Must see TV. Beto is a disgusting twat.
Must see TV. Beto is a disgusting twat.
jameslee start posting about the breakdown of the family in this country. It’s at the root of almost every problem we have.
There is a good chance the voters of Georgia disagree.Kemp is not what Georgia needs.
Must see TV. Beto is a disgusting twat.
Bad look for the “everything is political” cult.
Add the removal of God from society. IMO this is the biggest factor.
Enter a courthouse. Why do we protect judges, lawyers, staff, and jurors more than schools when the latter has been more attacked? This is not rocket science.Two sets of locked doors between the main entrance/exit with a holding area between where a metal detector and guard are present. Doors must be adjacent to the front office where the clerk must “buzz” them in through the second door once cleared.
Uvalde Mayor called Beto a "sick son of a bitch". heh. Too cool.We need to normalize punching people in the face again
Enter a courthouse. Why do we protect judges, lawyers, staff, and jurors more than schools when the latter has been more attacked? This is not rocket science.
“…sick sonofabitch and an embarrassment.” perfect.
I'm surprised the shooter got such easy access. Most schools at least have all external doors locked.
That was very powerful and really did a good job showing the gravity of it all.
He has no moral compass. That's why I ignore him. He's just an activist spammer.jameslee once again without any logic and plenty of emotion. How does eliminating the NRA keep weapons out of the hands of people who intend to commit illegal acts?
I have it on good authority that banning abortion will only lead to illegal abortions. But now you expect us to forget that logic. Which is it?
The problem with you is that you begin with a flawed premise, that laws can be preventive. Laws are punitive. Evil is real and obeys no laws. And the greatest evils in history are always committed by governments against unarmed people. ALWAYS.
This is horrific. But if you really care, you’ll stop with the NRA bullshit and start posting about the breakdown of the family in this country. It’s at the root of almost every problem we have.
Everything that the left is, is just straight evil and a sinister plot while feeding their dumb AF base that it's in the name of caring for others. We just watched two years of the state using foot soldiers to bully you for COVID and then trying to use the state to destroy you for not getting Big Pharma's jabs or complying with their nonsensical mandates. Why? Oh, because they care so deeply about you. They don't want you to be sick.Why is there such a drastic financial push for gun control? And who is behind this massive money?
Those are the questions that should be asked.
@jameslee32, @Platinumdrgn @sammysdad05, Dion?, This is what you voted for. You all told us this Great Reset was all just a QAnon Conspiracy theory. It's out in the wIde wide open now. They aren't even hiding it anymore. It's coming and it's coming fast and hard. We are all just the plebian working class who must bend to the Elites in power or face punishment. Are you all on board with all of this?Meanwhile, no one look at Davos.
Davos Elites Warn Nation-States Not to Resist ‘Painful Global Transition’
Global energy upheaval as a 'transition' - After World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab declared, “the future is built by us,” t... | NEON
After World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab declared, "the future is built by us," two other European elites warned nation-states not to resist the "painful transition" by holding onto their own sovereignty.
German vice-chancellor Robert Habeck spoke about the energy crisis, warning that governments of individual nations should not seek to protect their own citizens, but instead follow "the rule of the markets."
During another discussion, Norwegian finance CEO Kjerstin Braathen described global energy upheaval as a "transition" while admitting there will be mass shortages and economic hardship, but claiming the "pain" is "worth it."
That guy‘s a moonbat.
And Gas is over $7.00 in places in California and that IS Biden's fault.Female relative’s social feed today
“Thoughts and prayers are not enough.”
*Spider-Man- Mary Jane meme”
“Give it to me straight. I’m ready to hear it.”
“Gas in Europe is $7.75 and Biden had nothing to do with it. You’re just easily manipulated into anger.”
That last line made me chuckle coming from a lefty. Second, comparing gas prices in Europe where little is extractable and they have to import completely versus a country who does have the natural resources to be cheap and independent?
Either way, it’s just amazing to see a group who blamed and still blames literally everything on Trump constantly make excuses for a complete effed up disaster like the Biden admin.
I’ve never understood why conservatives get to “claim” Jesus and Christianity as “theirs.” They seem more interested in using it to enforce social code than actually employing its tenets.
When I was going to school back in the 1960's and 70's, this country was flooded with guns 10's of millions of guns. And in those days compared to today there were almost no gun control laws. Yet we NEVER EVER had school shootings like we have over the last 30 years. We don't have a gun problem, we have a sin problem just pure demonic evil has taken our country over. You remove the 10 commandments from schools & this is what we get.Ok so I brought this up after the Buffalo shooting just last week but it’s funny you guys embracing the social issue of mental health now.. of course you only say that to deflect from the gun problem but I’ll take what I can get. 100% agree there’s a mental health issue, now will you be cool with universal healthcare and access to mental health care for everyone? Or is that a bridge too far and you don’t truly care about the issue?
I was a student of the 1950's and we had show and tell. I have told the story before but I brought a .22 rifle to the class room for show and tell. My grandpa gave it to me for Christmas and I still have it. We passed it around the room. My teacher went to his truck and got his rifle and brought it into the classroom. We passed it around the room. Nobody said a negative word, nobody was threatened. Nobody was afraid. It was common place and a part of life, especially if you lived in the South as I did. I would imagine most every school in America did the same thing back them.When I was going to school back in the 1960's and 70's, this country was flooded with guns 10's of millions of guns. And in those days compared to today there were almost no gun control laws. Yet we NEVER EVER had school shootings like we have over the last 30 years. We don't have a gun problem, we have a sin problem just pure demonic evil has taken our country over. You remove the 10 commandments from schools & this is what we get.
Facebook and Twitter are not monopolies. That is just old shits in congress trying to give meat to a braindead base. You could argue that Google and Microsoft use their size in monopolistic ways but both companies have pretty healthy amounts of competition. Amazon isn't a monopoly at all but also uses its size in very economically unhealthy ways but then so does walmart. But then your advocating for government to say how big free market companies are allowed to become. The ISP market is 100% monopolized but the feds allowed it to happen. The local media market was allowed to be monopolized by laws the GoP wanted and passed. "Breakup big tech" is just a nice sound bite. No republican has any intentions of doing it or the brainpower to understand how it could be done. These big tech companies became so big because consumers deemed their products better than everyone else's. Ain't that the free market at work?
And big tech shouldn't be your top concern. The monopolized agriculture sector is much more dangerous amd the GoP has done everything in their power to help it along.
The 50s were the best time. 50s and early 60s seems like an alternate universe.I was a student of the 1950's and we had show and tell. I have told the story before but I brought a .22 rifle to the class room for show and tell. My grandpa gave me it to me for Christmas and I still have it. We passed it around the room. My teacher went to his truck and got his rifle and brought it into the classroom. We passed it around the room. Nobody said a negative word, nobody was threatened. Nobody was afraid. It was common place and a part of life, especially if you lived in the South as I did. I would imagine most every school in America did the same thing back them.
I am thankful I am not a child in today's culture. God bless them and they have my prayers.
Dude, there’s more to the story than book banning. Parents legitimately feel that their children are being indoctrinated. Now, you might not agree with that, but to act like this is 1930s Germany right now is a bit of a reach.
Now tell us everything else that was in that bill. And there are already background checks.You understand Senate republicans stopped a bill to pass background checks and refuse to support virtually any gun legislation right?
NPR is absolutely full of those types. And honestly, I’m a center- left democrat-Clinton/JFK democrat, but some liberals just are such misanthropes. And some people on NPR are snobby misanthropes.NPR is made up of people who would love to put conservatives in a concentration camp but thankfully lack the testosterone to do anything about it.
I understand that we already have background checks via the NICS system, and I believe it was Trump that banned bump stocks. Are you aware that Ragan banned Full Auto in 1986. Assault weapon ban stayed in effect for 10 years through a republican congress and president. Want to go back further? 1968 gun control act was passed in bipartisan vote.You understand Senate republicans stopped a bill to pass background checks and refuse to support virtually any gun legislation right?
Outside rampant discrimination and lack of AC, pretty much so.The 50s were the best time. 50s and early 60s seems like an alternate universe.
No idea why Trump & the Pubs then didn't stop NPR existence. Shameful.NPR is absolutely full of those types. And honestly, I’m a center- left democrat-Clinton/JFK democrat, but some liberals just are such misanthropes. And some people on NPR are snobby misanthropes.
I’d maybe stop short of saying they want to put people in camps (I know you were exaggerating). I think they just want to be more “sophisticated” and “enlightened” than your average American. They are similar to the French that look down their noses at us. Just smug intellectuals.
How can you look at today's youth and listen to some of the utter nonsense that comes out of their mouth's and NOT feel they are being indoctrinated. Whether it be at school, or what they absorb through Social Media and the internet, SOMETHING is shaping this radical mindset they have and it's certainly not a lifetime of experience, careers, raising families, and meaningful contribution to society. Whatever it is that's getting into their heads is radicalizing them and actually causing themselves to develop a victim complex.Dude, there’s more to the story than book banning. Parents legitimately feel that their children are being indoctrinated. Now, you might not agree with that, but to act like this is 1930s Germany right now is a bit of a reach.
CBS aka "See BS" says you and your boy are all ate up.Beto had 55,000 at his last rally. i know you can't do much math but 55 > 19
No idea why Trump & the Pubs then didn't stop NPR existence. Shameful.
But, it was 'for the children' (in a Bill Clinton voice).