How will they rule ??!

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I understand that we already have background checks via the NICS system, and I believe it was Trump that banned bump stocks. Are you aware that Ragan banned Full Auto in 1986. Assault weapon ban stayed in effect for 10 years through a republican congress and president. Want to go back further? 1968 gun control act was passed in bipartisan vote.

Your precious dem party had the chance to ban guns twice when they had control of congress and the presidency. Think about that.

Your dur hur bullshit is getting really old.
JamesLee wouldn't know how to buy a weapon because he is not eligible to do so. You would have to be mad to sell him a firearm or rifle. He is not mentally stable and the authorities know it.
If this is true, those “policemen” should turn in their guns and badges NOW. They might as well been sitting in the donut shop.
Maybe. I'm not a very big supporter of the police, but I need more info here. I've seen the videos and the police look to be forming a perimeter to keep people back from the scene. If accounts are correct the shooter was already neutralized by the time the "police" showed up.

Not sure. Need a better timeline.
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I agree with him though that no one should have guns except for cops.

Also, cops are racist killers.


I am thankful I live in a county where we can all be cops. Case in point. A few years ago BLM announced they were coming to our county to tear down monuments and cut down a very old Live Oak tree that was used to hang folks back in the day. They were busing up from Tampa.

So the Sheriff called into the local radio station and requested residents to report to the Court House with their weapons and he would swear them in as deputies. When BLM got off the buses, they looked around and went back to Tampa.

Show some force and Black Lives Matter run like the cowards they are.

I am thankful I live in a county where we can all be cops. Case in point. A few years ago BLM announced they were coming to our county to tear down monuments and cut down a very old Live Oak tree that was used to hang folks back in the day. They were busing up from Tampa.

So the Sheriff called into the local radio station and requested residents to report to the Court House with their weapons and he would swear them in as deputies. When BLM got off the buses, they looked around and went back to Tampa.

Show some force and Black Lives Matter run like the cowards they are.
Isn't it interesting how the left always busses in these assholes to destroy a community? They do it all the time.
See if you can hear what I this woman is actually saying.

The more I listen to these people the more I agree with them. There is a need for transitory change. It just isn't the kind of change they are going to like.

is actually saying.
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See if you can hear what I this woman is actually saying.

The more I listen to these people the more I agree with them. There is a need for transitory change. It just isn't the kind of change they are going to like.

is actually saying.
These people are psychopaths hellbent on power. These are the last people who should be in charge of anything.

Every day it is shown why globalism is bad and individual and national sovereignty is the only way. There's a reason why the global elites have done everything to bring the third world to the west. It messes with unity. It makes it easier for them to rule us. How anyone could deny that this is happening is beyond me.

I think this tweet is spot on. We shove pills down kids throats just for being kids. Doctors prescribe pills like their incentivized to or something…

The negative effects of these pills (in most cases) far outweigh the positives. Working in a school I’ve seen the difference between kids on their meds and when they didn’t take them. Most kids are like zombies when they’re on them. The effects of this from an early age, sustained over their childhood have to effect their chemical balance and mental development.
I saw the same in my time as a teacher and some of my consulting work as a behavioral specialist. There has been a 2-5 fold increase in off label usage of antipsychotic meds in preschool age children alone, despite little to no information on long-term side-effects. 20% of our kids are labeled with a mental illness now and it’s a $250 Billion dollar industry. Big Pharma is destroying our kids. These meds aren’t prescribed to children in other countries at the rate it is in the US.

BTW. All this prescribing started in the 90s right before school shootings began to become an issue in our country.
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I think this tweet is spot on. We shove pills down kids throats just for being kids. Doctors prescribe pills like their incentivized to or something…

The negative effects of these pills (in most cases) far outweigh the positives.
I've been saying this since the 80s when Ritalin started getting popular. Like you said...just for being kids.
Lazy suburban parents ('soccer moms' again) who don't want to deal with a KID growing up.

'Ritalin may cause new or worsening psychosis (unusual thoughts or behavior), especially if you have a history of depression, mental illness, or bipolar disorder.'
'Call your doctor right away if you have: signs of heart problems - chest pain, feeling light-headed or short of breath; signs of psychosis - paranoia, aggression, new behavior problems, seeing or hearing things that are not real; signs of circulation problems'

This is just appalling and I think the exact same thing that happened at parkland. Police refused to do anything and let kids get killed.

Unpopular opinion:

As much as I loathe aggressive trigger happy cops, you absolutely need guys like that. This is why. Ya occasionally they off some scumbag a few seconds before he becomes an actual lethal threat. But those are the guys who would also absolutely run into a situation like this and stop or mitigate it. Crazy cops are absolutely a need and the very minor handful of iffy shootings is just an unfortunate and acceptable loss.

This will prove especially true in the months and years to come as we're being flooded with mass illegal immigration, suffering mass mental health issues from lockdown, combined with economic desperation including food shortage.
I've been saying this since the 80s when Ritalin started getting popular. Like you said...just for being kids.
Lazy suburban parents ('soccer moms' again) who don't want to deal with a KID growing up.

'Ritalin may cause new or worsening psychosis (unusual thoughts or behavior), especially if you have a history of depression, mental illness, or bipolar disorder.'
'Call your doctor right away if you have: signs of heart problems - chest pain, feeling light-headed or short of breath; signs of psychosis - paranoia, aggression, new behavior problems, seeing or hearing things that are not real; signs of circulation problems'
I remember one of these women trying to encourage my ex wife to put our son on Ritalin because this woman put her kid on it and he "studies so much better now" (women are the most impressionable and easily influenced in our society). I said 'Absolutely not.' Prager U has a great video about what the school system tries to do to young boys from the very beginning. Try to mold them into behaving like girls and then drug them for simply being boys. Then as a society, we act shocked that there's some major effects from these mind altering drugs.

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I remember one of these women trying to encourage my ex wife to put our son of Ritalin because this woman put her kid on it and he "studies so much better now" (women are the most impressionable and easily influenced in our society). I said 'Absolutely not.' Prager U has a great video about what the school system tries to do to young boys from the very beginning. Try to mold them into behaving like girls and then drug them for simply being boys. Then as a society, we act shocked that there's some major effects from these mind altering drugs.

Drugs have probably done more to harm our society than any other factor. Looking back at high school I had to read a book called "Brave New World". In this world a drug called Soma was used to control the population. They fed this drug to people and the people followed along with no resistance.

I remember asking my English literature teacher if that could ever happen in our society. She laughed and said it was all science fiction. I wonder if she is still alive today because I would like to ask her that question now.
Aw yes, Obama. The guy who took the moment of a memorial service for dead cops killed by a black supremacist to lecture them. What a race hustling POS he is. What a cancer he has been to this country.

Oh, and George Floyd was a career criminal drug addict not worth the gum on the bottom of your shoes. Picking this loser as an idol shows how messed up that entire side is.
“The wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted”
Drugs have probably done more to harm our society than any other factor. Looking back at high school I had to read a book called "Brave New World". In this world a drug called Soma was used to control the population. They fed this drug to people and the people followed along with no resistance.

I remember asking my English literature teacher if that could ever happen in our society. She laughed and said it was all science fiction. I wonder if she is still alive today because I would like to ask her that question now.

They do the exact same thing now except with social media clout. It's amazing how easily they get people to fall in line via social media
They do the exact same thing now except with social media clout. It's amazing how easily they get people to fall in line via social media
Social media- the drug of choice for narcissists and incredibly damaging to our society.

It destroys mental health. It makes people be self centered, searching for the dopamine hit of a new 'like' by a stranger. Focused on selling a lie to people to believe their life is better than it is or in the case of influencers, hawking a product and pushing a lie to make people feel worse about their life.

Then there's the constant virtue signaling and the need to say something. I'm not talking about an anonymous message board posts. I'm talking about the personal facebook pages. I must use this filter or people will think badly of me. I must post a black square to show I'm not racist. I must get vaccinated so I will feel a part of the in-crowd. I must give my political opinion on this topic or latest event despite no one asking for it but I feel I have to say something even if I'm completely ignorant of the topic.

Social media is now so pathetic that so many users have resorted to stealing the same joke over and over to inject themselves in it or stage reaction or prank videos. It's so pitiful. We have a generation of women whose sole identity is to show T&A for attention and even money.

This world was better before social media. For as many conveniences as it has especially in terms of bypassing corporate media, it has even more consequences.
yes take all 0$ from the legislature! payments for legislators is set in the state constitution so Abbot can't touch their YUGE 7 grand a year salary and $200 per diem. all he did was freeze pay for staff and a bunch of agencies funded from the budget. So he went after a bunch of middle class workers and it will most likely be voided by the courts. Guess Abbot is against paying wages to hard workers. and like 75% of the legislature is republicans. It also doesn't take affect till Sept.
See if you can hear what I this woman is actually saying.

The more I listen to these people the more I agree with them. There is a need for transitory change. It just isn't the kind of change they are going to like.

is actually saying.
Basically what we will be doing by turning our medical sovereignty over to the WHO. That is going to happen. I'm telling you these elite globalists are tyrannical and evil personified. we are nothing but pawns under their boot. How on earth can even any semi-sane person look at this and believe this is what we need. It seems like even some of the staunchest liberals or leftist media types would look at this and go "whoa now, wait a darn second". This is what you Liberals have gotten us into by voting that shitshow of an administration into office.
I've been saying this since the 80s when Ritalin started getting popular. Like you said...just for being kids.
Lazy suburban parents ('soccer moms' again) who don't want to deal with a KID growing up.

'Ritalin may cause new or worsening psychosis (unusual thoughts or behavior), especially if you have a history of depression, mental illness, or bipolar disorder.'
'Call your doctor right away if you have: signs of heart problems - chest pain, feeling light-headed or short of breath; signs of psychosis - paranoia, aggression, new behavior problems, seeing or hearing things that are not real; signs of circulation problems'

Kids are naturally full of energy, and curious about everything. Way too many parents used Ritalin as a means to "control" these kids because the parents would not get off their lazy asses and be a parent. My wife worked at an elementary school and said it was unbelievable how many kids took that drug. Now the new norm is let's have kids and let grandma and grandpa babysit every day and weekend so we can still gallivant around. People next door to me are doing this very thing. They retired so they could do this. It's really sad.
Drugs have probably done more to harm our society than any other factor
Thankfully I'm not on any prescriptions of any kind....and I don't take anything OTC unless I really, really have to. Including an aspirin for a headache.
This world was better before social media. For as many conveniences as it has especially in terms of bypassing corporate media, it has even more consequences.
“The wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted”
Love how you post verses daily. This is one that is extremely relevant to today (as they all are) with everything going on around the world.....

1 Peter 5:8 KJV

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
Kids are naturally full of energy, and curious about everything. Way too many parents used Ritalin as a means to "control" these kids because the parents would not get off their lazy asses and be a parent. My wife worked at an elementary school and said it was unbelievable how many kids took that drug. Now the new norm is let's have kids and let grandma and grandpa babysit every day and weekend so we can still gallivant around. People next door to me are doing this very thing. They retired so they could do this. It's really sad.
God I've seen this so many times.

We have a family friend whose daughter is often a huge brat. Not disciplined whatsoever because her mom just gives her whatever and stuffs a tablet in her face so she doesn't have to do any difficult parenting. I cannot imagine the terror that this little girl will become considering the level of entitlement and lack of discipline.

I rarely got grandparents to do a date night so I always marvel at some of these people who literally go out like every weekend on date nights. I also don't think it's right to expect these people who are in the golden era of their lives to raise your kids for you.
Here’s a thought: How did a UNEMPLOYEED 18 year old have 2 weapons that were worth over $5,000, body armor worth over $2000, and a $70,000 pick-up truck? Who gave him all of this?
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Basically what we will be doing by turning our medical sovereignty over to the WHO. That is going to happen. I'm telling you these elite globalists are tyrannical and evil personified. we are nothing but pawns under their boot. How on earth can even any semi-sane person look at this and believe this is what we need. It seems like even some of the staunchest liberals or leftist media types would look at this and go "whoa now, wait a darn second". This is what you Liberals have gotten us into by voting that shitshow of an administration into office.

And we know they are completely controlled by china. This is just one more way our leaders are intentionally incrementally subjugating our country and it's people.
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from the 2nd link

‘a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, said the gunman wore a vest used to store extra magazines — often used by tactical police units — without the armor plates that law enforcement officers typically wear.’