How will they rule ??!

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The new star attraction at a Chinese zoo. Drawing huge crowds.


As a straight white upper middle class handsome fit white male*, I never understood why we can't call ugly people ugly or fat people fat.

*Based on the tweets above, it seems we now have to identify race, sexual persuasion and socioeconomic standing?
As an older straight lower middle class leather or grizzled faced (not hansom) almost fit mixed (Scottish, Irish, Cherokee) male, I could'nt care less what they think if I call them ugly.
When bankruptcies increase X6.
Nope, if that happens it will be Obama's fault. You guys blamed Bush all the way up to now. Obama's America is just about to shine through completely when we stop printing money, raise interest rates, Obama Care takes total hold, refugee bill comes due (still coming in) illegal (criminals) bill comes due, etc....bad times are coming and you can blame Obama for it.
Man, all I have to say is that if I were back in college I would be taking full advantage of all of this SJW on-campus nonsense. I would be skipping classes, weaseling out of mid-term exams…you name it. Now, I wouldn't go to a single rally or "cry-in" or "group primal scream"…but I would most definitely retreat to the "safe-space" of my bed for some extra zzzzzz's.

Book that.
Can someone pinpoint exactly when this insanity of SJWs started and got wider known and gained ability to control college admins and PC speech codes?

This is less than a decade old, right?
Man, all I have to say is that if I were back in college I would be taking full advantage of all of this SJW on-campus nonsense. I would be skipping classes, weaseling out of mid-term exams…you name it. Now, I wouldn't go to a single rally or "cry-in" or "group primal scream"…but I would most definitely retreat to the "safe-space" of my bed for some extra zzzzzz's.

Book that.

That made me wonder...why don't we see any protest from the students who are their to learn, and instead are seeing their money wasted because of the cry babies?
Can someone pinpoint exactly when this insanity of SJWs started and got wider known and gained ability to control college admins and PC speech codes?

This is less than a decade old, right?

Started January 2009. Full steam ahead by January 10

the movement began a little before that tho. Obummer was just a consequence, similar to trump. Except obummer was a consequence of politicall correctness and the liberal elite telling everyone what to do. Trump was a consequence of 8 years of seeing what that did to America.
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Can someone pinpoint exactly when this insanity of SJWs started and got wider known and gained ability to control college admins and PC speech codes?

This is less than a decade old, right?
Try the Frankfurt School of Thought during WW2. It's just taken decades of prosyletization and festering to reach the mainstream now.
Interesting article on the Clinton campaign....

In politics, much like anything else, victory has a thousand fathers and defeat is an orphan.

"The more universal explanation, however, was that the data that informed many of the strategic decisions was simply wrong. A campaign that is given a game plan that strongly points to success shouldn’t be expected to rip it up.

“We all were blinded, and even at the end, we were blinded by our own set of biases,” said Paul Maslin, a Madison-based Democratic operative and pollster."
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Second, there's as many liberal fake news stories as conservative.

hmmm . . . just, no . . And where is there proof? did they bother to even describe the content of these alleged "fake" stories? Of course not. Did they say something like "there was a fake story that the democrats were attempting to use illegal voters?" no. Or did they say something like "there was a fake story that Hillary Clinton staff may have provided or even sold classified information to foreign entities?" no . . . what they are doing creating a post-election narrative, on the basis of pre-existing denials, to merely state that any and all forms of anti-HRC vetting - on facebook - was based on "fake stories". eff them all. pathetic losers.
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Interesting article on the Clinton campaign....

In politics, much like anything else, victory has a thousand fathers and defeat is an orphan.

"The more universal explanation, however, was that the data that informed many of the strategic decisions was simply wrong. A campaign that is given a game plan that strongly points to success shouldn’t be expected to rip it up.

“We all were blinded, and even at the end, we were blinded by our own set of biases,” said Paul Maslin, a Madison-based Democratic operative and pollster."
They didn't understand the truth that O'bama was elected because he was black, not because he was a democrat. We told them for months that blacks weren't going to get off the couch to vote for a rich white woman like they did for the social experiment.
Remember, CNN said 93 yr old Henry Kissinger is a finalist for SOS.
I saw that lol. He apparently did meet with him, but there's no way he will make Trumps cabinet.

The media must just assume that everyone who is walking into Trumps tower are meeting for Cabinet positions.

More are, but I doubt 100% of them are. Some are probably just going there to congratulate Trump on winning, and offering support.
Next we will see stories of how Trump is considering Obama as a finalist for DHS or some shit.