How will they rule ??!

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Yes, disgusting comments by elected officials. Now lets talk about those peaceful protest that have been going on for almost a week now. You know the ones, burning houses down, blocking roads that result in ambulances not getting where they need to be, pulling people from cars and beating them. That stuff is OK though, right?
Fired, 11/14/2016.

Apparently Hillary was drunk and extremely combative on election night. lol

If there were ever a tape that should be leaked, it should be one from Hillary on election night. She is notorious for her freakouts and you know with how entitled she was, that the claims of her attacking her camp, needing to be restrained and sedated are probably totally true.

There's only two possibilities of why she didn't come out that night and give a concession speech.

1. She was totally devastated and unhinged and probably medicated to calm her down so coming out was impossible.

2. She didn't write a concession speech because the possibility of losing never entered her mind.

Or all of the above, I suppose.
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If there were ever a tape that should be leaked, it should be one from Hillary on election night. She is notorious for her freakouts and you know with how entitled she was, that the claims of her attacking her camp, needing to be restrained and sedated are probably totally true.

There's only two possibilities of why she didn't come out that night and give a concession speech.

1. She was totally devastated and unhinged and probably medicated to calm her down so coming out was impossible.

2. She didn't write a concession speech because the possibility of losing never entered her mind.

Or all of the above, I suppose.
She's also notorious for being a cokefiend. Apparently Hilldawg is not too chipper when she's out of yay.
man ben carson is crazy....

apparently: "Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency." Right. Him running for *PRESIDENT* certainly wouldn't have suffered from his lack of government experience. I used to think he was smart because he was a doctor. Now I am rethinking that. This sounds more like he doesn't want a second place secretaryship.
I honestly thought a lot of the media outlets would take a step back and do some soul searching given the way they blew this election.

Nope. They've doubled down on what's made them a laughing stock in the first place.
Under "an amazing thing I should have expected".....

So, for many - who think like me anyway - the media this cycle crossed a Rubicon. They just quit the pretend neutrality, and came out swinging openly for Hillary and against DT. The NYTimes gave everyone permission to do that in that early column about how when the stakes are this high and there's a risk of electing a superfiendmenace you can't afford to be objective, blah blah blah. Just totally out in the open. I've posted before about my daily WashPost update, which typically had 5 or 6 cartoonish, Onion-sounding anti-Trump stories, with an occasional Hillary human interest angle about how she loves the children or whatever.

So, that's the context I thought we were operating in. Which would make your presumption a valid starting place: in light of all that, do they revert to prior course, or are we past all that and this is just the way it's going to be from now on? I have been somewhat astonished by the wailing from the left that the media is to blame for Trump's election because they didn't cover him hard enough. "He is Hitler and you should not have dicked around you should have just come out and said it, he is Hitler!!!!!" Followed by ear-splitting caterwauling about "false equivalence!!!"

So, that is the context. The left - which includes the media so who do you think they'll listen to? - is not telling them they were biased against Trump but rather that they were too easy on him. Which means that's The Truth.

And to that, all I have to say is heh.
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Basically, if Trump wants to actually succeed (whatever that means to his supporters), he needs to stay focused. He can't let all of his crew start initiating their pet projects or Congress will turn on him in a heartbeat. I don't agree with his economic policy, but that needs to be all he does. Don't worry about pot. Don't worry about gay marriage or trans bathrooms. Don't worry about "law and order". Just repeal Obamacare, appoint an originalist SCOTUS nominee, and negotiate trade deals or whatever. I'm afraid, however, Trump will just let his cabinet run things and we'll end up with a mess of contradictory regulations added on to the shitty Obama ones
This more or less is what I have thought is the biggest risk to derail a Trump presidency (believe it or not, I am not convinced he's going to round up Mexican and Muslim children and put them into concentration camps in Arizona. Could be wrong.).

He now sits atop a vast and excruciatingly complex thing. Most of the constituencies that can impact the administration of all that are institutionally left-leaning. Which means even if you come to DC with a coherent, feel it in your bones kind of philosophy about governance and what the "right" thing to do is in any given's hard, because you are being pulled in every direction (especially to the left!). Which is a main reason why conservatives are left to grumble when a President or Congressman or Senator or Supreme Court justice fails to live up to earlier stated conservative positions and intentions. The whole damn town pulls you to the left.

But for someone who doesn't have a well thought out political could very quickly devolve into a swirling mess, all over the place. Being disciplined and staying focused.....will be a challenge......
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At least 40 Democrats have endorsed Ellison for DNC Chair. Full radicalization almost complete.

Not a surprise. The left have went full on radical at this point. It's basically, "Hey, let's see how many anti-American and brainwashed radicals we can get on here."

Their side will include
- Elitist whites who use minorities to do their bidding
- Brainwashed and angry blacks and Hispanics
- The third world who are only here for the entitlements and don't care about our nation
- The SJW crybabies
- Muslims
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The Oath of Enlistment (for enlistees):

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The Oath of Office (for officers):
"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance tot he same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God."

I've taken the oath, as I am sure a few others on here have. Just wanting to get some thoughts and opinions from others. When is a threat a threat? Is trying to turn our Republic into a socialist shithole not a threat to the constitution?
I'd like to see both oaths tweeked to make sure that treasonous dirtbags like the Clinton's, Soros, and others can't get their way, not on this American soil anyway.
They need to take their shit to Germany or France where they will be welcomed with open arms.
"I am going to bring down the United States by funding black hate groups.

We'll put them into a mental trap, and make them blame white people

The black community is the easiest to manipulate"

George Soros, SEP, 2014

I like this's a "The more you know" kinda thing.

George Soros worked for Hitler killing his own people "Jews".

Please remind a progressive of where their money comes from, and who the real racist are.