How will they rule ??!

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It is apparent that Bawrong does not understand what America stands for. In no way did I say you had to leave if you do not agree with me, simply suggested you do so if you do not like our ideals of freedom and capitalism. When you advocate socialism/communism, you will get this kind of response more often than not. Obviously you are too dumb to understand.

Here is a Regan quote that might help you understand:

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed down for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the UNITED STATES were men were free.
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You guys probably aren't going to watch this. If you do then you will more than likely hear what you want to hear and ignore the rest. If you do decide to watch it then keep an open mind and give it a chance. I know it's not going to change your mind and that's not why I'm posting it. I'm posting it because I can't articulate my beliefs coherently and I feel like a lot of it gets misconstrued because of my average intelligence.
Greek PM suddenly resigning, major ISIS attack in the most important Arab capital, but the top story on is about a Duggar
Greek PM suddenly resigning, major ISIS attack in the most important Arab capital, but the top story on is about a Duggar

What about that space elevator huh? That thing going in your back yard? Seattle.
In no way did I say you had to leave if you do not agree with me, simply suggested you do so if you do not like our ideals of freedom and capitalism.

That is not what you said (agreeing with you), but you gave both of them a chance to paint themselves a victim and they did. Marxist recipe. They chose to read what they wanted to read, and now one of them accuses the rest of us that we will hear what we want to hear before we even have a chance to watch the video. hypocrite.

I agree that they should go experience a society that has gone communism all-in. Be a part of it, make contributions to it, see if they fit in. If they really and truly want to contribute this "method," then they should do something more than just read about it and talk about it. Get up off the ass and go live the experience. Prepare yourselves for when we "need" you.
That is not what you said (agreeing with you), but you gave both of them a chance to paint themselves a victim and they did. Marxist recipe. They chose to read what they wanted to read, and now one of them accuses the rest of us that we will hear what we want to hear before we even have a chance to watch the video. hypocrite.
We are all hypocrites to some degree. We all contradict ourselves continuously throughout this life.
Question: Why do conservatives like Reagan so much? Was it his speaking skills and charisma?

I know he raised taxes, helped life get easier for rich white people, wasted billions (in 80s money) on a colossal failure known as the "war on drugs", traded guns for hostages with our friends in Iran and enlisted one of the worst political groups in history known as the "moral majority" or "religious right" to control the direction of the GOP.

I was born three months before he took office. This has always been a point of curiosity because some Republicans my age act like dude was Washington, Lincoln, Jesus and John Wayne rolled into one body. (Similar to what Dems do with JFK and Slick Willy Clinton.)
Actually I think you're wrong in the second paragraph. MSNBC has been raking her pretty badly over this entire issue,

What program on MSNBC, other than Morning Joe is raking her over? I ask because I do not watch MSNBC except for Morning Joe. And before you ask, the only show I watch on fox is Bret Baer show at 6pm. Has Hardball even talked about it?
When it matters most? Haha I hope this conversation isn't one of those moments.

Actually, after viewing the majority of your video (felt I owed you that much), I don't think you know what your side of the discussion is about. I think the reason that you have a difficult time expression your thoughts is because you don't know what they're based upon. Take Chomsky. He doesn't even say precisely what he wants. He makes observations of the human scene aplenty. But for every 1000 of his observations he might offer less than 1/100 of a tiny portion of an implementation plan for his vision of his "ideal society" that neither you nor that other dude can define. Near the middle of the video one of the interviewers attempted to pin him down: "so what do we do?" he asked Chomsky. To this, the great thinker replied with about as much as one might think: get people organized, get them together, get them talking, share some ideas, see what happens next . . . no implementation plan and no real description of what is intended.
Actually, after viewing the majority of your video (felt I owed you that much), I don't think you know what your side of the discussion is about. I think the reason that you have a difficult time expression your thoughts is because you don't know what they're based upon. Take Chomsky. He doesn't even say precisely what he wants. He makes observations of the human scene aplenty. But for every 1000 of his observations he might offer less than 1/100 of a tiny portion of an implementation plan for his vision of his "ideal society" that neither you nor that other dude can define. Near the middle of the video one of the interviewers attempted to pin him down: "so what do we do?" he asked Chomsky. To this, the great thinker replied with about as much as one might think: get people organized, get them together, get them talking, share some ideas, see what happens next . . . no implementation plan and no real description of what is intended.
Fair enough. And you are correct. I don't fully know or understand my side. I'll admit that. I plan on pursuing it further though. And Chomsky doesn't offer a specific plan. You are correct there as well. Maybe he does offer specifics in some of his writings. I haven't got that far yet.
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What program on MSNBC, other than Morning Joe is raking her over? I ask because I do not watch MSNBC except for Morning Joe. And before you ask, the only show I watch on fox is Bret Baer show at 6pm. Has Hardball even talked about it?

Yep! I did not expect a reply from you, because you told a lie, just like Cankles. Neither of you would know the truth if it flew up and smacked you in the face.
Lou Dobbs is about the only person I can stand to watch anymore.

Does it even matter what Trump does or says at this point? The fact that he flies off the cuff is both great/despised, the fact he doesn't care about being PC is great/despised.........etc etc.........

At this point it's almost safe to say he is your president folks!
For the Korean experts....... How serious is this new situation between the two? Serious enough to discuss or should we be more worried that Jeb used the term anchor baby? Asking for the MSM.
normal Korean fireworks as has gone on for 60 years, no big deal IMO. Just a couple years ago the Northies torpedoed and sank a Southie navy ship with virtually all hands lost. before that they did a sustained artillery shelling of an island over several hours.
Fair enough. And you are correct. I don't fully know or understand my side. I'll admit that. I plan on pursuing it further though. And Chomsky doesn't offer a specific plan. You are correct there as well. Maybe he does offer specifics in some of his writings. I haven't got that far yet.
You can't have a free society and think everybody can be equal because simply put, we all are not. We are individuals and are wired differently. Some of us are doers and some are takers. Some are born with silver spoons in their mouths and some are born dirt poor , but become very wealthy using the ideas and talents they are blessed with. Yes ,AMERICA has had its flaws throughout its short history, but as a society I think that we as a people have done a great job mending a lot of them .Socially I think we ALL should have equal "opportunity ", but some of us take full advantage of being blessed to be in this land, but unfortunately certain segments (backed by progressives) seem to think they are "entilted" to be taken care of .
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Fair enough. And you are correct. I don't fully know or understand my side. I'll admit that. I plan on pursuing it further though. And Chomsky doesn't offer a specific plan. You are correct there as well. Maybe he does offer specifics in some of his writings. I haven't got that far yet.

I think we're having a breakthrough. At least you're having one, but I'll be generous. I've read a lot about Noam Chomsky in the past, and a lot more recently. So thank you for that. He and I are nothing alike in our general thinking of man's purpose and his right to be rewarded for his efforts in the way he values. Fact is that Chomsky doesn't even think in that last way at all. And please do not be offended by my observation that while you concede an unknown understanding of your own self, it makes absolutely no sense, therefore, for you to place any identification upon men who do not agree with you. Please accept that constructively.

Undirected ideas. Are they even notions? A man might say that the products of the automotive industry are wrong. That they should be able to get 500 miles to the gallon. That consumers are unfairly abused by an unnecessary quantity of options to choose from. That huge engines are built for vanity and not for need. That shiny paint jobs take from the economy monies that should be used for "other good" and that common, uniform selections would provide all consumers with an even amount of satisfaction when pulling out of the lot and when going down the road.

Some might say, if the car industry would only listen to this man we would have much better cars and ownership of cars would be so much the better! But who exactly would those persons of such baseless agreement be? Very likely they would be persons who have never been able to afford a decent car, or have been rejected trying to borrow money to buy one, or have been envious in their lives of men who have driven beautiful ones, or have found the responsibility of maintaining an automobile to be too burdensome, and so on.

But no agreement will come from the man who will say, f'k that, I need another truck that will pull a god-damn stump out the ground!
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Question: Why do conservatives like Reagan so much? Was it his speaking skills and charisma?

I know he raised taxes, helped life get easier for rich white people, wasted billions (in 80s money) on a colossal failure known as the "war on drugs", traded guns for hostages with our friends in Iran and enlisted one of the worst political groups in history known as the "moral majority" or "religious right" to control the direction of the GOP.

I was born three months before he took office. This has always been a point of curiosity because some Republicans my age act like dude was Washington, Lincoln, Jesus and John Wayne rolled into one body. (Similar to what Dems do with JFK and Slick Willy Clinton.)

He stood against communism without putting the country into another "Vietnam situation". Basically he bluffed Gorby and the comrades into thinking he was the ultimate John Wayne type when in reality he was scared to death of a nuclear conflict.
Question: Why do conservatives like Reagan so much? Was it his speaking skills and charisma?

I know he raised taxes, helped life get easier for rich white people, wasted billions (in 80s money) on a colossal failure known as the "war on drugs", traded guns for hostages with our friends in Iran and enlisted one of the worst political groups in history known as the "moral majority" or "religious right" to control the direction of the GOP.

I was born three months before he took office. This has always been a point of curiosity because some Republicans my age act like dude was Washington, Lincoln, Jesus and John Wayne rolled into one body. (Similar to what Dems do with JFK and Slick Willy Clinton.)

All presidents are a mixed bag, the worst presidents have some success on their ledger and the best presidents have their share of failures.

Despite Reagan's mistakes, he had two monumental achievements. He lead the country into a recovery from the worst economic condition since the great depression (up until then), and he ended the cold war - something I personally thought I would never see in my lifetime.

Those achievements greatly overshadow his shortcomings IMO.

He also possessed extraordinary interpersonal qualities that allowed him to work harmoniously with the Democrat majority in congress to pass important legislation. Even those on the opposite side of the political fence had great respect for him.
All presidents are a mixed bag, the worst presidents have some success on their ledger and the best presidents have their share of failures.

Despite Reagan's mistakes, he had two monumental achievements. He lead the country into a recovery from the worst economic condition since the great depression (up until then), and he ended the cold war - something I personally thought I would never see in my lifetime.

Those achievements greatly overshadow his shortcomings IMO.

He also possessed extraordinary interpersonal qualities that allowed him to work harmoniously with the Democrat majority in congress to pass important legislation. Even those on the opposite side of the political fence had great respect for him.
And, he knew how to talk to the people, all of the people and made most feel safer. Most believed he was a president for all and not just one party.
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And, he knew how to talk to the people, all of the people and made most feel safer. Most believed he was a president for all and not just one party.
I liked and voted for Reagan in '84 and was open minded about both parties back then, if anything I thought the left was too radical. Many of Reagan's positions were a lot different than mine are now, but he was willing to compromise at times and work with house speaker Tip O'Neil in order to get things done. But Lee Atwater and his brand of divisive conservatism turned me off of the GOP. I also blame Rush Limbaugh and the right wing talk radio machine for poisoning the well of discourse in the country, making it impossible for moderate republicans to survive.
I also blame Rush Limbaugh and the right wing talk radio machine for poisoning the well .

Of course you do. I mean, I guess all the avenues of discourse your side owns just isn't enough, huh? Academia K through Post Grad, print media, main broadcast television, all but one corner of cable (not just news, brah, you seen any kids programming of late?), a healthy chunk of the internets...

Still not enough though. Need to squash AM radio. AM effing radio. I mean it's such a fresh and happenin' medium! You need to get that back too. What's Limbaugh have, 20 Mill listeners? 4% of the population max?

Just not fair. Your tears are certainly warranted. Got to get that guy off the airwaves, just un-American to have him speaking his mind there.
open minded about both parties back then

Thus closed minded now, got it. Just fyi the Dems have gutted their moderates and blue dogs.

We are witnessing the only person in the country to support: Reagan, Obama, Gary Johnson, HRC, and now per the post above perhaps Trump. Or maybe this is one account shared by multiple people. Mesmerizing.
Yep, the GOP is dead to me. I voted libertarian in '12 because I don't support the dems wholeheartedly. I never said I supported HRC, and you continue to be dishonest by saying I do. And since I won't be voting in the Democratic primary why note vote for Trump as a protest vote in the GOP's?

And still you refuse to say who you will vote for.
Ah, you left out the "protest" part earlier. Convenient but suitably smarmy. Yeah, you listed HRCs attributes and lectured BC to research her for giggles. Good lord, what a psychopath.

Btw, this WH makes Atwater look like a saint and you slobknob them profusely.
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When I brought up the possibility of a Trump candidacy months ago you and I were the only ones who took it seriously, while a lot of people made jokes. I personally know a lot of people who are behind Trump in Texas. I may vote for him in the primary, in fact I think he will get a lot of crossover support. The Super Tuesday states on March 5th are right in Trumps wheelhouse, and if he can somehow stay in contention until then things could get very interesting. But the GOP establishment will be hard to stop if/when they decide enough is enough.

The "protest" support huh, hard to find in this post. I guess you can spin the Gary Johnson bullshit that way as well. The guy was third at CPAC in 2011 and has been in and out of the party you hate.

You may be too GD pathetic to get enjoyment from smacking around.
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The "protest" support huh, hard to find in this post. I guess you can spin the Gary Johnson bullshit that way as well. The guy was third at CPAC in 2011 and has been in and out of the party you hate.

You may be too GD pathetic to get enjoyment from smacking around.
I completely indifferent to your barbs. You launch haymakers that never land, so why worry?
Why respond then? The problem with mouthy liars is keeping all the stories and things said for attention straight. Not unlike Trump ironically.

You're too easy but I will keep pointing out your addled hypocrisy for the impressionable minds that may be lurking.

Continue not caring but also not being able to explain what I point out.
"Right now I like John Kasich, the governor of Ohio," [Charles] Barkley said. "He's the only person that I'm really paying attention to right now, to be honest with you. Like I say, I prefer to vote Democratic. But I have really been considering looking at a Republican, and right now I've been studying John Kasich."

He added: "If I had to vote today, I would probably vote for John Kasich."
Why respond then? The problem with mouthy liars is keeping all the stories and things said for attention straight. Not unlike Trump ironically.

Unfortunately, I am compelled to respond when you attempt to put words in my mouth. You can't seem to make your point without some kind of deception. If you could only show where I said I support HRC you would be vindicated - but you can't. So keep on flailing.
According to this article, the EPA knew of the blowout potential of the gold mine back in 2014, and still didnt formulate a contingency plan. And theyre being dodgy in answering questions and providing documents. Nice..
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I read about some folks who knew some folks that were out right pissed off 30 years after James Polk's presidency. They asked. "What did James Polk do?"

Questions were never answered.
Ah, you left out the "protest" part earlier. Convenient but suitably smarmy. Yeah, you listed HRCs attributes and lectured BC to research her for giggles. Good lord, what a psychopath.

Btw, this WH makes Atwater look like a saint and you slobknob them profusely.
This White House and current brand of democrats (for many years now) have been the most devisive bunch in my lifetime. It is obvious to me and most others with a brain that they need this to keep their base intact. That and the illegal vote. Even more so if they can get them citizenship through amnesty.