How will they rule ??!

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...Trigger warning...

To the rest of the world, I think we went from the disabled kid on the playground they could take advantage of and make fun of because we just want to fit in, to the disabled kid on the playground they're afraid to make fun of because we have that retard strength and they don't want to set us off.
Ah, ok. Much more believable.
Trump vs Obama 2008 would've been interesting though. Both would have ran on change, would've been interesting to see if the people still picked Obama. And the debates would have been insane. Could you imagine?
Trump appears to ready have more international respect than Obama ever did.

Of course what else are they gonna say?

It's just nice to hear places like Britain and Netherlands applaud us for taking our country back. They know what happens when you put worldly interest ahead of your own country.
From what I've seen most other countries view us a s bunch of lunatics for electing him. But they are the ones who are allowing the radical Muslims to take over so they can stick their opinions where the sun don't shine.
some of the quotes coming out of that Trump-Obama meeting are :scream:

“We discussed a lot of different situations, some wonderful and some difficulties. I very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel,” Mr. Trump said.

“I want to emphasize to you, Mr. President-elect, that we now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed, then the country succeeds,” Mr. Obama told Mr. Trump
I think Rush meant 2012. Drudge has a story up about how Trump would've won in 2012.
Nah, already corrected, was a National Review story based on faulty voting records. It's also based on a goofy premise. Part of the story of an presidential election victory is environment. you can't just plop a name into a different year and different context and extrapolate
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I'd imagine Trump has learned from his past experience.

Trump: Welcome Obama
Entire Cabinet: WHAT!!!!
Trump: I said, welcome to my office, Obama
Entire Cabinet: WHAT!!!!
Trump: I'm going to roll back your EOs
Entire Cabinet: WHAT!!!!
Trump: Your legacy is gone
Entire Cabinet: WHAT!!!!
[Stone Cold Stunner]

Trump: Barry, I'd really love to get your advice on this. What do you think?
Obama: I'm thinking
Or, seeing Jamo's last post regarding the Ryan meeting, he takes a full heel turn, appoints Obama to his cabinet and doubles down on his policies to enshrine his legacy.
As for '08, it's true McCain wasn't a great candidate - but I still agree with something I heard Brit Hume say once: the environment was so bad for the Rs a ticket of Reagan and Lincoln couldn't have won.
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The *only* place I'm reading straight up fear mongering BS is google news. Not Al Roker, not even fn Obama. Google. F those leeches. Would love to see our citizens stop supporting google. It's so bad, they have trump slandering shit in every section. It's just odd because even that most liberal douchebag news people are at least pretending to "unite the country".
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I'd imagine Trump has learned from his past experience.

Trump: Welcome Obama
Entire Cabinet: WHAT!!!!
Trump: I said, welcome to my office, Obama
Entire Cabinet: WHAT!!!!
Trump: I'm going to roll back your EOs
Entire Cabinet: WHAT!!!!
Trump: Your legacy is gone
Entire Cabinet: WHAT!!!!
[Stone Cold Stunner]

Trump: Barry, I'd really love to get your advice on this. What do you think?
Obama: I'm thinking
Well, when it comes to Obama, there's only one word to describe him, and I'm going to

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The most hilarious reaction was Cuba who is conducting 5 days of military exercise to prepare for whatever may happen. Citizens, do not be alarmed if you see mass groups, flyovers, or even explosions.


Remind me why anybody gives a f about Cuba...other than their Anerican voters?
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Trump vs Obama 2008 would've been interesting though. Both would have ran on change, would've been interesting to see if the people still picked Obama. And the debates would have been insane. Could you imagine?

Completely different political environment. A lot of the "change" Trump symbolized required the last decade to incubate.

With 99% of the votes reporting, Trump still has less total popular votes than McCain in 2008. Trump's tidal wave of change didn't motivate turnout like Obama's run in that year.
Just read a headline. Trudeau from Canda announced that he is open for NAFTA revision.

Trump already as website. Good lord, this guy isn't even president yet and and he's already doing more than Obama in 8 years. Literally, President-Elect for about 48 hours and is already more successful. Wow.
No surprise; the bar is pretty low.
Completely different political environment. A lot of the "change" Trump symbolized required the last decade to incubate.

With 99% of the votes reporting, Trump still has less total popular votes than McCain in 2008. Trump's tidal wave of change didn't motivate turnout like Obama's run in that year.

Yeah, but apparently he wasn't near as bad as Clinton.
Trump's First Term, and Perhaps a Second

But as with the Obama coalition, there are opportunities for Republicans. If Trump governs well – if the recession is delayed or brief, he could conceivably hold on to his white working-class support while bringing college-educated whites back into the fold – he would have a hard time losing. Combining Trump’s share of the white working class with Romney’s share of college-educated whites would give him around 63 percent of the white vote, and most of what he would need to win re-election.

Of course, if Trump were to govern as a pragmatist by, for example, abandoning economic libertarianism, endorsing infrastructure spending, making good on his plan to build a wall, but with a “big beautiful door” in it, and attacking special interests, he could have cross-racial appeal. I’ve long believed that the GOP’s best bet with non-whites was not to try and out-identity-politic the Democrats, but rather to come at them from the side, via a class-based appeal. Trump offers an interesting experiment. Given how low expectations are set for him, he will be graded on quite the curve (as he was during the campaign, I think).

This is what you might call the optimistic scenario for Trump, which ends in a strong re-election. The pessimistic view is that Trump turns out to be everything he seemed to be when he was at his worst on the trail: erratic, boisterous, and at times mean-spirited. If this is the case, the Republican majorities might not survive the midterm elections, and he might lose in a landslide in 2020.

I’ll close with this: I think a great many analysts are banking on this last scenario. It is certainly a very real possibility. But analysts, including myself, have underestimated Trump for 500 days now. I’m at least open to the possibility that he knows quite a bit more about politics and this country than I've given him credit for.
Surprised this hasn't gotten more attention, especially from Willy.

We now get 4 YEARS of looking at all the Trump women.

Someone else has to post the pics as I'm at work.

Man,I'm still trying to process this win. haha
...Trigger warning...

To the rest of the world, I think we went from the disabled kid on the playground they could take advantage of and make fun of because we just want to fit in, to the disabled kid on the playground they're afraid to make fun of because we have that retard strength and they don't want to set us off.

Trying to figure a way to repeat this to the leftists I'm surrounded by without being reprimanded.
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Trump's First Term, and Perhaps a Second

I’ll close with this: I think a great many analysts are HOPING on this last scenario. It is certainly a very real possibility. But analysts, including myself, have underestimated Trump for 500 days now. I’m at least open to the possibility that he knows quite a bit more about politics and this country than I've given him credit for.

Jamo, I had to FTFY.
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Completely different political environment. A lot of the "change" Trump symbolized required the last decade to incubate.

With 99% of the votes reporting, Trump still has less total popular votes than McCain in 2008. Trump's tidal wave of change didn't motivate turnout like Obama's run in that year.
Yeah, but he won! So....

What if Putin and the antisemitic twitter trolls were obvious in their preference of Trump because they wanted Americans to notice it and thereby be terrified of him and thus pick the alternative...but they failed and the good guy won?

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couple trolls on the Paddock def aren't hitting their weekly quota, that's for sure.

made me think of Vincent Vega's reply after Jule's mentions that Tony Rocky Horror had developed a speech impediment after Marcellus Wallace had him thrown off of a 4th floor balcony.