How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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The US has a huge healthcare problem. what did the Repubs do to help fix it? jack shit is what. instead of work with Obama to craft legislation they bitched and moaned for 2 years and then failed miserably at repeal & "replace".
Border Patrol can handle immigration just fine with what they already have. We need to be building real infrastructure and attacking debt, not building ****ing walls.
Imagine if Elon Musk had owned Twitter 2 years ago. Trump would still be president. Gasoline would be $2.29 a gallon, we would have no inflation. Russia would have never invaded Ukraine, National Guardsman Bishop E. Evans would still be alive, as would the 13 members of our military that lost their lives because of Biden's Afghanistan debacle. Their blood like the blood of Evans is on Biden's hands.
The constitution does apply to companies. You are forgetting that companies also have free speech. Denying you service is their free speech. In citizens united scotus went even further and said their money is part of their speech. It's not a 1 way street for maga morons to do whatever they please. You speak out on twitter, and twitter speaks back with a ban. And nobody gives a **** because it's twitter and not important.
I will say I am done with Elon after reading the below observation.

I am sure you would agree with us on this one, FrontRunner. #NerdsUnite!

haha...WTF are you even talking about? I usually at least have heard of the nerd movies like lord of the rings (never saw one minute of it) or harry potter (never saw one second of it) or starwars (I think I saw 5 minutes of it as a child and thought 'this sh-t is lame')....never heard of firefly. Good lord, you have watched and loved all the nerd stuff haven't you? You go to those conventions don't you? I bet you are one of those that wears a costume
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WTF are you even talking about? I usually at least have heard of the nerd movies like lord of the rings (never saw one minute of it) or harry potter (never saw one second of it) or starwars (I think I saw 5 minutes of it as a child and thought 'this sh-t is lame')....never heard of firefly. Good lord, you have watched and loved all the nerd stuff haven't you? You go to those conventions don't you? I bet you are one of those that wears a costume
It is not a costume if you believe. I am just saying.

The only convention that I have been to in my life was the forty-third annual convention of the Grand Mystic Royal Order Of the Nobles of the Ali Baba Temple of the Shrine,
Walgreen’s most recent covid-19 report shows that, among its customers, the unvaccinated are now far less likely to test positive for a covid infection.

Unvaxxed — 10%
1 Dose — 16.1%
2 Doses — 35.4%
3 Doses — 41.3%

Walgreen’s data also shows that unvaccinated folks test MORE OFTEN than anyone other group, presumably due to workplace testing requirements.

Even more interesting, those who’d had 3 doses were the MOST likely to test positive (41.3% of all positive tests). It’s almost like the vaccines are working in reverse, or like there’s something wrong with the immune systems of the most highly jabbed folks. So weird. It’s the opposite of herd immunity.
Walgreen’s most recent covid-19 report shows that, among its customers, the unvaccinated are now far less likely to test positive for a covid infection.

Unvaxxed — 10%
1 Dose — 16.1%
2 Doses — 35.4%
3 Doses — 41.3%

Walgreen’s data also shows that unvaccinated folks test MORE OFTEN than anyone other group, presumably due to workplace testing requirements.

Even more interesting, those who’d had 3 doses were the MOST likely to test positive (41.3% of all positive tests). It’s almost like the vaccines are working in reverse, or like there’s something wrong with the immune systems of the most highly jabbed folks. So weird. It’s the opposite of herd immunity.

No shit. It’s science.
Did you miss the part where bezos thinks long term. he isnt a short-sighted idiot like most Americans. He knew that if he hemorrhaged cash for a few years he could dominate the market, bleed competition dry, and then swim in mountains of cash. And his plan couldn't have worked out more perfectly. Anyone that invested in his vision is absolutely filthy rich now. His space ventures are behind Musk ATM but I'm sure he'll catch up and dominate that market as well. Bezos understands how to plan a decade out with honest projections.
Joe can't even keep an economy that has been shut down....keep opening up. Doesn't seem that hard, but like Obama said about how 'ol Joe can F things up.

Noted in this article is a formula that used to be associated with the Atlanta Fed on forecasting the GDP. I've been following it for years. Uncanny how accurate it is.