How will they rule ??!

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Will be interesting to see how some of these career politicians, who are so accustomed to bargaining with other career politicians, react when a shrewd business man is sitting across the table this time. Maybe I'm underestimating them and they're ready for it, or maybe they piss down their leg.
After seeing the precinct-by-precinct results from Tuesday, they'd be dumb to give Trump a reason to sic the electoral hounds on them. While he didn't win the popular vote, his electorate was highly, highly concentrated in R-leaning districts (so even though he got less votes than Romney, he had a much better performance in a lot of GOP strongholds).

He's got them over a barrel. Remains to be seen whether that's a good thing.

For you liberals that was dumb enough to buy one of these ugly shirts. I'll tell you what you can do with it. ....If you ever run out of toilet paper, that is if are even civilized enough to use toilet paper. You can always use it to wipe your ass with it.
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Harry Reid, October 15, when he was expecting Hillary to win and the Dems to take control of the Senate:

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is predicting a Democratic-majority Senate next year could break out the “nuclear option” to change the rules on Supreme Court nominations. The outgoing Democratic leader told Talking Points Memo that he’s paved the way for what would be a historic change of the Senate’s rules, allowing Supreme Court nominees to bypass a 60-vote procedural requirement and be approved by a simple majority.

“I really do believe that I have set the Senate so when I leave, we’re going to be able to get judges done with a majority,” he said. “It’s clear to me that if the Republicans try to filibuster another circuit court judge, but especially a Supreme Court justice, I’ve told ’em how and I’ve done it, not just talking about it. I did it in changing the rules of the Senate. It’ll have to be done again.”

Reid’s comments come as Senate Republicans have refused to give Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, a hearing or a vote for more than eight months. They argue that the vacancy from Justice Antonin Scalia’s death should be filled by the president’s successor.

Thanks Harry!
Hillary won the popular vote. Take away California and how does she do? Take away southern, coastal California and how does she do? More than likely, if you take away all the votes she received from illegals, felons, and dead people, she loses the popular vote.

Trump won in a landslide despite an opening line of -55.
now going to be a metropolitan, multiethnic party versus a rural, working persons party. Groups that should be nervous:
-- Wall Street Republicans
-- Union boss Democrats
-- Religious right Republicans

Career politicians, socialists, and wall Street in general I think can be added

yep. One thing I'd forgotten - at the time, McConnel's move to deny a vote to Obama's choice for the Supreme Court seemed risky - but he's come out of it smelling like a rose. That name will be withdrawn, and a presumably better and more conservative choice will be seated.

By the way, don't expect the media or the Dems to remember what Reid did......

It was stupid, he just happened to get lucky.

Will be interesting to see how some of these career politicians, who are so accustomed to bargaining with other career politicians, react when a shrewd business man is sitting across the table this time. Maybe I'm underestimating them and they're ready for it, or maybe they piss down their leg.

Especially when that person isn't a career politician who'll need all their favors once he leaves
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Great read on media smugness from CBS:

You’d think that Trump’s victory – the one we all discounted too far in advance – would lead to a certain newfound humility in the political press. But of course that’s not how it works. To us, speaking broadly, our diagnosis was still basically correct. The demons were just stronger than we realized.

This is all a “whitelash,” you see. Trump voters are racist and sexist, so there must be more racists and sexists than we realized. Tuesday night’s outcome was not a logic-driven rejection of a deeply flawed candidate named Clinton; no, it was a primal scream against fairness, equality, and progress. Let the new tantrums commence!
Just watched the post meeting presser between Trump and Obama. Trump mentioned it was the first time the two had ever met. Surprised me. I knew Trump wasn't an inside the Beltway guy, but figured he was still tied into DC simply because of his business and commercial dealings. Maybe not so much.
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Just read a headline. Trudeau from Canda announced that he is open for NAFTA revision.

Trump already as website. Good lord, this guy isn't even president yet and and he's already doing more than Obama in 8 years. Literally, President-Elect for about 48 hours and is already more successful. Wow.
Just read a headline. Trudeau from Canda announced that he is open for NAFTA revision.

Trump already as website. Good lord, this guy isn't even president yet and and he's already doing more than Obama in 8 years. Literally, President-Elect for about 48 hours and is already more successful. Wow.

Add Mexico to the list, similar comments coming from down South.
Direct from Wikileaks staffers:

"Why do you only seem to have information on Democrats?
If you were as Noble as you say you would believe in government accountability at all levels, not just for one party."

"To date, we have not received information on Donald Trump’s campaign, or other campaigns. If it were to be submitted now we would happily publish it. Information on how campaigns are fought is important in the moment, and after to learn lessons from. We certainly believe in accountability and transparency for the powerful. And this includes for all the campaigns in the election. We can of course only publish what we receive. If anyone has information on any of the other campaigns we urge them to submit it now before it is deleted -"

Wikileaks obtains leaks through anonymous submissions only, they then check for verification and then release when they deem them most effective in generating awareness.
Henceforth, PGP encryption will likely become mandatory for all email communications.
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I'll agree with the first and third. Socialists, though, are probably thrilled. They now have control of the Democratic party.

You're definitely right at the moment. Bernie is the de facto leader. Interesting to see how they move forward.

The smart move would be to recognize the total rejection of globalism/socialism by the American voters. Instead looks like they'll double down and blame it all on racism.
Awesome feeling. I mean, look at what's already doing behind the scenes. I love it. It's like a slumbered bear has woken.

Two Time and Back to Back World War Champions.

The mighty USA is back in business baby

Exactly. To take it one step further, how great does it feel knowing we have elected a president who won't try to make us apologize for being american; and won't go trash us every chance he gets on the intl stage?

The slogan maga may seem cheesy at first. But truly, Trump tapped into a sentiment no one else knew even existed.
Have not seen this mentioned

Although the turnout was not a record, trump would have beaten Obama in 08 with the support he received. Makes all those "Kasich would have crushed her" or "rand would have beaten him 1v1" pretty hard to believe.
You're definitely right at the moment. Bernie is the de facto leader. Interesting to see how they move forward.

The smart move would be to recognize the total rejection of globalism/socialism by the American voters. Instead looks like they'll double down and blame it all on racism.
All the energy and grass roots organization on the left is within the Bernie/Warren sphere. Clinton's collapse was an extinction event. Corey Booker is the only one that I can even fathom heading down the Wall Street route.

Left be tacking to the Left.
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Have not seen this mentioned

Although the turnout was not a record, trump would have beaten her Obama in 08 with the support he received. Makes all those "Kasich would have crushed her" or "rand would have beaten him 1v1" pretty hard to believe.
Link? If we adjust for population growth, I find that hard to believe, but I suppose it could be true. Ohio was a blood bath.
Great read on media smugness from CBS:

You’d think that Trump’s victory – the one we all discounted too far in advance – would lead to a certain newfound humility in the political press. But of course that’s not how it works. To us, speaking broadly, our diagnosis was still basically correct. The demons were just stronger than we realized.

This is all a “whitelash,” you see. Trump voters are racist and sexist, so there must be more racists and sexists than we realized. Tuesday night’s outcome was not a logic-driven rejection of a deeply flawed candidate named Clinton; no, it was a primal scream against fairness, equality, and progress. Let the new tantrums commence!

Yes, great read. The passage below illustrates the snowball effect of these journalists' mindset.

That the explainers and data journalists so frequently get things hilariously wrong never invites the soul-searching you’d think it would. Instead, it all just somehow leads us to more smugness, more meanness, more certainty from the reporters and pundits. Faced with defeat, we retreat further into our bubble, assumptions left unchecked. No, it’s the voters who are wrong.

As a direct result,
we get it wrong with greater frequency. Out on the road, we forget to ask the right questions. We can’t even imagine the right question. We go into assignments too certain that what we find will serve to justify our biases. The public’s estimation of the press declines even further -- fewer than one-in-three Americans trust the press, per Gallup -- which starts the cycle anew.

It's certainly in the American people's best interest for these journalists to remove their heads from their asses and start doing their job.

How great would it be to have an unbiased MSM that actually sought to provide the public with facts, rather than opinions.
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Exactly. To take it one step further, how great does it feel knowing we have elected a president who won't try to make us apologize for being american; and won't go trash us every chance he gets on the intl stage?

The slogan maga may seem cheesy at first. But truly, Trump tapped into a sentiment no one else knew even existed.

Absolutely. Thankfully Trump won. I think the whole DNC machine was making America weak on purpose. Those emails appear to show a pathway for foreign countries to essentially walk in and out without any border security at all through the DNC being bought off. The DNC elites get rich retire and not deal with the mess of globalization and we get the shit end of the stick