How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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This is like having Ramon Harris try to go up against Zion Williamson.

I like the little knock of "Fighting a mouse." Yeah, just one of the world's biggest companies and global media conglomerate with massive influence, control, and operating as its own government. Please, Nikki, tell us what you do.

DeSantis is the best governor in the country.
Yeah that guy from Yale and Harvard really stands up for the little guy.
I guess Americans are finally understanding now what price we were paying for cheap shit. The price was erosion of middle class and susceptibility for supply break down because of limited warehousing. Made in America is great as long as brain dead Trumpsters understand it means higher cost because corporations are not going to absorb the labor costs. Americans are no longer willing to work for slave wages. Its pretty funny watching conservatives give a shit about this stuff when they are the ones that passed so many laws making it easier and easier for companies to use tax avoidance as an incentive to move jobs overseas. Only one thing makes companies choose America over profits, government regulation. People like Elizabeth Warren have spent their entire lives trying to fix this shit only to be laughed at by Mitch McConnell.
Seeing lately not one but multiple accounts pop up accounts that show up and just happen to go immediately to the political forum on a sports website. These idiots with the half-dozen or more accounts don't have the patience to hang out at rupp rafters or wildcat lair for a month or so and then come over here and maybe they could fool somebody...they make it to easy.

Some of you didn't see right away that that account that was like becks something a while back was the canuck. I called that sh-t right away. He tried to act conservative to make friends but quickly started inching towards the canuck's stupid beliefs. Plus he can't handle his liquor so he was bound to slip up and confirm it, one night he called me the f-ckrunner just like the canuck always did, made comments about my twitter use and boom, quickly erased them and that account hasn't been back since.

I am trying to help you out you pathetic trolls, whether you are American or a couple hundred times over 2 or 3 months in the sports forums and then come over here, if one of your first 20 posts on catsillustrated is in the paddock on the political have been here before and it will soon be obvious who you are. F-cking stop.
I put it on ignore because I sniffed it out as well.
* KA F*cking BOOM *

US GDP contracted 1.4% first quarter CY 2022.


Shut. The. Hell. Up.
I want to fly to @AustinTXCat house and bring 60 iced down beers sit by the pool and watch him destroy plat all day long 😂🍺
So....what did they do with the billions we already sent them?

Imagine if we had just sent all that equipment we left in Afghanistan to Ukraine. They would be one of the best armed countries in the world.

But then the military complex wouldn't get paid to make more. This is one big money laundering scheme where the rich get richer and taxpayers get hosed.
Now this is really going to upset liberals. Maybe even more than not allowing K teachers to groom 5 year olds. Graduates have to know something before they graduate. Like balancing a check book and managing credit card debt. That has to be unconstitutional and anti-WOKE

Sounds like common sense legislation, but I'm sure Libs will find a way to twist and turn it into something RAYSIS!...well...look at my new signature.
Walgreen’s most recent covid-19 report shows that, among its customers, the unvaccinated are now far less likely to test positive for a covid infection.

Unvaxxed — 10%
1 Dose — 16.1%
2 Doses — 35.4%
3 Doses — 41.3%

Walgreen’s data also shows that unvaccinated folks test MORE OFTEN than anyone other group, presumably due to workplace testing requirements.

Even more interesting, those who’d had 3 doses were the MOST likely to test positive (41.3% of all positive tests). It’s almost like the vaccines are working in reverse, or like there’s something wrong with the immune systems of the most highly jabbed folks. So weird. It’s the opposite of herd immunity.
OR, those that are vaxxed only get tested when they think they have covid whereas, as you say, the unvaxxed keep getting tested whether they think they have covid & so of course don't test +.

OR, something else is at play.
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Well Ukraine owns Joe and his boy so this is not surprising. No money to complete the wall on the Southern border but 33 billion for one of the most corrupt nations on earth. Why not? It is the American Way when Democrats run the show.
Biden has plenty of money to finish the wall. He just plain doesn't want it no matter how much money there is.
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OR, those that are vaxxed only get tested when they think they have covid whereas, as you say, the unvaxxed keep getting tested whether they think they have covid & so of course don't test +.

OR, something else is at play.
What is it about the statement "those that are vaxxed only get tested when they think they have Covid" makes us question the need or efficacy of the "vax"?
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Now this is really going to upset liberals. Maybe even more than not allowing K teachers to groom 5 year olds. Graduates have to know something before they graduate. Like balancing a check book and managing credit card debt. That has to be unconstitutional and anti-WOKE

Problem is how many teachers are actually good at "financial literacy"? Same goes for the majority of Americans.
Now this is really going to upset liberals. Maybe even more than not allowing K teachers to groom 5 year olds. Graduates have to know something before they graduate. Like balancing a check book and managing credit card debt. That has to be unconstitutional and anti-WOKE

Hell, only 10-20% of 'mericans could pass that.
if he was on the board he would be required by law to act in the financial interest of shareholders. He also would be heavily restricted on what he could tweet. That is why he turned the seat down, he couldn't use it as a publicity stunt anymore. If you do any research on how he runs his companies you would quickly see Elon gives no shits about how twitter controls its speech. He has a long history of destroying anyone in his companies that speak out against his visions. He also sues the shit out of anyone that put out bad reviews of his products. Elon is an interesting visionary. but to say he cares about free speech is a lie, he cares about $$$$$ and attention.