How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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They will be begging for mercy when judgement day comes.
We all will. We don’t understand “holy.” We have a word for it and a modest image, but no understanding. A “holy” people is not the same as a Holy God. We all will beg for mercy when we understand our transgressions in terms of true holiness. We will weep at how we have sinned. Thankfully, we will be met by a Prodigal Father whose love and forgiveness for the repentant is the ultimate grace and mercy. Thank you Jesus!
They're welcome to leave. In fact, I'd pitch in for plane tickets.
Remember this guy's name, because if he continues to say things like this, the next time you see his name will be in his obituary. Cause of death, suicide, plane crash, car wreck, fell off his bike, etc.

Dead man walking.
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Some police make mistakes and some are straight up assholes. Getting those on film ain’t bad. But, generalizing those shots to the whole is nonsense.
Most police suffer from big me, little you narcissism. That has been my experience with over 40 years of dealing with police. A lot of them do good things but some of them will carry out whatever order they're given.

I rarely have interactions with police as I have no reason to have interactions with them. What few interactions I have had, have been not good though.
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Couldn’t have happened to a better one than that thing 🍺
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LMAO. Butt hurt TDS. You’re the minority.


I think we're talking about two different things. If trump runs he'll win the primary. Don't think there is doubt or argument there. However the argument is about the general.

In the general the libs will lib and the pubs will pub. So there is no movement there regardless of the candidates. However in the undecideds there are large swaths of voters who don't like Biden but hate trump. At best they stay home at worst they choose for the lesser of their two evils.

Trump can still win the general but it will be a dog fight. Any other decent/good gop candidate would just clean up
Most police suffer from big me, little you narcissism. That has been my experience with over 40 years of dealing with police. A lot of them do good things but some of them will carry out whatever order they're given.

I rarely have interactions with police as I have no reason to have interactions with them. What few interactions I have had, have been not good though.
I've posted on this several times in the past. As a former military policeman who worked with guys who wanted to be civilian policeman when their enlistment was up, I think I have a unique perspective. While you are correct in some cases, most are just average guys who want to go home safely at the end of their shift. You make a stop and walk up on a car, you have no idea what you are getting into. If I am stopped, my hands are on top of the steering wheel in plain sight and I treat the officer with respect. I don't want an armed and potentially nervous man wondering what I'm doing with my hands. Cops aren't super heroes. They get scared or nervous just like anyone else.

I suspect with the way times/society is changing, it gets harder and harder to get top quality recruits. You have to choose your police force from the pool of people who will take the job. With the conditions that go with the job, it will get harder and harder to get the type recruit we'd all like to have.
Rich Baris’ polling now routinely has Trump beating Biden by 5-7 points. Per Baris, not one time did he poll Trump ahead of Biden in 2020. Even if you don’t think the election was stolen in 2020, you can’t argue that election laws in swing states were disregarded and altered. Biden still only squeaked by in the EC by ~40k votes.

Id be open for sure to DeSantis. But I don’t think a Trump v Biden rematch would be close at this point.
I think we're talking about two different things. If trump runs he'll win the primary. Don't think there is doubt or argument there. However the argument is about the general.

In the general the libs will lib and the pubs will pub. So there is no movement there regardless of the candidates. However in the undecideds there are large swaths of voters who don't like Biden but hate trump. At best they stay home at worst they choose for the lesser of their two evils.

Trump can still win the general but it will be a dog fight. Any other decent/good gop candidate would just clean up

he is fine. He had record turn out. You think the establishment won’t cheat out another Republican?

Desantis is not going to run against Trump. Not going to happen. That tweet is true. If Trump runs, it’s his. If not, he’ll be the king maker. I will not vote for anyone but Trump or desantis and it will be Trumps blessing if Desantis runs if the Don decides not to run.
I've posted on this several times in the past. As a former military policeman who worked with guys who wanted to be civilian policeman when their enlistment was up, I think I have a unique perspective. While you are correct in some cases, most are just average guys who want to go home safely at the end of their shift. You make a stop and walk up on a car, you have no idea what you are getting into. If I am stopped, my hands are on top of the steering wheel in plain sight and I treat the officer with respect. I don't want an armed and potentially nervous man wondering what I'm doing with my hands. Cops aren't super heroes. They get scared or nervous just like anyone else.

I suspect with the way times/society is changing, it gets harder and harder to get top quality recruits. You have to choose your police force from the pool of people who will take the job. With the conditions that go with the job, it will get harder and harder to get the type recruit we'd all like to have.
Yeah, my last experience was I was sitting in my house on a Sunday and I kept hearing explosions. Pretty soon the police show up at my house knock on the door and are wanting to take me in for making these explosions. They said they had sat about a quarter of a mile from my house and listened and determined that it was coming from my backyard. Also I had four vehicles which means there's lots of people here. I own four vehicles. I was the only one in my house. I had nothing to do with the explosions. The explosions were obviously my neighbor blowing up beaver dams. Anyway we stood on the porch for 30 minutes with them chastising me for using something I never used. Finally the policeman admitted that the explosive that was being used was legal and that it was just the disturbance of the neighbors that was the problem.

The cop had zero business at my house. I had nothing to do with the explosions. I should have treated him the way he deserved to be treated.
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Yeah, my last experience was I was sitting in my house on a Sunday and I kept hearing explosions. Pretty soon the police show up at my house knock on the door and are wanting to take me in for making these explosions. They said they had set about a quarter of a mile from my house and listened and determined that it was coming from my backyard. Also I had four vehicles which means there's lots of people here. I own four vehicles. I was the only one in my house. I had nothing to do with the explosions. The explosions were obviously my neighbor blowing up beaver dams. Anyway we stood on the porch for 30 minutes with them chastising me for using something I never used. Finally the policeman admitted that the explosive that was being used was legal and tha and t it was just the disturbance of the neighbors that was the problem.

The cop had zero business at my house. I had nothing to do with the explosions. I should have treated him the way he deserved to be treated.
Some cops are buttholes. The point of my post was that it is going to get harder and harder to get the best possible people for the job. At the end of the day, a cop has a gun (and likely back up). I'm going to do my best not to agitate him (not saying you did) and deal with anything that he does egregiously wrong later.

Lmaaaooo oh gee looks like he skipped completely over the Carter years. Gee wonder why? Talk about misinformation.

he is fine. He had record turn out. You think the establishment won’t cheat out another Republican?

Desantis is not going to run against Trump. Not going to happen. That tweet is true. If Trump runs, it’s his. If not, he’ll be the king maker. I will not vote for anyone but Trump or desantis and it will be Trumps blessing if Desantis runs if the Don decides not to run.

We're much better off if he plays king maker. Of course the establishment will go after whomever whomever but when the voters step into the booth it will be Biden vs someone else. That someone else is much more likely to get undecided voters if it isn't trump. That's just a fact.

Now if trump can actually run a campaign without going on about Jan 6 or the election being stolen; then his chances get much better. Those two items will not play well at all and he desperately needs to avoid them. He just can't do it imo
Ignorance at its finest.

You understand this meme is essentially calling black people the racists right?

HBCU'S were created because black people were not allowed into higher education so they made their own.

These institutions allow all races to enter.

Black Holidays, I'm assuming this is in reference to Juneteenth a holiday created to celebrate the emancipation of slaves during the Civil War. Again, nothing racist about this.

This meme is one of the most ignorant and ironic memes I've seen and you should be ashamed and read up more on your history rather than post stuff for likes.

Added: Black dating sites, nothing racist about that either. They have dating sites for all walks of life, i.e. aimed at people with similar backgrounds, from religion to profession to hobbies to ethnicity.

Lmaaaooo oh gee looks like he skipped completely over the Carter years. Gee wonder why? Talk about misinformation.

We're much better off if he plays king maker. Of course the establishment will go after whomever whomever but when the voters step into the booth it will be Biden vs someone else. That someone else is much more likely to get undecided voters if it isn't trump. That's just a fact.

Now if trump can actually run a campaign without going on about Jan 6 or the election being stolen; then his chances get much better. Those two items will not play well at all and he desperately needs to avoid them. He just can't do it imo
Trump will most likely play kingmaker after serving his next four years. if for some reason he chooses not to run, hopefully it will be Desantis.

You’re right that he probably needs to lay off Jan 6th and election fraud, but because RINOs such as piece of shit Mitch and other RINO state leaders allowing state laws to be changed, it won’t matter because the same outcome will happen as 2020.

2020 needs cleaned up or 2024 will not matter. Regardless who runs the ticket
Ignorance at its finest.

You understand this meme is essentially calling black people the racists right?

HBCU'S were created because black people were not allowed into higher education so they made their own.

These institutions allow all races to enter.

Black Holidays, I'm assuming this is in reference to Juneteenth a holiday created to celebrate the emancipation of slaves during the Civil War. Again, nothing racist about this.

This meme is one of the most ignorant and ironic memes I've seen and you should be ashamed and read up more on your history rather than post stuff for likes.

Added: Black dating sites, nothing racist about that either. They have dating sites for all walks of life, i.e. aimed at people with similar backgrounds, from religion to profession to hobbies to ethnicity.

This troon doesn’t think Black America isn’t racist LMAO
So we know you're all in on no one but Trump.

71% of Americans don't want Biden to run again per article in Hot Air & he's 10%+ ahead in disapprove over approve. But here's the kicker: Trump barely beats Biden in head up polling across a collection of RCP polls.

So what convinces you he beats Biden or any other DIm - leaving out the stolen 2020 election crap & the "you can't trust the polls" routine? Who is the majority that wants Trump?
You can shove those polls up your ass! There were very few polls that had Trump beating Hillary and yes the election was stolen. In a fair election Trump will destroy Biden in 2024.
Ignorance at its finest.

You understand this meme is essentially calling black people the racists right?

HBCU'S were created because black people were not allowed into higher education so they made their own.

These institutions allow all races to enter.

Black Holidays, I'm assuming this is in reference to Juneteenth a holiday created to celebrate the emancipation of slaves during the Civil War. Again, nothing racist about this.

This meme is one of the most ignorant and ironic memes I've seen and you should be ashamed and read up more on your history rather than post stuff for likes.

Added: Black dating sites, nothing racist about that either. They have dating sites for all walks of life, i.e. aimed at people with similar backgrounds, from religion to profession to hobbies to ethnicity.
Can black people be racists?
This troon doesn’t think Black America isn’t racist LMAO
Double negative there chief.

To get your point across you should've said

"Doesn't think Black America is racist lmao"

Again, you're labeling a whole group as racist which isn't a thing. There are racists of all walks of life but to label an entire group as one is ignorant.

Put it this way, if I said everyone on this board is racist it would be fraught with condemnation and rightfully so. Sure, there are definitely racists on this board but not everyone is.
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Much like I've told a lot of people since the summer of '20 who are/were happy about all the police who were quitting their departments in these liberal cities (defund the police, budget cuts, no backing, etc).
Watch what you wish for....they will be replaced by the new Dem/lib/woke gestapo.

Same with the military.
I still think you are the key suspect behind the explosions. You wrote too much in your own defense, almost trying to hard.
My brother called me from 3 mi away and asked me if I heard explosions. I said yeah they're in the woods behind my house. What was funny was the cop told me they were shooting tannerite and I asked what is tannerite?
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LMAO. Butt hurt TDS. You’re the minority.

I get he leads Pubs. You apparently think that's the only thing that matters.

But he's a high risk in the general election when he leads Biden in polls by so little if the Dims nominate anyone not senile & reasonable. Even Newsome would be an improvement for Dims. Jared Polis of CO, Pritzker of IL, Roy Cooper of NC, Tom Wolfe of PA could all look attractive vs. Trump. Hell, even Dandy might. You also have Blinken and Buttplug. Not that I'd vote for any, but Trump is real menace to so many people (for different reasons than me.).
I think we're talking about two different things. If trump runs he'll win the primary. Don't think there is doubt or argument there. However the argument is about the general.

In the general the libs will lib and the pubs will pub. So there is no movement there regardless of the candidates. However in the undecideds there are large swaths of voters who don't like Biden but hate trump. At best they stay home at worst they choose for the lesser of their two evils.

Trump can still win the general but it will be a dog fight. Any other decent/good gop candidate would just clean up
Yep, those with Trump Blinders on can't begin to see that.
Trump will most likely play kingmaker after serving his next four years. if for some reason he chooses not to run, hopefully it will be Desantis.

You’re right that he probably needs to lay off Jan 6th and election fraud, but because RINOs such as piece of shit Mitch and other RINO state leaders allowing state laws to be changed, it won’t matter because the same outcome will happen as 2020.

2020 needs cleaned up or 2024 will not matter. Regardless who runs the ticket
Just what state laws did Mitch allow to be changed? He doesn't even have a vote on state laws. Pretty absurd right there. But not surprising.