Yeah, the 10-year old rape story was just a bit too contrived and convenient for at least part of it not to be complete fiction. As the red flag post pointed out, how are the authorities not involved with the rape of a 10-year old and in the midst of a manhunt? The 'source' for the alleged story is a screaming, Far Left, abortion clinic doctor - I mean who wouldn't trust her to be truthful? She's made a name for herself as a rabid, pro-abortion proponent and, as we've seen in other instances, some of these radicals are not above doing literally anything to get their way.
BTW, for the record, I'm pro choice but I'm also for restrictions on abortions. Not 100% ban and not unlimited elective abortions but somewhere in the early stages of 2nd trimester would be acceptable to me. I'm very conservative on fiscal issues, defense, crime but less so on social issues: abortion, gay marriage, social safety net, etc. If that makes me a RINO, so be it. I believe there are a lot of Americans who don't believe lockstep with a political party on every issue. Personally, I avoid people who are all 1s or all 0s on every single issue. My experience has been that those people won't ever listen to the other side and consider another's viewpoint. Life's too short to deal with Far Left or Far Right crazies. I'm happy to float back and forth in the middle on the issues. Life is a lot of gray, not black and white.