How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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You guys are hilarious. Yesterday it was spend all day praising Kushner. Today it's page after page about how Soros will end the world. To bad for you loons that Kushner works with Soros. Soros funded a large chunk of Kushners real estate company along with a bunch of other "globalist" friends. So the "peace" deal must be part of Soros' master plan to take over the world.
Is there nothing that Russia cannot do? I mean, they are everywhere, all the time. One would almost think that they ruled the earth or something.

I don't guess this internet outage has anything to do with riots all over France or the propaganda machine being bought out from under TPTB. If they can't control it, they will just turn it off.

Bloomberg reporting it too.
Oh yes, another magic "foundation" to launder money through. I wonder if I could create the Fire Foundation and give myself some money?

All of these foundations is how they launder money all over the world. Political bribery too.

Let's also not ignore how incestuous Big Pharma and the CDC/FDA with the revolving door of employees going to work for these private companies and vice versa.

NPR article from 2016
A Look At How The Revolving Door Spins From FDA To Industry

National Women's Health Network article in 2018
Knock Knock, Who’s There?: The Revolving Door Between Big Pharma and the Government

Our entire system is run by criminals. You should question literally everything.
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I decided to take a break from work and glance at the stats of the top 20 cities worst for murder and the top 10 safest cities and look at the demographics of those in the two categories. I looked at one group to see what percentage they made in those two categories.

The Top 10 safest
1. 1%
2. 0.9%
3. 1 %
4. 2%
5. 1%
6. 4.9%
7. 1%
8. 2%
9. 1.5%
10. 0.5%

Tope 10 Worst for Murder
1. 60%
2. 42%
3. 51%
4. 62.3%
5. 65%
6. 39%
7. 24%
8. 41%
9. 78%
10. 24%

Make of that what you will but it's ridiculous that you're supposed to ignore this.
All of the top 10 safest cities in blue states and almost 75% of the top 100! guess red states are full of murderers! lmao. like its breaking news that suburbs full of privileged rich white people have less crime. Any crime they do commit they just pay to go away. Who could of guessed that poor people crammed into small areas like to fight with each other.
God has spoken and made Biden your president. Praise the almighty!
if he was on the board he would be required by law to act in the financial interest of shareholders. He also would be heavily restricted on what he could tweet. That is why he turned the seat down, he couldn't use it as a publicity stunt anymore. If you do any research on how he runs his companies you would quickly see Elon gives no shits about how twitter controls its speech. He has a long history of destroying anyone in his companies that speak out against his visions. He also sues the shit out of anyone that put out bad reviews of his products. Elon is an interesting visionary. but to say he cares about free speech is a lie, he cares about $$$$$ and attention.
You and the rest of your leftoids social media horseshit days are numbered. Long overdue.