How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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It is pathetic but it is Seattle and that is what people out there want and vote for. So if you are a Christian you might want to think twice about moving there or living there.

If it were me in that city I would rent the first U Haul available and hit the road. Just turn it over to them

I've mentioned before that the step-daughter lives in Seattle. She's left of center...but probably looked on as a conservative out there. She's your typical college educated, suburban mom, nose in the air, spends tons of money on 'name' clothing, etc. A couple of years ago they were here for about 2-3 months when they totally shut down Seattle at the start of Covid. Her little girl, about 7 at the time, asked me one day what was wrong being gay. Said it was fine....that they just loved each other. Where does a 7 year old hear that crap. From Mom (don't think so but maybe), Dad (doubt it he's more on the conservative side but not total), little friends and/or friend's parents, school? Kids in that atmosphere don't have much of a chance unless their parents are strong christian conservatives.

Flashpoint showed a video the other night of the 'pride' parade in Seattle the other day. A homosexual group of men were all riding bikes totally naked. People cheering with their little kids. Sick all the way around.
Did you miss the part where bezos thinks long term. he isnt a short-sighted idiot like most Americans. He knew that if he hemorrhaged cash for a few years he could dominate the market, bleed competition dry, and then swim in mountains of cash. And his plan couldn't have worked out more perfectly. Anyone that invested in his vision is absolutely filthy rich now. His space ventures are behind Musk ATM but I'm sure he'll catch up and dominate that market as well. Bezos understands how to plan a decade out with honest projections.
For those of you who are always backing the blue, do you back this? A lot of cops are straight up assholes and will be the stormtroopers for the communist regime.
Much like I've told a lot of people since the summer of '20 who are/were happy about all the police who were quitting their departments in these liberal cities (defund the police, budget cuts, no backing, etc).
Watch what you wish for....they will be replaced by the new Dem/lib/woke gestapo.
I love the Shriners. Here's why. When my son, who was about to go into the 2nd grade, fractured his skull and had to have major brain surgery....a guy that worked for me, who was a Shriner, got a few of his Shriner buddies. They all dressed in their clown suits and came to the hospital to see my son. Probably 5 or 6. After spending time with my son they spent the whole afternoon going room to room visiting all the kids in the hospital.

Bad news it will get much worse before it gets better. Inflation is here and it's just going to get much worse because noone in power has the political capital to address it.

To stop inflation you have to stop printing money. If you stop printing money it means there absolutely will be very impactful negative economic consequences. Biden admin can't risk it right now so they will keep printing money.

Not ending it means at some point it will end or our nation will come crashing down. Even ending it will be a period of great economic difficulty.

Unfortunately there is no good news. Just the best of the bad options.
For those of you who are always backing the blue, do you back this? A lot of cops are straight up assholes and will be the stormtroopers for the communist regime.
Some police make mistakes and some are straight up assholes. Getting those on film ain’t bad. But, generalizing those shots to the whole is nonsense.
This is the way I look at it, if Reagan had won the nomination in 76 he would’ve lost the election to Carter. Reagan was the same guy, but the Republican Party and the Country wasn’t ready for him. I like Desantis, a lot, and if he’s the nominee I’ll happily vote for him. I just don’t think he’ll win in 24.
So we know you're all in on no one but Trump.

71% of Americans don't want Biden to run again per article in Hot Air & he's 10%+ ahead in disapprove over approve. But here's the kicker: Trump barely beats Biden in head up polling across a collection of RCP polls.

So what convinces you he beats Biden or any other DIm - leaving out the stolen 2020 election crap & the "you can't trust the polls" routine? Who is the majority that wants Trump?