How will they rule ??!

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War on women

War on gays/lesbians/bisexuals/transgenders/queers/questioning/ect

War on blacks

War on old people

War on illegals

War on teachers/education/unions

War on Islam/any religion not named Christianity

But yeah, it's that damned ol' AM talk radio and Rush dividing this country.
is this a Joe Biden joke?

It's incredible how bad the Dems candidate choices are this time around yet they want to poke fun at the GOP field? You got a criminal currently leading, a loon in Sanders, a potential candidate who has accomplished nothing as a VP other than saying really stupid things, and some other candidates that frankly 99% of the voting population does not know exists.
You can almost feel that change is inevitable. One side can do no wrong and one side cant get any traction. I felt this way before Obamas first election. Nobody seemed to care about his birth certificate or lack of experience, it was going to happen and nothing could stop it. Im almost feeling the same way about Trump, even though its still early.
I love how Trump pisses off everybody. I really do.
Trump has shown that there is a large number of Americans who are tired of the lies and PC atmostphere that has almost killed freedom of speech in this country. His campaign is a win win for him. If he loses, he has built up an even larger following for his next tv endeaver (much more money), and if he wins, he will be like every other president before him, he will get beat up by the media but, be one of the most powerful men in the world . Not to mention, set himself up for more money by influencing policies for his business investments like Obama has on Global warming and other not so popular areas for spending tax payer dollars.
It's incredible how bad the Dems candidate choices are this time around yet they want to poke fun at the GOP field? You got a criminal currently leading, a loon in Sanders, a potential candidate who has accomplished nothing as a VP other than saying really stupid things, and some other candidates that frankly 99% of the voting population does not know exists.

Very good point. Only in the current political climate could an incredibly successful business man with an impeccable education be laughed at as a ridiculous candidate. "BUT LOOK HIS HAIR LOOKS FUNNY HAHA NO WAY ID VOTE FOR HIM".
Very good point. Only in the current political climate could an incredibly successful business man with an impeccable education be laughed at as a ridiculous candidate. "BUT LOOK HIS HAIR LOOKS FUNNY HAHA NO WAY ID VOTE FOR HIM".
I have made my thoughts known about Trump. I am going to see how the process goes before I decide who my choice is going to be, but I am liking him more as the days go by. That said, I am not looking at who is the most conservative, has the best hair, raises the most money, has the most name recognition etc. I think this country is at a cross roads where you have to look at all aspects of a candidate and decide who presents the most credentials and ideas to solve very complex issues this country faces now.

What we have been voting for (career politicians) has not worked and continues to get worse. Look at some of the GOP candidates now. Trump says something, gets the backlash, it resonates with the voters, he leads and all of the sudden Bush and others follow suit and ramp up their rhetoric, etc. Their phonies who will say or do anything to get votes.
Not a fan of JEB Bush. I like how Trump says stuff, but I'm not ready for him as POTUS, as I don't really trust him at this point.
War on women

War on gays/lesbians/bisexuals/transgenders/queers/questioning/ect

War on blacks

War on old people

War on illegals

War on teachers/education/unions

War on Islam/any religion not named Christianity

But yeah, it's that damned ol' AM talk radio and Rush dividing this country.

Also War on Christmas, War on Christianity, War on Success, War on Coal, War on Marriage (really more of a campaign of the greater War on Christianity), War on Men. Lesser known wars, mostly limited to figurative air strikes and embargoes. But I'll always remember where I was when I found out that Macy's stopping greeting customers with "Merry Christmas." Now I shop at, where I can get:


Not "A Very Merry Zero-Gravity Holiday Season: A Space Corps Single," thank you very much.
Also War on Christmas, War on Christianity, War on Success, War on Coal, War on Marriage (really more of a campaign of the greater War on Christianity), War on Men. Lesser known wars, mostly limited to figurative air strikes and embargoes. But I'll always remember where I was when I found out that Macy's stopping greeting customers with "Merry Christmas." Now I shop at, where I can get:


Not "A Very Merry Zero-Gravity Holiday Season: A Space Corps Single," thank you very much.
Not to tell you how to live, but trusting politicians is a plan to fail no matter what anyway.

No argument. Trump is leading right now because there are 17 candidates. Get it down to Trump plus 1 or 2 others, and its a different story IMO. Trump will end up running 3rd party and electing Biden in the process IMO.
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Also War on Christmas, War on Christianity, War on Success, War on Coal, War on Marriage (really more of a campaign of the greater War on Christianity), War on Men. Lesser known wars, mostly limited to figurative air strikes and embargoes. But I'll always remember where I was when I found out that Macy's stopping greeting customers with "Merry Christmas." Now I shop at, where I can get:


Not "A Very Merry Zero-Gravity Holiday Season: A Space Corps Single," thank you very much.

War on Christmas - a fooking holiday, not a group of individuals you can pit against another group of individuals.

War on success - an idea, not a group of individuals you can pit against another group of individuals.

War on coal - a natural resource, not a group of individuals you can pit against another group of individuals.

War on marriage - a legally recognized union, not a group of individuals you can pit against another group of individuals.

War on men - This is at least a group of individuals, so you're getting closer.... but have never heard it uttered anywhere by a politician. Maybe a Fox thing? Limbaugh? New one to me.

War on Christianity - your best effort. Congrats. Although I'm not sure how many votes that gets the R party nor am I sure how riled up it gets the Christians.

LOL is right, FTS
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Yep. Same thing as the annual OMG WAR ON CHRISTMAS!!!123!! Or the mythical war on men, success, or whatever the hell else you mentioned.
War on Christmas - a fooking holiday, not a group of individuals you can pit against another group of individuals.

War on success - an idea, not a group of individuals you can pit against another group of individuals.

War on coal - a natural resource, not a group of individuals you can pit against another group of individuals.

War on marriage - a legally recognized union, not a group of individuals you can pit against another group of individuals.

War on men - This is at least a group of individuals, so you're getting closer.... but have never heard it uttered anywhere by a politician. Maybe a Fox thing? Limbaugh? New one to me.

War on Christianity - your best effort. Congrats. Although I'm not sure how many votes that gets the R party nor am I sure how riled up it gets the Christians.

LOL is right, FTS
Obviously someone has been asleep for the last 7 years.
Wasserman Shultz should enter the presidential race because she is about as inept as their other candidates.
No argument. Trump is leading right now because there are 17 candidates. Get it down to Trump plus 1 or 2 others, and its a different story IMO. Trump will end up running 3rd party and electing Biden in the process IMO.

Well I disagree now. No republican is proving themselves and not one of them seem sincere in what they are "about" like Trump. Also this financial "crisis" will actually help Trump most likely!

I don't think it matters what Trump runs as, he is winning. His following is gaining more and more and these other guys are just old white dudes no one wants to hear!
No argument. Trump is leading right now because there are 17 candidates. Get it down to Trump plus 1 or 2 others, and its a different story IMO. Trump will end up running 3rd party and electing Biden in the process IMO.

Well I disagree now. No republican is proving themselves and not one of them seem sincere in what they are "about" like Trump. Also this financial "crisis" will actually help Trump most likely!

I don't think it matters what Trump runs as, he is winning. His following is gaining more and more and these other guys are just old white dudes no one wants to hear!
I think it's awesome that conservatives are supporting a 3 times divorced, previously Democratic, casino-loving, pro-choice, bigot who probably hasn't stepped inside a church in years. Well maybe this year since he's gotta look conservative! Jesus would be so proud. His proposed policies on immigration are not even in the realm of reality, his take on China yesterday is a joke, as if the 2nd largest economy in the world slowing down would have no effect on us or that we could do something about it. That's how markets work Don. He has become the great White Hope.
You voted for Obama. Twice.

You should probably refrain from lecturing any party or person on choice of candidate.

Leave the Trump criticism to those of us who didn't vote for a candidate less qualified than a dirty sock. Twice.
I think it's awesome that conservatives are supporting a 3 times divorced, previously Democratic, casino-loving, pro-choice, bigot who probably hasn't stepped inside a church in years. Well maybe this year since he's gotta look conservative! Jesus would be so proud. His proposed policies on immigration are not even in the realm of reality, his take on China yesterday is a joke, as if the 2nd largest economy in the world slowing down would have no effect on us or that we could do something about it. That's how markets work Don. He has become the great White Hope.

Dems bring up Trump's divorces yet their hero in Clinton slept with anything that walked before, during, and probably after he was in Washington.

Want to bring up Trump's religion or race views, how about your hero in Obama who was heavily associated with Rev Wright. Also, has a close relationship with a racist bigot in Al Sharpton.

Let's just agree the Dems leaders are not saints in their own right.

Trump is fair game on many issues, but it really is comical when folks even bring up his views on the market or economy. I'll take a guy who makes over $400M a year, has billions in assets, and employs thousands of people over some average Joe who thinks he knows the economy. Especially from anyone who defends a current administration who has doubled the debt, done nothing to help the poor except make them rely even more on the government, and an atrocious record in creating jobs in this country.
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Here is what Dems do not get, Trump may not know everything and he has admitted it, but he does know very intelligent people and has the ability to bring in more non-career politicians!

Just keep bashing things that don't matter to everyday people. TIA
Just to make myself clear, I have not changed my position on Trump since I got the time out for calling everyone who thought Trump should run a dumbass (or something along those lines).

BUT, Catdaddy criticizing anyone's choice of candidate is comical.
If you think the country needs to be run like a business, Trump's resume is impossible to beat.

Kasich probably has the most well-rounded background, with experience at many levels, but voters clearly don't value experience anymore.
I know I'm not business educated. But Trump has filed bankruptcy 4 times. Maybe the United States can file bankruptcy on his behalf and make that $20+ trillion debt disappear like he did his debt the other 4 times.

Sound platform that Mr. Trump. No matter how much people convince themselves. Trump won't win the Repub primary.
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What specifically about Trump's business background do you find so impressive?

I honestly don't know much of his specifics, but generally speaking, he seems more like a born on third base type of guy*.

Plus, as a business, I view real estate development as it's own entirely separate animal. You aren't running Procter & Gamble.

*Edit: Not that there is anything wrong with that per se. But, building a giant real estate company into a bigger real estate company isn't the most impressive thing in the world. But, it's far better than community organizing whatever the hell that is.
Just to make myself clear, I have not changed my position on Trump since I got the time out for calling everyone who thought Trump should run a dumbass (or something along those lines).

BUT, Catdaddy criticizing anyone's choice of candidate is comical.
I believe it was something more like "GD idiots", but I'm not here to disagree. What can be said is Trump makes the nominating process more interesting and exciting to watch, and he's giving some voters a reason to be hopeful.
I believe it was something more like "GD idiots", but I'm not here to disagree. What can be said is Trump makes the nominating process more interesting and exciting to watch, and he's giving some voters a reason to be hopeful.

I guess his "hit" TV show needs more of an audience.

So glad that the presidential election is exciting like a fabricated reality show.
I know I'm not business educated. But Trump has filed bankruptcy 4 times. Maybe the United States can file bankruptcy on his behalf and make that $20+ trillion debt disappear like he did his debt the other 4 times.

Sound platform that Mr. Trump. No matter how much people convince themselves. Trump won't win the Repub primary.

I think its important to note that it wasnt Trump who filed; and that filing bankruptcy isnt the same thing as being broke. Filing bankruptcy is a smart way to avail yourself of stupid laws. Being broke, is just being broke. Alot of people think theyre the same, but theyre not.

What specifically about Trump's business background do you find so impressive?

I honestly don't know much of his specifics, but generally speaking, he seems more like a born on third base type of guy*.

Plus, as a business, I view real estate development as it's own entirely separate animal. You aren't running Procter & Gamble.

*Edit: Not that there is anything wrong with that per se. But, building a giant real estate company into a bigger real estate company isn't the most impressive thing in the world. But, it's far better than community organizing whatever the hell that is.

Its fair to say he was born on 3rd base, or at least 3nd base. But its what hes done since, especially early on, thats been so incredible. His unimaginably complex real estate deals and negotiations were something rarely, if ever, seen at the time. His use of leverage in both negotiations and debt were unmatched. His book "The Art of the Deal" was/is basically required reading for anyone in negotiations; although the rest of his books have been basically jokes.

He could, and still can, take a failing property and turn it into a money maker.

This generation only knows him for the caricature he plays on the "reality" TV show the apprentice. They dont know him for the real estate/negotiation genius that he really is.

Would he be a good president? Im not sure. I like his ideas alot more than I like the thought of him being in the white house. But if we dont change courses and make tough decisions; our countrys doomed. I do believe he is the only one who can make them, because he isnt a career politician.
You voted for Obama. Twice.

You should probably refrain from lecturing any party or person on choice of candidate.

Leave the Trump criticism to those of us who didn't vote for a candidate less qualified than a dirty sock. Twice.
I haven't voted in a presidential election since 92. And I don't plan to anytime soon. I'll criticize whoever I want troll. Especially hypocritical conservatives. Trump is the ugliest person out there and the fact he is wining the Republican nomination speaks volumes. Maybe you should stick to drugging girls to get them to have sex with you.
He could, and still can, take a failing property and turn it into a money maker.

Really? He had a casino go f'ing casino! Ideas? What ideas? Building a wall? Deporting 15 million people and then bringing them back? I mean who stupid are you people?
I think it's awesome that conservatives are supporting a 3 times divorced, previously Democratic, casino-loving, pro-choice, bigot who probably hasn't stepped inside a church in years. Well maybe this year since he's gotta look conservative! Jesus would be so proud. His proposed policies on immigration are not even in the realm of reality, his take on China yesterday is a joke, as if the 2nd largest economy in the world slowing down would have no effect on us or that we could do something about it. That's how markets work Don. He has become the great White Hope.

Hey you must have missed his speech in Bama - he told the crowd he loved Billy Graham and the Bible was the only book ever written better then his. And for good measure he said he owned a gun too. Don't that count for something? I mean you don't think he would just say those things do you? :D
Dems bring up Trump's divorces yet their hero in Clinton slept with anything that walked before, during, and probably after he was in Washington.

Yea but Democrats are godless heathens, they don't care who their leaders screw, whereas Republicans are the party of the moral majority and Christian Fundamentalists - drinking gambling and womanizing will get you a trip to the eternal barbecue pit in their minds. :D