How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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You can shove those polls up your ass! There were very few polls that had Trump beating Hillary and yes the election was stolen. In a fair election Trump will destroy Biden in 2024.
IOW, Trump can't lose a FAIR election - whatever that means. I assume those are only some of those he wins. LOL. Talk about Libs living in a bubble.
Newsom is running an ad about Florida...on July 4th weekend. Makes sense.

You can't even get a uhaul in California. I follow a guy on YT that moved from San Fran to Texas. He has to rent a uhaul in Texas and go back to San Fran to get his stuff out of storage. It's comical that Vlad Newsom thinks this is getting anyone to move to cali.
Newsom is running an ad about Florida...on July 4th weekend. Makes sense.

Newsom's ad, just gave Governor DeSantis 10 more points in the polls. There isn't a sane person on earth who believes a word of it.

Don't Come Down Here Trying to Change Things
We're Doing Alright In The Sunshine State

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Newsom is running an ad about Florida...on July 4th weekend. Makes sense.

I only made it to the part about book burning. Yeah. Book burning. Im sure comrade newsom is all about having the most popular book ever written in each "public" library. I am sure he is all for teaching kids what that book is. Whatthef###ever.

Also a reminder on Vlad Newsom... he signed a law that reduced criminal punishment for men that have sex with children... Now he signed this because he said is was unfair to the Gay community. So he admits that a higher percentage of gay men engage in pedophilia than straight people.

California law permitted judges to decide whether to place a man on the sex offender registry if he had consensual intercourse with someone 14 to 17 years old and was not more than 10 years older than the other person. However, that discretion only applied to vaginal intercourse, which LGBT advocates, including the author of the new bill signed into law Friday, argued was discriminatory toward gay men.

What would you think if a 24 yo man had sex with your 14 yo daughter? Because Cali doesn't think that should really be a crime.
You understand this meme is essentially calling black people the racists right?

I don’t see that. I see the meme calling out the victimization of America and suggesting that people who cry racism in this country are not necessarily experiencing racism.

I also think it a stretch to say the meme speaks to all people of a race, but rather those decrying racism in instances where racism is a fabrication. Most black peoples do not place racism as the most pressing issue in their lives.

That is not to say racism does not exist. It clearly does. From people of all races.
Laying the groundwork to run for POTUS in 2024 IMO.

LMAO at his commitment to freedom of speech.
This is good shit.

“Freedom is under attack, Florida.” says the guy who locked down his state but kept his businesses open and got to be maskless at luxury dinners and send his kids to maskless summer camps while lecturing the only state who was keeping it open and not shutting down.
Attacks on the police is an old
communist tactic to eliminate law
enforcement. The Bolsheviks
successfully unleashed widespread

attacks on police in the run up to the
October Revolution.

- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
They arrested a man for reading the Bible. And you indicate they do not deserve to be attacked? I guarantee you that is not a communist tactic.
They arrested a man for reading the Bible. And you indicate they do not deserve to be attacked? I guarantee you that is not a communist tactic.
Misinterpreting. They started the war on police years ago. They really ramped it up during St George riots. The people left are the ones who didn't mind just following orders to not have to deal shit. They ran off all the good ones or scared them into compliance.
Laying the groundwork to run for POTUS in 2024 IMO.

LMAO at his commitment to freedom of speech.

He'd probably love that except it might be too much work for him to actually campaign. He seems too content to do videos and social media clips or count the money from his wineries.

These lib videos crack me up. Like the ones they ran early in the pandemic about Florida being reckless and crazy. Complete nonsense. So crazy it almost seemed like satire
He'd probably love that except it might be too much work for him to actually campaign. He seems too content to do videos and social media clips or count the money from his wineries.

These lib videos crack me up. Like the ones they ran early in the pandemic about Florida being reckless and crazy. Complete nonsense. So crazy it almost seemed like satire
Yea but he also gets kickbacks from co's that he lets stay open. Can you imagine how much he'd get if he could control the entire countries freedoms? He'd make Joe look like a boy scout by comparison.
8 But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart”—that is, the word [the message, the basis] of faith which we preach—

9 because if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

10 For with the heart a person believes [in Christ as Savior] resulting in his justification [that is, being made righteous—being freed of the guilt of sin and made acceptable to God]; and with the mouth he acknowledges and confesses [his faith openly], resulting in and confirming [his] salvation.

Romans 10 AMP

It's most definitely a cult. These people are legit insane. All this over a scenario where some women can't kill a baby in the locale of their choice.

In every state in the nation, if anyone else killed that viable fetus it would be murder. Because they're carrying said fetus they should be excepted?
Nobody makes money from abortions. No one. Right. This clip is just creepy as hell. Lots to unpack here.

For those who don't know, that guy is Peter Nygard. He is a piece of shit. Basically a Canadian Epstein.

LMAO, so Trump is hard right now? He was a Democrat for many years. What makes Trump hard right?

But of course he is hard right to you because you are a lefty globalist posing as a conservative.
I wasn't talking about Trump but you can't begin to figure that out.

Just what left position do I support? Mitch? LMAO.
I wasn't talking about Trump but you can't begin to figure that out.

Just what left position do I support? Mitch? LMAO.

yes you were. Hard righties wouldn’t follow a lite Republican. But leftists such as yourself will follow leftists posing as Republicans (Collins, McConnell, Graham, Romney, Haley, Pence, Murkowski, Cheney, any Bush, etc)

You support election fraud, Ukraine, RINO politics, Big govt spending, vaccines (Covid) etc. those are all Democrats love.

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