How will they rule ??!

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I don't believe in a lot of the conspiracies during this last race. Except this one. That ain't Hillary.
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:clap: irony perfection

POLITICOVerified account‏@politico
Depending how Bannon shapes it, Breitbart could become the closest thing we've had to a state-run media enterprise

I honestly thought a lot of the media outlets would take a step back and do some soul searching given the way they blew this election.

Nope. They've doubled down on what's made them a laughing stock in the first place.
[laughing] They see me rollin'.

Just watched a clip of Samantha Bee insulting Ben Carson, and it made me think about the Double Standard: African-Americans who support Trump are fair game for ridicule and derision, are labeled sellouts, Uncle Toms, traitors by other AA's. Whites who supported Obama, however...

Hold that thought! RACISM! WHITELASH!
:clap: irony perfection

POLITICOVerified account‏@politico
Depending how Bannon shapes it, Breitbart could become the closest thing we've had to a state-run media enterprise

Perfect irony considering the wikileaks verified that Politico was bending at the knee for Hillary.

Wonder what Politico thinks about these "unbiased networks"





New York Times

Washington Post


Daily Beast






Couple of thoughts:

- Sessions joining Trump's administration has been a given for a long time now. He has been Donald's most loyal supporter in Congress. That said, part of me would love to see ole Mitch booted as Senate leader and Sessions take over.

- I would prefer Rudy as AG but I can live with him being SOS.

- Laura Ingraham being Press Secretary would give me great joy. Besides being very smart and capable of doing the job better than the others before her, she is not bad on the eyes. I would actually watch WH press conferences just because of her. Just maybe she will start putting some of these liberal media clowns in their place.

- I am completely on board with taking government assistance away from any protestor who is arrested. You think that would thin the herd a bit??

- I am not opposed to a drone accidentally dropping a bomb on George Soros.

- I give it a 75% chance that if Trump starts to "Drain the Swamp" there will be an assassination attempt. Too many very wealthy and powerful people whose territory is being threatened. So many scumbags involved it would be hard to pinpoint who would be behind it. My guess is a collective group.

- Not really thrilled with Trump wanting his kids to have security clearance. The one thing I worried about with him was any conflict of interest with his business. If his kids have any part of the administration they must be completely removed from the Trump Organization. I guarantee the media is going to pay very close attention to it and any sign of impropriety will be all over the news unlike Clinton's criminal activity.
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I'm not sure I'm a fan of rudy as sos. Prefer him as homeland security.

I agree there's a real chance of a legit assassination attempt on trump. Too many with way too much to lose if he starts making good on the anti corruption promises.
I think the chances he actually "Drains the Swamp" are pretty low, given how much he played the game in NYC/NY state politics.

Trump would be wise not to put an anti-pot zealot like Christie or Rudy in as AG. If he wants to be serious about "crime" wasting millions of dollars raiding legal pot stores in places it is legal I could see a considerable backlash.

Basically, if Trump wants to actually succeed (whatever that means to his supporters), he needs to stay focused. He can't let all of his crew start initiating their pet projects or Congress will turn on him in a heartbeat. I don't agree with his economic policy, but that needs to be all he does. Don't worry about pot. Don't worry about gay marriage or trans bathrooms. Don't worry about "law and order". Just repeal Obamacare, appoint an originalist SCOTUS nominee, and negotiate trade deals or whatever. I'm afraid, however, Trump will just let his cabinet run things and we'll end up with a mess of contradictory regulations added on to the shitty Obama ones
Well, that gives a lot of context. Is that agreement? Disagreement? I'm not making any point on the headline other than to point out that "God-Emperor" is a common term online among the self-proclaimed (and HRC proclaimed?) "deplorables." Here

From 2001-2008 there were 2 busts - one from the 1960s and a loaner from the UK. Great Britain requested the loaner back (it was loaned for Bush's first term, then extended to his second when he was reelected, and then Blair was gone). Stories are not that clear, but apparently Obama replaced that loaner hole with a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. And apparently Trump is considering moving ... a bust (an article I read implied it would be the one from the 1960s) to the Oval Office. And that's already far more than I care to know about what bust goes where in the WH (again, busts going places in the WH should be a much more interesting story). Frankly, I don't understand why this was ever a story at all.
Seems to me that it had to be explained to President Obama who the bust even was.
Redo NAFTA (Canada and Mexico already on-board)
TPP needs to either be re-written and negotiated or just left for dead
SCOTUS is the big one that always goes unnoticed by the general population.
crackdown on criminal illegals
kill ALL executive orders written by Obama
loosen regulations
Re-write the tax code
Lower corporate tax rates

Plenty he can and will do with the help of a very qualified cabinet not appointed by Citi Bank.
I think the chances he actually "Drains the Swamp" are pretty low, given how much he played the game in NYC/NY state politics.

Trump would be wise not to put an anti-pot zealot like Christie or Rudy in as AG. If he wants to be serious about "crime" wasting millions of dollars raiding legal pot stores in places it is legal I could see a considerable backlash.

Basically, if Trump wants to actually succeed (whatever that means to his supporters), he needs to stay focused. He can't let all of his crew start initiating their pet projects or Congress will turn on him in a heartbeat. I don't agree with his economic policy, but that needs to be all he does. Don't worry about pot. Don't worry about gay marriage or trans bathrooms. Don't worry about "law and order". Just repeal Obamacare, appoint an originalist SCOTUS nominee, and negotiate trade deals or whatever. I'm afraid, however, Trump will just let his cabinet run things and we'll end up with a mess of contradictory regulations added on to the shitty Obama ones

Yea wtf is law and order anyway?
Great airtime for the mayors of those cities, but wonder what will be the citizen's reaction when they get flooded with refugees coming in from Syria? Might be good for a short term soundbite, but will come back to haunt them in the next election.
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I know all about The_Donald. I frequent there, sometimes even join in all the fun. I'm laughing at the fact the media & people such as yourself take that group so literally, seriously, & try to act like they're some kind of threat.

[eyeroll] FFS, I just pointed out to the many (probably most) that do not frequent The_Donald what "God-Emperor" means in context. But whatever helps you finish in your socks, sure, go ahead and project.
Great airtime for the mayors of those cities, but wonder what will be the citizen's reaction when they get flooded with refugees coming in from Syria? Might be good for a short term soundbite, but will come back to haunt them in the next election.
Going to be interesting to see how a President Trump reacts. Cut off funding. Trump is taking about going after criminals first. Surely these Mayors aren't talking about protecting these sob's are they?
Is that not exactly what trump campaigned on? He never once mentioned pot. He pretty much focused only on our non-existent immigration laws, or laws we have chosen not to enforce for whatever reasons. That's all he talked about.

Good grief.
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Not spending millions of dollars busting people for things that don't affect others and focusing on things that actually disturb society for starters.

That's a cute definition. How about you put down your weed for five minutes and listen. He is not coming after your precious herb.

Illegal immigration affects all of us and that will be a big priority. Heroin is an issue, along with several other narcotics making their way into our cities and schools.

The marijuana battle is all but over and marijuana has won, so calm the fck down and ease up on the paranoia.
Is that not exactly what trump campaigned on? He never once mentioned pot. He pretty much focused only on our non-existent immigration laws, or laws we have chosen not to enforce for whatever reasons. That's all he talked about.

Good grief.

Heavy pot smokers stay in a perpetual state of paranoia.

Yet smoking it has no ill side affects. lol
Is that not exactly what trump campaigned on? He never once mentioned pot. He pretty much focused only on our non-existent immigration laws, or laws we have chosen not to enforce for whatever reasons. That's all he talked about.

Good grief.
If you could read you would understand I mentioned the fear that he would appoint Sessions, Christie, or Rudy to the position and that Trump would be hands off. If that is the case, those 3 have giant boners for the Drug War. I didn't say Trump would make it a priority, I said he would let his Cabinet focus on their pet projects; of which his main AG candidates all seem to be busting pot smokers
That's a cute definition. How about you put down your weed for five minutes and listen. He is not coming after your precious herb.

Illegal immigration affects all of us and that will be a big priority. Heroin is an issue, along with several other narcotics making their way into our cities and schools.

The marijuana battle is all but over and marijuana has won, so calm the fck down and ease up on the paranoia.
Haven't smoked in years. Again, read what I wrote. It's about Rudy or Christie getting control of the AG office and using it for their pet projects. Trump probably doesn't care one or another, it's that he might just let them do whatever they want.

And, for the record, Obama has sucked on this account so it's not like I'm afraid it will get worse, exactly. Just that it would be symptomatic of Trump not focusing on what got him elected and allowing his inner circle to dictate the agenda for the administration.

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If you could read you would understand I mentioned the fear that he would appoint Sessions, Christie, or Rudy to the position and that Trump would be hands off. If that is the case, those 3 have giant boners for the Drug War. I didn't say Trump would make it a priority, I said he would let his Cabinet focus on their pet projects; of which his main AG candidates all seem to be busting pot smokers

No offense, but you also said HRC would be President. So listening to a liberal talk about what a Trump presidency will be like is...well, it's being insane.

Marijuana is not a drug, so it's all good. Right?
Half the damn nation is making pot money. And you really think a business man like trump is gonna let somebody stop that.

I guess you've read that somewhere. I could see that story getting a lot of hits.
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No offense, but you also said HRC would be President. So listening to a liberal talk about what a Trump presidency will be like is...well, it's being insane.

Marijuana is not a drug, so it's all good. Right?

Boy, you've got mean pinned. You clearly pay attention.

Predicting an election result is the same thing as looking at statements and track records? Again, you really have this thing figured out
Haven't smoked in years. Again, read what I wrote. It's about Rudy or Christie getting control of the AG office and using it for their pet projects. Trump probably doesn't care one or another, it's that he might just let them do whatever they want.

And, for the record, Obama has sucked on this account so it's not like I'm afraid it will get worse, exactly. Just that it would be symptomatic of Trump not focusing on what got him elected and allowing his inner circle to dictate the agenda for the administration.

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So your entire arguments is based off an Assumption that goes against what Trump and those around him have said.

Not directed completely at your, but I bet it scares the sh!t out of progressives and liberal puss!es that Trump could actually improve the economy, and get stuff done in a civil manner, hell he could do more for race relations than a Black President did...what would that do to the Democratic Party?