How will they rule ??!

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He could, and still can, take a failing property and turn it into a money maker.

Really? He had a casino go f'ing casino! Ideas? What ideas? Building a wall? Deporting 15 million people and then bringing them back? I mean who stupid are you people?

Hey Hitler got elected by promising a final solution to the Jews, maybe Trump can get elected by promising a final solution to the Mexicans. You just don't give the man enough credit. :D
Yep - kind of like government loans to green energy companies like Solyndra.

Apples to Oranges. One is in the private sector, the other is with tax payer money; as a kickback to his political pals.

I dont think Id cite Solyndra as an example for anything, other than government ineptitude and corruption.

To the bigger point - Yes, just because the government made some bad loans doesnt mean they were all bad. Each deal should be judged on its own merits.
I know I'm not business educated. But Trump has filed bankruptcy 4 times. Maybe the United States can file bankruptcy on his behalf and make that $20+ trillion debt disappear like he did his debt the other 4 times.

Sound platform that Mr. Trump. No matter how much people convince themselves. Trump won't win the Repub primary.

This would work for an uneducated argument, but laws are in place and allowed Trump, a man worth millions, to file. Also those same laws were used by financial guru Dave Ramsey as well.

Yes smart business men see a way to profit and they take it, pretty simple.

Back to politics!
Real estate development, the kind and scale that Trump manages, has a very high risk/reward profile.

Bankruptcies (and I can't fault the man for using the laws/tools available to him) are very common in that business.

We are seeing the result of a POTUS with no business experience whatsoever; he can't even get a simple budget passed (last budget was passed in 2009) let alone move the economy forward.
Any of you all seen this story yet?

The Virginia and North Carolina parties are "considering" implementing a new requirement that candidates pledge to support the Republican presidential nominee in the general election - and pledge not to run as a third-party candidate - before they can qualify for their primary ballots.

Obviously targeted at Trump. Not really sure how much steam this has picked up, other than the state parties have had discussions about it to this point.
Trump is going after Megyn Kelly again for no reason. Trump is acting like a selfish child. He needs to treat people with respect with he does not, for instance, John McCain and rips Megyn for the questions that were asked at the debate (which I think are legitimate). I have had enough of him.
I think it's awesome that conservatives are supporting a 3 times divorced, previously Democratic, casino-loving, pro-choice, bigot who probably hasn't stepped inside a church in years. .

So you're adjusting youre previously held views of conservatives, right? heh
Still think Trump has a very hard ceiling in terms of potential vote. Right now people are able to focus on certain aspects of his persona that people like - he's not a politician! he says what he thinks! he's not a politician! Eventually he and everything about him will come into focus and under the microscope - eventually there will be Trump and just a couple of other viable contenders. Besides that, the media doesn't like him (the media doesn't like him!) and they will try their best to undermine his candidacy.

He'll end up running NYC, if he truly has political aspirations and this isn't just about branding and money.

All that said, I do remember cynically thinking to myself after Perot ran that someday, someone with a ton of money would be able to get himself elected, someone that had no business running a big town let alone a whole country.......
Trump is going after Megyn Kelly again for no reason. Trump is acting like a selfish child. He needs to treat people with respect with he does not, for instance, John McCain and rips Megyn for the questions that were asked at the debate (which I think are legitimate). I have had enough of him.

I agree which is why in a previous post I stated I liked his ideas much more than I like him as a presidential candidate. Hed do well to let the Megyn Kelly issue go. But I suspect hes trying to drum up negative press just to keep his name everywhere. Not a fan of the approach. But its much cheaper than actually buying air time.
Trump going after Kelly because it didn't hurt him last time. Hell might have contributed to his solidifying as the lead.

Great stat on twitter this morning, another thing pumping Trump up is the carpet bombing of coverage minutes he is getting on network/cable. His minutes are something like 4X combined of the other 16 candidates all added up total. Then add in the puzzlingly nonstop positive Trump coverage every day on the radio from Rush/Hannity/Levin/Savage why is anyone surprised he is lapping the field?
This pretty well sums up what comes out of Donald Trump's mouth as well as describing the irrational 12% or so of the population that actually believes he can be an effective president.
I think its important to note that it wasnt Trump who filed; and that filing bankruptcy isnt the same thing as being broke. Filing bankruptcy is a smart way to avail yourself of stupid laws. Being broke, is just being broke. Alot of people think theyre the same, but theyre not

Thanks for educating me on that Bigblue. Just not buying his business experience as someone who needs this country's reins.
Thanks for educating me on that Bigblue. Just not buying his business experience as someone who needs this country's reins.

I like his ideas much more than I like him. Hes brilliant, but an egomaniac. Dangerous combination.

His mantra of "no such thing as bad press" is walking a fine line, where people are pretty close to turning on him imo. Its brilliant, in that he gets tons and tons of free publicity; more than any candidate could ever buy. But hes pretty much crossed the line with Megyn Kelly by calling her out for no apparent reason; just to keep his name in the headlines.

More than his business leadership, I think the US needs someone who isnt a career politician (so they can tackle tough issues like illegal immigration and entitlements); who has a record of huge, challenging accomplishments in the real world; who has a record of turning things around in the real world.

Trump is the candidate who fits that description the best. Although Id say Kasich wouldnt be far behind.

Who id REALLY like to see run, is Mark Cuban. If you follow him on twitter, you can tell hes dipping into the political discussion way more than times past.

I think many great minds see this nation is in big trouble if things dont turn around. If we're not at critical mass, we're pretty damn close. I think depending on what happens this term, you may see many more non-politicians throw their hat in the ring to try to save this country.
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Absolutely horrifying.

Seeing the gunman walking towards the reporter as the camera fell was chilling.
I like his ideas much more than I like him. Hes brilliant, but an egomaniac. Dangerous combination.

His mantra of "no such thing as bad press" is walking a fine line, where people are pretty close to turning on him imo. Its brilliant, in that he gets tons and tons of free publicity; more than any candidate could ever buy. But hes pretty much crossed the line with Megyn Kelly by calling her out for no apparent reason; just to keep his name in the headlines.

More than his business leadership, I think the US needs someone who isnt a career politician (so they can tackle tough issues like illegal immigration and entitlements); who has a record of huge, challenging accomplishments in the real world; who has a record of turning things around in the real world.

Trump is the candidate who fits that description the best. Although Id say Kasich wouldnt be far behind.

Who id REALLY like to see run, is Mark Cuban. If you follow him on twitter, you can tell hes dipping into the political discussion way more than times past.

I think many great minds see this nation is in big trouble if things dont turn around. If we're not at critical mass, we're pretty damn close. I think depending on what happens this term, you may see many more non-politicians throw their hat in the ring to try to save this country.
Lots to like in this post.

Trump may have signaled the beginning of the end for him with his handling of the Jorge Ramos situation.
awful stuff, really no reason to view it & put that stuff inside your brain to rattle around
Lots to like in this post.

Trump may have signaled the beginning of the end for him with his handling of the Jorge Ramos situation.

I thought so too. Then it was reported that Ramos' daughter works for Hillary Clinton. Of course this isnt being reported by the MSM. If true, I dont blame Trump for kicking him out.

The Megyn Kelly remarks were understandable at first, considering she definitely targeted him in some questions. Even then, it was risky. But continuing that feud is totally uncalled for.
I watched it because I completely misunderstood the initial reports. I thought they were COVERING an active shooter situation, and were fired upon during their coverage. Had no idea they were targeted.

Wish I'd never seen it.
You'd have to think the girl was being targeted for some reason. For a random shooting to occur that early where no one would otherwise be seems unlikely. Terrible stuff.
Dems bring up Trump's divorces yet their hero in Clinton slept with anything that walked before, during, and probably after he was in Washington.

Want to bring up Trump's religion or race views, how about your hero in Obama who was heavily associated with Rev Wright. Also, has a close relationship with a racist bigot in Al Sharpton.

Let's just agree the Dems leaders are not saints in their own right.

Trump is fair game on many issues, but it really is comical when folks even bring up his views on the market or economy. I'll take a guy who makes over $400M a year, has billions in assets, and employs thousands of people over some average Joe who thinks he knows the economy. Especially from anyone who defends a current administration who has doubled the debt, done nothing to help the poor except make them rely even more on the government, and an atrocious record in creating jobs in this country.
I'm not buying everything trump is selling, but there is plenty of hypocrisy on both sides.
As Rhome burns, people still love pointing fingers at the other guys and act like their side is some how vindicated of all of its corruption