How will they rule ??!

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Boy, you've got mean pinned. You clearly pay attention.

Predicting an election result is the same thing as looking at statements and track records? Again, you really have this thing figured out

I've seen enough of your post in this thread to know you should be a commentator for CNN. That's all I'm sayin. Sorry for the name calling. :beer:
I've seen enough of your post in this thread to know you should be a commentator for CNN. That's all I'm sayin. Sorry for the name calling. :beer:
CNN, bastion of libertarianism and limited government. I can't go five minutes watching it without someone blabbing on about cutting the budget, lowering taxes, deregulating huge swaths of the economy, decriminalizing victimless acts, shoring up property rights, absolutism on the 1st and 2nd Amendments (and really all of them).

Yep, I'd fit right in.
Is that not exactly what trump campaigned on? He never once mentioned pot. He pretty much focused only on our non-existent immigration laws, or laws we have chosen not to enforce for whatever reasons. That's all he talked about.

Good grief.
Just a little off there hoss, he did mention pot. He was asked about it and he said he would leave that up to the states.
CNN, bastion of libertarianism and limited government. I can't go five minutes watching it without someone blabbing on about cutting the budget, lowering taxes, deregulating huge swaths of the economy, decriminalizing victimless acts, shoring up property rights, absolutism on the 1st and 2nd Amendments (and really all of them).

Yep, I'd fit right in.

Then my apologies. :cheers2:

I have you confused with someone else.
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So your entire arguments is based off an Assumption that goes against what Trump and those around him have said.
For everything Trump has said, you can find him saying damn near the exact opposite. I'm not saying it's likely he goes one way or another. I'm saying there is no way to tell and my fear is that it goes the way I mentioned. Like I said, appointing someone like Christie or Rudy COULD be an indication of what path he takes.

If Hillary won and was choosing between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren for Secretary of Commerce would you not assume that was designed to implement a certain strategy? Or at least play to a certain crowd. Even if she made comments attacking Bernie's economic ideas previously?
For everything Trump has said, you can find him saying damn near the exact opposite. I'm not saying it's likely he goes one way or another. I'm saying there is no way to tell and my fear is that it goes the way I mentioned. Like I said, appointing someone like Christie or Rudy COULD be an indication of what path he takes.

If Hillary won and was choosing between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren for Secretary of Commerce would you not assume that was designed to implement a certain strategy? Or at least play to a certain crowd. Even if she made comments attacking Bernie's economic ideas previously?

Talk is he is pretty pissed at Christie because of the bridgegate drama. It's looking more and more like Rudy is going to be SoS rather than AG.

I get what you're saying and agree when it comes to that group of people. Maybe I am naive and want/hope things will be different. I just have this feeling that this time, change will actually be real and positive for the majority of Americans. I will take our new P.O.T.U.S.and his staffs word until the prove otherwise.
what would that do to the Democratic Party?

The following is not related to any specific issue but as a general reference to Trump's Presidency. For the past 20 years we've grown accustomed to basing every decision on what is best for "X" party. It's an assumption, not a consideration.

This may be naive, but.....Trump is more of an outsider than anyone in the past 30 years. He has his own wealth and does not seem to be defined by his political standing. He took less money and would seem to be less beholden to powerful third party entities. He fought the Dems, he was up against the media and even his own party didn't full support him.

My hope is that he simply brushes aside political party considerations and forces decisions through based on what's best for the country. Not on what's going to influence any particular party, but what really should be done. Probably naive, but one can always hope.
The following is not related to any specific issue but as a general reference to Trump's Presidency. For the past 20 years we've grown accustomed to basing every decision on what is best for "X" party. It's an assumption, not a consideration.

This may be naive, but.....Trump is more of an outsider than anyone in the past 30 years. He has his own wealth and does not seem to be defined by his political standing. He took less money and would seem to be less beholden to powerful third party entities. He fought the Dems, he was up against the media and even his own party didn't full support him.

My hope is that he simply brushes aside political party considerations and forces decisions through based on what's best for the country. Not on what's going to influence any particular party, but what really should be done. Probably naive, but one can always hope.

I'm right there with ya. I hope that is how things play out. I guess my question was more about the parties and the people and less about the Trump administration.

If he were able to boost the economy, create REAL jobs, and ease racial tension...wouldn't that all have a negative affect on the Democratic party? He could possibly take a way a lot of their base if he could do those things. All they would have left to run on is abortion and guns.
.wouldn't that all have a negative affect on the Democratic party? He could possibly take a way a lot of their base if he could do those things. All they would have left to run on is abortion and guns.

Think about what you posted.....right back to the old party win/lose scenario. (I'm not taking issue, just pointing out how ingrained party politics are with everyone.)
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Think about what you posted.....right back to the old party win/lose scenario. (I'm not taking issue, just pointing out how ingrained party politics are with everyone.)

Yes, but it's real. I'm not saying it right, but it's how things are. You have a room full of liberal elitist meeting in D.C. for the next several days planning their next move. Currently they have a lot of talking points and things that can sway voters. If things play out right, Trump can take away a lot of those talking points. Hell, maybe he can completely change politics, but I think that's a stretch. We just need him to pull a lot of voters away from the progressive side.
We just need him to pull a lot of voters away from the progressive side.

I don't want Trump or his administration to spend one second worrying about how a decision is going to sway or pull voters. I hope they look at every decision based on what's right for this country. Period.

WAY too many decisions have been made on what's best for one party or the other. F' that line of thinking. (And once again, I'm sure this line of thought is very naive and way too hopeful.)
I'm not sure I'm a fan of rudy as sos. Prefer him as homeland security.

I agree there's a real chance of a legit assassination attempt on trump. Too many with way too much to lose if he starts making good on the anti corruption promises.
If Trump gets assassinated we get Mike Pence.

That would make the LGBT folks heads explode.
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Think about what you posted.....right back to the old party win/lose scenario. (I'm not taking issue, just pointing out how ingrained party politics are with everyone.)
I knew what you were saying and I agree with it. I'm tired of being a spectator in the Rep vs Dem political game.
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Going to tough on the next President with Obama still living in the DC area Looking over and criticizing with the help of the Press, every decision that is made by Trump.
How many on here said when Obama was elected, he's not my President?
Most Presidents in the past have not been critical of the next administration when they leave office. Pretty much an unwritten rule did your job...let them do their's.
you are talking former Republican Presidents not Democrats.
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so Obama is staying in the DC area? lol Not surprised at all. It's his own personal Utopia.

But I do see him being that shitty gossip neighbor that won't STFU about other people's business.
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Of course Obama is going to stay in Washington. Foreign dictators, large banks, billionaires, etc. aren't going to be paying for his "eloquent speeches" if he get's out of the power and influence game.