How will they rule ??!

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The NEA, which represents teachers across the U.S., proposed during its annual meeting to erase the word mother from contracts to be more inclusive to the LGBT community,

"Using this contract language, members need not worry about how a board of education/solicitor defines ‘maternity leave,’ ‘mother' and/or ‘father’; the language is an inclusive reflection of how LGBTQIA+ members build families," the proposed resolution said.
People have the right to peaceful protest and freedom of speech. I draw the line when their freedom of movement is restricted or violence is threatened and/or takes place.
Kinda like what the right wing nuts are doing to Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney.
Video proof? Or did the voices tell you this too? Anything like kavanaughs house?

You know protesting outside a judges house is a federal crime. And your boy, china (manchurian) joe, ignored it.
The NEA, which represents teachers across the U.S., proposed during its annual meeting to erase the word mother from contracts to be more inclusive to the LGBT community,

"Using this contract language, members need not worry about how a board of education/solicitor defines ‘maternity leave,’ ‘mother' and/or ‘father’; the language is an inclusive reflection of how LGBTQIA+ members build families," the proposed resolution said.
"Public" school has become groomerville.
Video proof? Or did the voices tell you this too? Anything like kavanaughs house?

You know protesting outside a judges house is a federal crime. And your boy, china (manchurian) joe, ignored it.
I actually agree with you on this. I think people's homes should be off limits to protests generally speaking. Not fair to their families and neighbors.
Yeah, the 10-year old rape story was just a bit too contrived and convenient for at least part of it not to be complete fiction. As the red flag post pointed out, how are the authorities not involved with the rape of a 10-year old and in the midst of a manhunt? The 'source' for the alleged story is a screaming, Far Left, abortion clinic doctor - I mean who wouldn't trust her to be truthful? She's made a name for herself as a rabid, pro-abortion proponent and, as we've seen in other instances, some of these radicals are not above doing literally anything to get their way.

BTW, for the record, I'm pro choice but I'm also for restrictions on abortions. Not 100% ban and not unlimited elective abortions but somewhere in the early stages of 2nd trimester would be acceptable to me. I'm very conservative on fiscal issues, defense, crime but less so on social issues: abortion, gay marriage, social safety net, etc. If that makes me a RINO, so be it. I believe there are a lot of Americans who don't believe lockstep with a political party on every issue. Personally, I avoid people who are all 1s or all 0s on every single issue. My experience has been that those people won't ever listen to the other side and consider another's viewpoint. Life's too short to deal with Far Left or Far Right crazies. I'm happy to float back and forth in the middle on the issues. Life is a lot of gray, not black and white.
Speaking of 10....That's about how many gun deaths per year occur in a country with about half the population of the U.S.
But guns don't kill people right?
Dude, you say “look in the mirror before throwing stones” and the next line is you throwing a boulder. 🤦‍♂️
Wow you really are this dumb. I’ve explained it twice already. Maybe third time’s the charm? I looked in the mirror. No idiots to be found. Hence I’m safe to cast that particular stone wherever I deem appropriate. No hypocrisy present.
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It is either fake news or HIPPA. Can't say for sure at this point. It is most likely hard to get detailed info due to trying to protect the child's name and info.
If it was a legitimate story the Attorney General of the State it occurred would be investigating and would have an arrest by now. It is not hard to determine who raped a 10 year old because few men have access to a girl that age. The 10 year old can probably identify the person.

So who was the man and what happened to him. I am assuming it was a man and not a woman who thinks she is a man. This story stinks to high heaven and has so many holes only a moron like Biden would get up before the world and repeat it.
If it was a legitimate story the Attorney General of the State it occurred would be investigating and would have an arrest by now. It is not hard to determine who raped a 10 year old because few men have access to a girl that age. The 10 year old can probably identify the person.

So who was the man and what happened to him. I am assuming it was a man and not a woman who thinks she is a man. This story stinks to high heaven and has so many holes only a moron like Biden would get up before the world and repeat it.
Even if untrue it is a possibility. That said, the story should be verified before using in a speech imo. Biden and Harris aren't the brightest bulbs.
Killing babies is of paramount importance to the Dems.
This abortion debate wouldn't even be an issue if the Republican Party still believed in the separation of church and state and had not become bent on fascist control over women's bodies.
These are the kinds of crazy azz speeches Republicans are making today....scary as hell.
"Today Christians... stand at the head of this country... I pledge that I never will tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity... We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theater, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past few years!" (Not Bobert's quote)
Oooohhh foul and graphic language?¿ that is just like kavanaughs atyempted murder. Probably foul language from more chicago maga. Keep trying, groomer

Liddle crying Adam had people call and leave those messages. It’s all a show and the only people that buy that load of baloney are Liberals. They seem to like Lez Cheney and liddle crying Adam
Oooohhh foul and graphic language?¿ that is just like kavanaughs atyempted murder. Probably foul language from more chicago maga. Keep trying, groomer
You asked for a link to the death threats, I linked them. Enjoy losing. It's the only thing you're good at.
Speaking of 10....That's about how many gun deaths per year occur in a country with about half the population of the U.S.
But guns don't kill people right?
There are several factors more significant to this number than citizen gun ownership. But liberals don’t want to talk about any of those.
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There are several factors more significant to this number than citizen gun ownership. But liberals don’t want to talk about any of those.
They have very stringent background checks, psychological exams, and doctor approval needed. They can still get a gun but they aren't just handed out like candy to mentally ill teens like here in America.
Must be nice knowing you can go just about anywhere in Japan without getting your head blown off.
But it's so important to have our AR15s here so we can mow down children and broken down refrigerators.....right?