How will they rule ??!

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I think it foolish to criticize someone for saying Roe was unconstitutional. Explain how it was constitutional? Because that is what the dissent and the concurrence of the judgment could not do. So, can you do what they could not?

When the Court fabricates a constitutional right out of whole cloth, how is that constitutional?

Was referring to these posts where he demonstrated his complete lack of knowledge on the subject. He thought Roe was a law the Supreme Court deemed unconstitutional. None of which is how it worked.

It goes back to the states to decide how to handle...thats democracy. It's simple, Roe was terrible law that's not constitutional. So since you are unfamiliar with how govt works, the senate can make a better law and pass it. Do I need to back up...tell me where you are lost.

Let me lay this out for you. We'll start from step 1: There are 3 branches of government.

The judicial branch does not care about your feelings, they do not care about the majority or the minority..thats all irrelevant to their purpose. As much as democrats think it's a political mechanism to push through what they favor its not. If laws are bad or good it's irrelevant. Good/popular laws can be unconstitutional and bad laws can be constitutional. Their job is to apply laws to the constitution. They arent here to make policy, they wrent to decide an issue, they aret here to decide whats right or wrong. Let me know where the confusion is?

It just so happens Roe is unconstitutional, but it's also terrible law. Again, you have to remove your feelings and look at it from a legal standpoint. But to your point...the democrats have deeply abused the law for financial gain. Thats why the keep pushing for more and more abortions, later and later, there is no care about rights. If they would have just said 13 weeks unless it's life threatening or some circumstance it wouldve probably been left alone. Again, democrats blocked over the counter birth that not a right to you? It always amazes me that anytime R's do something it's because of a lobby or something but when it's a democrat, ppl just assume it's because it's altruistic and they have such a big heart. Lol you think chuck schumer cares if you shit a baby in a dumpster? the judicial branch kicks it back to the ppl, who used their right to vote, so states can decide. That's called hate that now insurrectionists?

Now, step 2. Good news for you. Theres a process thats built in! There's this thing called the legislative branch. It's their job to make bills. Since Roe is unconstitutional, they can make a bill, pass it, then send it to the third branch, called the executive branch, who van send it back to the judicial branch. Extra good news for you: democrats control both of these! There's nothing or no one saying that an abortion law can't be constitutional...Roe just happens NOT to be. So ppl getting "rights" taken away is nonsense...they have the right but one party isn't interested in reasonable and common sense (you not interested in that talking point anymore?) Your legislative branch is keeping them from this "right".

Abortion hasn't been banned...are you under the impression the scotus is a monarchy over you?
Biological imperative. Prove that homosexual sex is a biological imperative. Because if you call someone a judgmental prude, but cannot back up your position, that makes you a judgmental fool. Right?
Orgasms feel good. We're all biologically programmed that way. Or are you broken?
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Was referring to these posts where he demonstrated his complete lack of knowledge on the subject. He thought Roe was a law the Supreme Court deemed unconstitutional. None of which is how it worked.
Yet, it’s not wrong to say the Court explained that Roe was not constitutional law. The Judiciary acting like a super legislature IS unconstitutional.
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Orgasms feel good. We're all biologically programmed that way. Or are you broken?
Orgasms are not “imperative.” Procreation is arguably imperative. Orgasms are not. Orgasms feel good. They are not vitally important. Getting nutritional nourishment and absorbing nutrients are imperative. Pooping and peeing are imperative. Breathing, as you said. Orgasms? Not so much. Of those I mentioned, I will let you take away one. We all know which one you will remove if living is imperative.
Orgasms are not “imperative.” Procreation is arguably imperative. Orgasms are not. Orgasms feel good. They are not vitally important. Getting nutritional nourishment and absorbing nutrients are imperative. Pooping and peeing are imperative. Breathing, as you said. Orgasms? Not so much. Of those I mentioned, I will let you take away one. We all know which one you will remove if living is imperative.
You're breaking your own standard. Procreation is not "vitally important" like " nutritional nourishment and absorbing nutrients", "Pooping and peeing", and "Breathing".
So the fallback option to prevent pregnancy is abortion? False.

You are a special kind of stupid...

That's not what I said, reading comprehension is your friend. Also, that's exactly what the morning after pill does.

Maybe look in the mirror before hurling stones.

You broke your own argument legally and morally lol. Lesser point first, 14th amendment, equal protection, then that protection should cover the unique DNA that has literally done nothing wrong?

More important, the real Bible has made this clear. Saying this overly simple bc i dont have references in front of me and im not wasting even more time right now (and several others on here will articulate 1000x better than me) :. thou shalt not murder, before i formed you in the womb, i knew you. Those 2 together speak to the humanity of every single one of us and we are commanded not to murder others. There are other, better references as well. Your judge not lest ye be judged teference is weakly rediculous. If someone breaks in your car and steals it, youre okay with that (judge not!!). That is one of the most misunderstood passages. You prob think money is the root of all evil too.

Look, i tried to find common ground multiple times and im done.

You get the last word.
This is the problem with your..."Just go to another state if you can't do it here" rationale....

Disgusting. I truly believe we will see one of the conservative justices or a member of his or her family get hurt or killed. Liberals literally put on social media where Amy Coney Barrett goes to church every day and where her kids go to school.

Because they are all racist who believe black people should think the way they tell them to think...they call Clarence Thomas the n-word (looking at you Canuck) and Uncle Tom...Uncle Clarence. Him and his wife RV around the country, seriously worried about his safety.

Protests outside Kavanaugh's house. A guy went there to kill him, not a word from Biden against that. I understand political hatred, I have grown to hate the left...but if people were outside Sotomayor's house I would be against it and I would expect a President regardless of party to say it was wrong.
You're breaking your own standard. Procreation is not "vitally important" like " nutritional nourishment and absorbing nutrients", "Pooping and peeing", and "Breathing".

Really? 🤦‍♂️

Let’s begin by admitting you were wrong and cannot prove otherwise.

With that given, you are wrong again. You said “biological imperative.”

On the individual level, the items I listed are each independently a biological imperative.

On the species level, procreation is imperative.

I may have broken records, but did not break any standards. I love the standards.
Yeah, the 10-year old rape story was just a bit too contrived and convenient for at least part of it not to be complete fiction. As the red flag post pointed out, how are the authorities not involved with the rape of a 10-year old and in the midst of a manhunt? The 'source' for the alleged story is a screaming, Far Left, abortion clinic doctor - I mean who wouldn't trust her to be truthful? She's made a name for herself as a rabid, pro-abortion proponent and, as we've seen in other instances, some of these radicals are not above doing literally anything to get their way.

BTW, for the record, I'm pro choice but I'm also for restrictions on abortions. Not 100% ban and not unlimited elective abortions but somewhere in the early stages of 2nd trimester would be acceptable to me. I'm very conservative on fiscal issues, defense, crime but less so on social issues: abortion, gay marriage, social safety net, etc. If that makes me a RINO, so be it. I believe there are a lot of Americans who don't believe lockstep with a political party on every issue. Personally, I avoid people who are all 1s or all 0s on every single issue. My experience has been that those people won't ever listen to the other side and consider another's viewpoint. Life's too short to deal with Far Left or Far Right crazies. I'm happy to float back and forth in the middle on the issues. Life is a lot of gray, not black and white.
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Really? 🤦‍♂️

Let’s begin by admitting you were wrong and cannot prove otherwise.

With that given, you are wrong again. You said “biological imperative.”

On the individual level, the items I listed are each independently a biological imperative.

On the species level, procreation is imperative.

I may have broken records, but did not break any standards. I love the standards.
Releasing genetic information is a biological imperative. We're all driven to do so from the time we come of age. It doesn't matter whether that happens to be into a fertile receptacle, a Kleenex, or your mom. We're all incentivized to do so.
That's not what I said, reading comprehension is your friend. Also, that's exactly what the morning after pill does.

Maybe look in the mirror before hurling stones.


You jealous cause i have friends? Haha ... touchy.

Btw, the morning after pill destroys unique HUMAN dna, which you do not care about. Science is my friend too, And it is what you said. Groomer
Releasing genetic information is a biological imperative. We're all driven to do so from the time we come of age. It doesn't matter whether that happens to be into a fertile receptacle, a Kleenex, or your mom. We're all incentivized to do so.

No. Wrong again.

Many things are incentivized, but few are imperative.

And, whatever is incentivizing you to orgasm into your mother needs to stop. Now.
Disgusting. I truly believe we will see one of the conservative justices or a member of his or her family get hurt or killed. Liberals literally put on social media where Amy Coney Barrett goes to church every day and where her kids go to school.

Because they are all racist who believe black people should think the way they tell them to think...they call Clarence Thomas the n-word (looking at you Canuck) and Uncle Tom...Uncle Clarence. Him and his wife RV around the country, seriously worried about his safety.

Protests outside Kavanaugh's house. A guy went there to kill him, not a word from Biden against that. I understand political hatred, I have grown to hate the left...but if people were outside Sotomayor's house I would be against it and I would expect a President regardless of party to say it was wrong.
People have the right to peaceful protest and freedom of speech. I draw the line when their freedom of movement is restricted or violence is threatened and/or takes place.
Kinda like what the right wing nuts are doing to Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney.