True story about my dogs, they really are very loving pets. People they know, no problem at all, people they don't know, as long as I'm with either no problem at all. Other than my wife and I, my two boys can walk into my backyard with no issues. Just a few days ago we have people all the time walking their dogs around the neighborhood and my dogs raise a ton of hell. I was out checking on what they were barking about, and it was this goofy ass neighbor walking her large dog. I waved at her to say hey, but she immediately started up my drive with that dog and got close to my gates, my dogs went batshit guard. I told her to never do that again. My gates are 6 ft high, and they have never jumped them even though I know they could if they wanted. She just looked at me and walked off. I don't think to this day she has waved at m since.