The liberals on here are fine with this.
The liberals on here are fine with this.
Empathy? I would take the rapist and find the nearest live oak tree and hang them from the highest limb. Anyone raping a 10 year old needs to be put to death.Everything I said went completely over your head. Incapable of putting yourself in another person's shoes and having an ounce of empathy for a 10 year old rape victim is obviously not in your emotional tool kit.
You are still good w murdering innocent children. I still have not seem you comdemn rape and or incest.Evil is forcing a 10 year old girl to have her rapist's baby. Nothing evil on my part taking up for her rights.
Saying "she got her abortion so the law is fine" completely overlooks the fact that there are many who will not have that option.
If you don't think Republicans will make those same rules the law of the land if they get control of the Congress and/or Presidency then you are dumber than you espouse me to be.
I appreciate the fact you and I agree on some things despite you calling me evil. My grandson snoozing on my couch begs to differ.
And then they completely dismiss the evil that happens every day.Love how libs jump to the most extreme case imaginable like it happens everyday.
How far along in the process are you okay with a 10-year old aborting her baby? Full term?Evil is forcing a 10 year old girl to have her rapist's baby. Nothing evil on my part taking up for her rights.
Jameslee doesn't see anything wrong with this. Its age appropriate stripping and sexualizing.
Deuteronomy 22:5The kids should be taken out of the establishment then lock and chain the doors and set the place on fire 🍺
It is a daily clown show with this man. He represents the lunacy of liberals all over America.
That is a very good question. Liberals have gone from a position of abortion should be safe and rare to kill it in the birth canal and if it survives kill it then.How far along in the process are you okay with a 10-year old aborting her baby? Full term?
Abortion?Imagine if he had free access to the murder machines we have.
And then they completely dismiss the evil that happens every day.
A mental disorder is showing obsession over a small percentage of a problem and blowing out of proportion until that is all you have left. That is you and it is the main trait of a mental disorder. You epitomize the Karen movement today. Congrats! You are following your leaders to the letter.A mental disorder is voting for lunatics that pass laws forcing 10 year old children to carry and give birth to their rapist's baby. Disgusting!!!!!!!
No way. It should be 15 weeks max....unless the mother's life is in danger. I'm just opposed to mandatory birth of rape and incest babies with no exceptions.How far along in the process are you okay with a 10-year old aborting her baby? Full term?
It's not an obsession. It is the current law. It is actually affecting people as we argue this point.A mental disorder is showing obsession over a small percentage of a problem and blowing out of proportion until that is all you have left. That is you and it is the main trait of a mental disorder. You epitomize the Karen movement today. Congrats! You are following your leaders to the letter.
I've got no problem with protesting as long as they don't resort to violence.
He was having a 21 second stroke 🍺
I think it foolish to criticize someone for saying Roe was unconstitutional. Explain how it was constitutional? Because that is what the dissent and the concurrence of the judgment could not do. So, can you do what they could not?Why are you still sticking your nose into this issue? You made a right fool of yourself calling Roe v Wade an “unconstitutional law” multiple times in multiple posts. I’m surprised you’re still willing to blather after displaying such ignorance on the topic.
Biological imperative. Prove that homosexual sex is a biological imperative. Because if you call someone a judgmental prude, but cannot back up your position, that makes you a judgmental fool. Right?Why do you care? Sex is a natural part of human existence. In fact it's probably the most fundamental biological imperative. As natural as breathing. Quit being such an annoying judgmental prude.
“(Repeat the line)”
I give Snopes credit here. It would not confirm, because it could not confirm.LOL! Turns out @sambowieshin story was FAKE NEWS. Lolololol this is what happens when you have an admin that governs by twitter.
Lol dude will believe ANY talking point
I am absolutely opposed to abortion on demand at any time of pregnancy. So are the vast majority of Dems in America.And then they completely dismiss the evil that happens every day.
I am personally opposed to abortion as just a means of birth control. But I do realize there should be exceptions like rape/incest/mother's health that should be considered regarding abortion. I also think rapists and child molesters should be made eligible for the death penalty and/or life in prison.You are still good w murdering innocent children. I still have not seem you comdemn rape and or incest.
How sympathetic would you be if the press Secretary was hounded by protestors in a restaurant or outside of a restaurant after that response?
It is either fake news or HIPPA. Can't say for sure at this point. It is most likely hard to get detailed info due to trying to protect the child's name and info.LOL! Turns out @sambowieshin story was FAKE NEWS. Lolololol this is what happens when you have an admin that governs by twitter.
Lol dude will believe ANY talking point
Nope. The pope is. Total unbridled authority.Biden, the highest political elected Catholic in the world, is pushing his love for abortion and is totally unprepared for the destruction coming his way in November
Jesus is King. Every knee will bow. Every knee.Nope. The pope is. Total unbridled authority.
False. You are so far gone with obsession you can't see the problem.It's not an obsession. It is the current law. It is actually affecting people as we argue this point.
It is whacked out extremist government overreach impacting women across America.
Yet you support a government and political party that is trying to tell everyone how to live and what to do.I am absolutely opposed to abortion on demand at any time of pregnancy. So are the vast majority of Dems in America.
I am personally opposed to abortion as just a means of birth control. But I do realize there should be exceptions like rape/incest/mother's health that should be considered regarding abortion. I also think rapists and child molesters should be made eligible for the death penalty and/or life in prison.
I am not God. I am not Jesus. The Bible that I follow says nothing specifically about abortion but does specifically tell me not to judge others' for their sins for I will be judged as well.
I also think the Constitution makes it fairly clear that the government does not have the right to stick it's nose in my personal business.....The 14th Amendment guarantees "Equal protection under the law". So if you are ok with the government controlling what goes on in a woman's doctors office....You need to get ready to provide all your medical records and surgeries to the government as well. Equal protection right????
1) It's HIPAA.It is either fake news or HIPPA. Can't say for sure at this point. It is most likely hard to get detailed info due to trying to protect the child's name and info.
You broke your own argument legally and morally lol. Lesser point first, 14th amendment, equal protection, then that protection should cover the unique DNA that has literally done nothing wrong?I am absolutely opposed to abortion on demand at any time of pregnancy. So are the vast majority of Dems in America.
I am personally opposed to abortion as just a means of birth control. But I do realize there should be exceptions like rape/incest/mother's health that should be considered regarding abortion. I also think rapists and child molesters should be made eligible for the death penalty and/or life in prison.
I am not God. I am not Jesus. The Bible that I follow says nothing specifically about abortion but does specifically tell me not to judge others' for their sins for I will be judged as well.
I also think the Constitution makes it fairly clear that the government does not have the right to stick it's nose in my personal business.....The 14th Amendment guarantees "Equal protection under the law". So if you are ok with the government controlling what goes on in a woman's doctors office....You need to get ready to provide all your medical records and surgeries to the government as well. Equal protection right????