How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I limit my conversation with young people these days. I don't need to give these Snowflakes any conversation that will turn me into a bigot.

Me: "So how are you?"
Snowflake: "You racist bigot! Did you just try to assume my mood for today?"
This is so close to the truth that it is not funny.
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Not necessarily crazy about Mitch Albom, but this is good:

"Why, after getting this whole election so colossally wrong, after misreading voters, misinterpreting polls, misjudging what people thought and how seriously Americans took certain words and actions — why do we rush right back out and declare, with such certainty, what’s going to happen next?

Are we in the media even listening to ourselves? Are we learning from our mistakes? Or are we so bent on making memorable statements, on being on what we think is the “right side of history,” that we threaten to mold that actual history before it even happens?

Someone once said of the new president, “I am scared that if (he) gets into office, we are going to see more of the Ku Klux Klan and a resurgence of the Nazi Party.”

Perhaps you’re nodding in agreement? You’re saying, “Yes, Trump will do that!”

Except the person who said it was Coretta Scott King, in 1980, and the man she was talking about was Ronald Reagan.

History didn’t begin yesterday. And unpopular presidents are not new.

So can we all slow down? Please?"
So no one else is going to admit that Bush is front row?

I think Trump is trolling with chit chatter over worst case scenario possible cabinet people to keep these idiots protesting so that when he gets in finally he can arrest these wasted youth.

yeah . . . I'll admit it . . . though I was shy about pointing that out . . . worried that somebody might note that he looks like a chimpanzee again, get themselves banned - you know, moral ground we take for not allowing our presidents and their families to be "mischaracterized". Noble policy. Noble policy.

And yes. Donald is doing that. Stringing along these protests by hinting about what he may or may not do, hinting around about who he may or may not do it with . . . everything is on him now. Literally, if Obama spends his final days in the WH jerking off in like a monkey in a tree it is because Donald Trump willed it.

here's where I got that from . . .
All lobbyists have been removed from Trump's transition team.

Love this quote from Chief Lizzy Warren

"[Americans] do not want corporate executives to be the ones who are calling the shots in Washington," Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren said earlier Tuesday. "What Donald Trump is doing is that he's putting together a transition team that's full of lobbyists — the kind of people he actually ran against," she said."

This is one stupid bitch. Really Lizzy? Your whole PARTY IS ONE BIG GD LOBBYIST FIRM. How about you clean up your own hourse before commenting on others.
Ted Cruz as AG would be better than Ted Cruz for SCOTUS. And would be better than his other AG candidates
The hosts asked about the Capernik issue.

Nothing new for those of us that follow UK.
All lobbyists have been removed from Trump's transition team.

Love this quote from Chief Lizzy Warren

"[Americans] do not want corporate executives to be the ones who are calling the shots in Washington," Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren said earlier Tuesday. "What Donald Trump is doing is that he's putting together a transition team that's full of lobbyists — the kind of people he actually ran against," she said."

This is one stupid bitch. Really Lizzy? Your whole PARTY IS ONE BIG GD LOBBYIST FIRM. How about you clean up your own hourse before commenting on others.

As some one who was anti-Trump (and anti-Clinton), I like this move a lot. America has to get past the differences and not everyone is a monster. If someone does something good, then good. This seems like a good thing.