How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I agree. I can't find it now but would you repost that chart that showed how the Democratic party gained all those seats in State and Federal government under O'bama? That's a pretty good gauge of his success.
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Comey's at it again!

According to the organization's analysis, anti-black, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim incidents were the most common. Harassment targeting women and the LGBTQ community as well as incidents involving Nazi symbolism were also highly reported, the SPLC reports. These findings are consistent with those reported by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
He's just trying to counter the reality of all the savages rioting in the streets over a free & fair election, trashing their own cities, sending police to the hospital & lynching Trump supporters.
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He's just trying to counter the reality of all the savages rioting in the streets over a free & fair election, trashing their own cities, sending police to the hospital & lynching Trump supporters.

When Trump gets into office, January 20th, I am going to rape so many gay lesbian hispanic muslims. You just wait. January 20th it all begins.
Taking a break from bashing white men I see.



oh, is that what I did? [roll][roll]
When Trump gets into office, January 20th, I am going to rape so many gay lesbian hispanic muslims. You just wait. January 20th it all begins.

I already got two Muslims locked up in my woodshed. Waiting for ice to answer my phone call.

Mr. Mexico on the street Conor is already packing his drugs up.
Illegal crashed into woman and then raped her in a ditch.

Also, a Kansas girl was raped by an illegal in September after he was deported ten times, I believe.

That's pretty hardcore. Wreck and then rape the person you wrecked into?

Gotta admit. That's a first.
Has Obama or Clinton told the nuts in the streets to go home?

Just a terrible thing that's happening. The "Progressives" are undoing 230 years of peaceful transition. They could give a shit about law and they are now out in the open about it. Setting a horrendous precedent for how you react after elections. No shame at all and no leadership from any of them, period. Who is the grown-up that leads them?

What is going on in the streets jeopardizes democracy WAYYY more than a blowhard like Trump ever could.
I limit my conversation with young people these days. I don't need to give these Snowflakes any conversation that will turn me into a bigot.

Me: "So how are you?"
Snowflake: "You racist bigot! Did you just try to assume my mood for today?"
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Has Obama or Clinton told the nuts in the streets to go home?.

This. and if the shoe was on the other foot (outgoing republican administration doing nothing to control the chaos), what would the clear and immediate conclusions be? Particularly if given the ANYTHING similar to these uninterrupted tight associations and additional innuendo, George Soros et al? Indeed, the conclusion would be they want it, they are instructed to let it happen, make it happen, do nothing to stop it . . . the desired order from THIS chaos. And so what is President Obama's approach? Silence and Indifference.

Obama IS President of the United States . . Today . . NOW. Right now . . . he could end this chaos with a few words, just like his words enabled the votes from millions of illegals, and is largely responsible for it.

As the great Martin Luther King once taught, it is not only bad behavior and harmful words that will be judged, but silence and indifference, and you never have to go far to see it . . . in a big White House . . . on a message board. examples beyond your imagination.

“It may well be that we will have to repent in this generation. Not merely for the vitriolic words and the violent actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people . . ." MLK

Even recently here, you see tremendous effort given to debating the merits of persons Trump will appoint, but for their silence and indifference to the reckless and immoral persons appointed by Obama, Doctor Martin Luther King would agree they have no right to gauge the merit of a single bloody booger they may blow from their right nostril, as for those clean one's that they devoured silently and indifferently from their left.
I don't watch CNN (no one does) but saw a lot of tweets that CNN reported Tom Cotton will be Secretary of Defense.

Just realized somehow I just typed this in italics. Oops.

So no one else is going to admit that Bush is front row?

I think Trump is trolling with chit chatter over worst case scenario possible cabinet people to keep these idiots protesting so that when he gets in finally he can arrest these wasted youth.

No doubt the NAACP came after Carson to not associate with Trump. Bad spot for a good dude. Hope he does offer advice every time America calls!