How will they rule ??!

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CatBC! How could I have forgotten that dude?! All anger and hostility at whitey. Like cardkilla with a lethal dose of roid rage. Fairly easy money he's got multiple kills since Tuesday.
For a while there I was pretty confident we'd all have to give depositions in a 2nd degree murder or aggravated manslaughter case between he and Wildcatadam....
Albany now spends his day sitting on his bed all crossed legged, staring aimlessly into his dresser mirror for hours upon hours wondering where it all went wrong. Never truly getting to the answer, but always on a never ending path with no direction. Gotta be tough for him.
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Trumps team was meeting with Jeff Sessions today. Would be thrilled if the Trump administration adds him.
Probably 1/21/17

I hear this talk about Obama being do helpful with the transmission, and the Clinton's are great people, via trump, and Donald has no idea what he's supposed to do as president, who he's supposed to hire...

It's a gd trap. He's going to unknowingly overstep his bounds before he becomes president and Barry will pre-impeach him.

pre-impeachment . . . that's a good one.
Via Politico....forget he was out campaigning about continuing his work.

Obama: Election wasn't about me

11/14/16 09:29 PM EST

Sure, the Democrats suffered crushing losses last week, President Barack Obama acknowledged Monday.

But, he argued, it wasn’t any sort of repudiation of his party leadership or presidency.

Given his expertise, Obama said he regretted that he hadn’t done more to help elect more Democrats — over the course of his presidency, his party has lost ground at virtually every level, from statehouses to Congress to the White House -- but there was only so much he could do.

“Look, one of the challenges that I’ve discovered being president is I’d like to be organizer-in-chief, but it’s hard,” Obama said. “You got Syria, and you got NATO, and you have summit meetings and economic issues that you have to deal with on ongoing basis. You try to get legislation done.”

Obama did work hard this to get out the vote for Clinton and Democrats, even taking the unusual step of endorsing more than 150 down-ballot candidates. And he gave his loyalists the hard sell, warning the Congressional Black Caucus in September that it would he would take personally an “insult to my legacy” if African Americans didn’t turn out.

On Monday, for one of his top strategists at least, that was merely another sign of Obama’s exceptionalism.

“The Obama coalition,” David Plouffe said on the OFA call, was simply that: “the Obama coalition. And not all parts of it were as committed to showing up every time."
what would all these kids of today do if instead of crying over lost elections and running to safe spaces because someone hurt their feelings, they had to do what kids from the 50s up through the 80s in school had to do, instead of . . . .
fire drills, we had incoming nuclear bomb drills where we would hide under our desks and pretend that old piece of wood would stop a nuclear blast from incinerating us? talk about a trigger. well they would probably not be a big bag of fu#@ing pu$$ies.

whew . . you almost gave me a panic attack for this new generation. For a second there I thought you were going to suggest all those menial after school jobs we had to do back in the day . . . you know, the ones they got all these Mexicans for now?
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Well, that gives a lot of context. Is that agreement? Disagreement? I'm not making any point on the headline other than to point out that "God-Emperor" is a common term online among the self-proclaimed (and HRC proclaimed?) "deplorables." Here

So Great Britain wanted the loaner back, and now their sending another loaner? Or did Obama decide it was time to send it back?

Story could be completely accurate, but it seems a bit contrived.

From 2001-2008 there were 2 busts - one from the 1960s and a loaner from the UK. Great Britain requested the loaner back (it was loaned for Bush's first term, then extended to his second when he was reelected, and then Blair was gone). Stories are not that clear, but apparently Obama replaced that loaner hole with a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. And apparently Trump is considering moving ... a bust (an article I read implied it would be the one from the 1960s) to the Oval Office. And that's already far more than I care to know about what bust goes where in the WH (again, busts going places in the WH should be a much more interesting story). Frankly, I don't understand why this was ever a story at all.
whew . . you almost gave me a panic attack for this new generation. For a second there I thought you were going to suggest all those menial after school jobs we had to do back in the day . . . you know, the ones they got all these Mexicans for now?

LMAO.. baby steps. i wouldn't expect these kids to have to learn to live under real life threats and work. i mean, psst.
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LMAO.. baby steps. i wouldn't expect these kids to have to learn to live under real life threats and work. i mean, psst.

Thanks for clarifying . . . needed that . . . I mean, just earlier today I had been comforted by the sight of an older couple raking leaves in front of the warm glow of a living room window with a big screen TV and teenagers inside working hard at whatever its called . . . playstation, xbox.
From 2001-2008 there were 2 busts - one from the 1960s and a loaner from the UK. Great Britain requested the loaner back (it was loaned for Bush's first term, then extended to his second when he was reelected, and then Blair was gone). Stories are not that clear, but apparently Obama replaced that loaner hole with a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. And apparently Trump is considering moving ... a bust (an article I read implied it would be the one from the 1960s) to the Oval Office. And that's already far more than I care to know about what bust goes where in the WH (again, busts going places in the WH should be a much more interesting story). Frankly, I don't understand why this was ever a story at all.

Not sure what sort of discussion you're having, but on a slightly related note, I learned earlier today that, in Albania, a large, bronze bust monument to Hillary Clinton was erected sometime earlier this year. Maybe this was mainstream news at the time and I missed it. Not going to link anything. But it's out there. An unflattering effigy, imo.
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Well, that gives a lot of context. Is that agreement? Disagreement? I'm not making any point on the headline other than to point out that "God-Emperor" is a common term online among the self-proclaimed (and HRC proclaimed?) "deplorables." Here
I know all about The_Donald. I frequent there, sometimes even join in all the fun. I'm laughing at the fact the media & people such as yourself take that group so literally, seriously, & try to act like they're some kind of threat.
I know all about The_Donald. I frequent there, sometimes even join in all the fun. I'm laughing at the fact the media & people such as yourself take that group so literally, seriously, & try to act like they're some kind of threat.
Well, these are the same people who think Pepe is a white nationalist symbol.
Man if bigblue79 spent as much time investigating fake claims of white terrorists as he does defending every slight against obummer....
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