes. Or the black vet being treated like a thief by a Trump supporter because, well, he's black, and blacks always lie and stuff. Do you really think libtard is some kind of burn? What are you 5? Note the irony of you talking about someone getting violent because of their voting preference, yet you basically do the same thing.

Apparently you cant read.

Please link one story about someone being subjected to violence that has been proven.. hell even a police report. There are more terrorists getting chsrged with making up a false report then actual events.

Ill wait. And pro trump graffiti? Are you effing kidding me? You really are a blind sheep, girl. You POS's are out burning diwn buildings and you link an article where half of them were pro trump graffiti?
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If you were president or loser of election or loser of rigged primary . . . wouldn't you be on every TV station loudly condemning the violence and protests of a fair election? Seriously wtf are they doing? I guess we aren't even going to pretend we have a country anymore.
If you're wearing a safety pin, check in by liking this post.

I need to know who stands with us (in overt wussification).
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It is apparently suicidal to wear any Trump-related campaign attire.
Yeah, depending on where one lives it's getting dangerous. Only a matter of time before someone shoots one of them. It's probably a good thing it's mostly happening in liberal areas.

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