How will they rule ??!

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It's a non-story: "It’s important to note that Ashley Madison’s sign-up processdoes not require verification of an email address to set up an account, so legitimate addresses might have been hijacked and used by some members of the site. One email in the data dump, for example, appears to belong to former UK Prime Minister (Tony Blair)." Someone in the comments (iirc, was reading it last night on the way home from work) noted that there were like 7 Bill Clintons.

Now, if they find the credit card info of politicians, that's a different animal as that is, presumably, harder to fake than an email address that you don't even have to have access to. Should be an interesting couple of weeks for some; a hot August gets hotter? Look for people sweating.

While I think its obvious many of the emails are fakes, itll take more than 7 Bill Clinton email addresses to prove that. I can totally see him having 7 different accounts lol
Democratic hypocrisy at its finest: George Soros is buying coal...

“George Soros spent millions of dollars and multiple years helping to driving down price of coal,” said H. Sterling Burnett, research fellow and managing editor, at the Heartland Institute. “If he buys enough stock to have controlling interests in these coal businesses, closes them down and leaves the coal in the ground, we might accept that he is a true believer, that his investment was all about stopping climate change and saving the environment."

“But my suspicion is that he helped to drive stocks down, bought as many shares as he can, and, when stocks rebound, he can sell his shares and make a huge profit.”

Its only evil to be rich if youre a republican.
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I never made any equivalencies between the two. Your posts are famously critical of what others are saying, which any moron can do, but never really explains your own point of view in any kind of detail. Your lack of clarity caused me to ask for clarification. If you have no thoughts of your own, other than to criticize others, that's fine.
Think our Barong23 belongs in China or Russia for about 6 on his knees to get home and kiss the ground
You can't make this stuff up - the Tech Firm that held HRC's private email server was stored in a loft apartment in a bathroom closet. Every day is a new development with the server, email. Hillary Clinton should be held to the same as General Patreaus but even more so, she needs to be in prison. She has been lying for the last 30 years - Whitewater, Rose Law Firm and now this. How anyone can support this woman is unbelievable. Did anyone see her yesterday being asked about the emails and server being wiped clean - she was so shitty acting that anyone would dare question her. She thinks that she is above any questioning. I am really interesting in seeing how she acts in October when she has to go before the Bengazhi committee.
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Is that part of Trump's immigration plan? I must have missed it, but it sounds about right.

I doubt it but per how radical EVERYONE is acting toward his plan it might as well be. I'm sure it would be a lot more successful than what anyone will muster up.
My suggestions to Bawrong and the others on here who are advocating possibly going socialist/communist, take that crap to a country that is already that way. Expatriate yourselves and go to a country that fits your liking. I can almost guarantee you that if it looked as if we might go that way, we would have another revolution on our hands. There are enough people like me in this country who would ensure that (revolution) would happen. So please, leave and find a country more suitable to your way of life/thinking.
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My suggestions to Bawrong and the others on here who are advocating possibly going socialist/communist, take that crap to a country that is already that way. Expatriate yourselves and go to a country that fits your liking. I can almost guarantee you that if it looked as if we might go that way, we would have another revolution on our hands. There are enough people like me in this country who would ensure that (revolution) would happen. So please, leave and find a country more suitable to your way of life/thinking.
"Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech."
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"Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech."
Wrong, you can say what you want and so can I. I simply stated that socialism/communism would probably cause a lot of problems here and "suggested" if they wanted that kind of government to go somewhere else where it is already excepted. Reading comprehension is your friend.
Wrong, you can say what you want and so can I. I simply stated that socialism/communism would probably cause a lot of problems here and "suggested" if they wanted that kind of government to go somewhere else where it is already excepted. Reading comprehension is your friend.
That's not what it sounded like. Sounded like, "if you don't like it you can get the hell out." And I'm pretty certain that was the intent. Otherwise you wouldn't have said, "There are enough people like me in this country who would ensure that (revolution) would happen."
That's not what it sounded like. Sounded like, "if you don't like it you can get the hell out." And I'm pretty certain that was the intent. Otherwise you wouldn't have said, "There are enough people like me in this country who would ensure that (revolution) would happen."
Against socialistic/communistic rule yes. You want to talk about losing freedom of speech, that would do it pure and simple. I am simply saying we will not lose that right because some of you favor socialism/communism. That is a sure way to lose your rights.
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Against socialistic/communistic rule yes. You want to talk about losing freedom of speech, that would do it pure and simple. I am simply saying we will not lose that right because some of you favor socialism/communism. That is a sure way to lose your rights.

not in his mind it isn't. And definitely not Barong's. Harbingers of socialism and the preachers of the bogus utopian dream know good and damn well that it doesn't come about easily. Chaos comes swiftly after the initial sea change, and a sea change it must have. Always. A revolution for the purpose? Maybe, maybe not. A cult of personality? Yes. The central figurehead to get things organized, and my how it never seems to be much anything other than dictatorship. But well in advance of all these things are the dreamers. The utopian dreamers. People like Chomsky and their anarchism methods of supposed neutralism, and people like Barong and bissibook who conjure in their minds that they will somehow be essential to the process for their ability to "understand it." Their helter-skelter fantasizing is what puts me in belly laugh the most. Irrelevant for the lack of achievements in the now, dreaming of how they can take down the elite class and help "save" those, the ones that they are demanding so angrily are fooling themselves day-in, day-out.
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Against socialistic/communistic rule yes. You want to talk about losing freedom of speech, that would do it pure and simple. I am simply saying we will not lose that right because some of you favor socialism/communism. That is a sure way to lose your rights.
I wish you understood my stance. I really do. I am against centralized government. I repeat I am against centralized government. Tyranny in all forms. Do I think that will ever happen? Probably not. Do I think Chomsky thinks that will ever happen? Probably not. But we must, "seek out and identify structures of authority, hierarchy, and domination in every aspect of life, and to challenge them; unless a justification for them can be given, they are illegitimate, and should be dismantled, to increase the scope of human freedom." Does that mean they will be dismantled? No. But I'm not going to sit back and pretend this country is something it's not.
I wish you understood my stance. I really do. I am against centralized government. I repeat I am against centralized government. Tyranny in all forms. Do I think that will ever happen? .

do you think WHAT will ever happen? your opposition to govt. and tyranny? See that's just the problem with you bozos. You think you're saying something but you're not saying the first damn thing. You want to be understood? Fine. Say something worth understanding.
Trump is playing the media like a fiddle. Tonight all three cable news networks turn their cameras onto Trump for his address to the media and then town hall event that followed. I mean he got somewhere between 1 - 1.5 hours of free coverage on all the news channels. Meanwhile Jeb Bush was holding a similar event a few miles away in NH and all they had was a split screen for a minute or two showing Bush with sort of a clueless expression on his face and about a dozen people sitting around him looking like they were trying to keep their eyes open.

Ever since the debate drew that enormous TV audience the cable news channels are falling all over themselves to give this guy hours and hours of face time every day. Trump has figured out if you can say outrageous things, and entertain an audience, you'll attract attention, get enormous TV coverage and even get tons of people to vote for you, even though he knows next to nothing about how the office of the presidency actually works.

Who would ever have thought that this years presidential campaign would turn into a glorified reality TV series.
do you think WHAT will ever happen? your opposition to govt. and tyranny? See that's just the problem with you bozos. You think you're saying something but you're not saying the first damn thing. You want to be understood? Fine. Say something worth understanding.
I don't think my ideal society will ever happen. And neither does Chomsky. I know it won't because of of greed and power. You don't know what I'm doing in my daily life. You have no clue.
Media is trying a different angle to over saturate us with Trump. At first they wanted to bury him and now they are trying to overkill. It's backfiring completely too! You know it's bad when the dems are trying Trumps"I don't give shit" style with what he says and it doesn't work.

Clinton literally blew her campaign with that stunt yday.

I'm really thinking Trump is our next president. And that leaves me scared and anxious at the same time. Kind of like a first sports event.

Just not settled with it but he is right this is a capatilist nation and its time we get back to it and will take business minded people not lawyers and politicians.
I don't think my ideal society will ever happen. And neither does Chomsky. I know it won't because of of greed and power. You don't know what I'm doing in my daily life. You have no clue.

No, Captain Obvious, I have no idea about what you do or anything else about you. Nor does anybody else. That's how an anonymous message board is designed work, just so you know.

I also don't know what your "ideal society" is. You haven't stated it in concrete terms. Nor do men like Chomsky. Nor did any of his major influences like that darling "anarchism without adjective" Rocker dude. All people like that ever do is find things objectionable, and attract following from men who can do nothing but find things objectionable, without ability to offer practical solutions, which is precisely why each and every historical example of when they have been afforded an opportunity to apply their "vision" an extraordinary example of a fumbling, destructive buffoon comes to the front.

Chomsky is a great example of a brilliant mind with a gift for thinking about the goings on of men. Unfortunately for him and men like him, the world will always include a small but brilliant number of men with gifts for thinking about the goings on of how to improve upon man's achievements, and they will expect to be rewarded for their own achievements, and other men will want to reward them as their lives are made better as a result. Your ideal society fails before it ever begins, because it requires the assumption that those men will want your "ideal society," when bugger almighty it is the very last thing they will ever f'king need.
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It troubles me because of all the resources illegal aliens get with my tax money. It bothers me because legal residents can't get the jobs that illegal aliens can get.

I have a friend of mine that runs a large yard service in Cleveland. He told me that he has lots of illegal aliens (Mexicans) because they are such hard workers, cheap labor, and he doesn't have to pay any taxes for them. I ask him if he had to choose between an illegal alien and an American citizen who would he hire. He replied without hesitation that he would take the illegal alien.

Because Mexicans work hard and do a damn good job. Many Americas are lazy and want a water break ever hour.
I wish you understood mis always stance. I really do. I am against centralized government. I repeat I am against centralized government. Tyranny in all forms. Do I think that will ever happen? Probably not. Do I think Chomsky thinks that will ever happen? Probably not. But we must, "seek out and identify structures of authority, hierarchy, and domination in every aspect of life, and to challenge them; unless a justification for them can be given, they are illegitimate, and should be dismantled, to increase the scope of human freedom." Does that mean they will be dismantled? No. But I'm not going to sit back and pretend this country is something it's not.
Unfortunately, the perfect society will never happen with man alone. There are always those who will corrupt it with greed. I am in no way saying our system of democracy/capitalism is anywhere near perfect. While our countries ideals started out with great intentions (with some major exceptions), it has been corrupted over time by power and greed. Now, and we even see it on this message board, people are willing to sell their souls (if you will) to the party even when they know that what they stand for is not in the best interest of the country. Win at all cost mentality. I have never hidden the fact that I am a staunch conservatve (republican) but , I have moved more to the center these past years because of how out of touch the far left and right have become. I don't want looney factions of any type of government running this country and will defend this countries original ideals of democracy with my life. As an old retired military man, it is the only way I know how to express myself. In short, not trying to take away anybody's freedoms, just trying to protect the ones already in place.
Trump is playing the media like a fiddle. Tinnight all three cable news networks turn their cameras onto Trump for his address to the media and then town hall event that followed. I mean he got somewhere between 1 - 1.5 hours of free coverage on all the news channels. Meanwhile Jeb Bush was holding a similar event a few miles away in NH and all they had was a split screen for a minute or two showing Bush with sort of a clueless expression on his face and about a dozen people sitting around him looking like they were trying to keep their eyes open.

Ever since the debate drew that enormous TV audience the cable news channels are falling all over themselves to give this guy hours and hours of face time every day. Trump has figured out if you can say outrageous things, and entertain an audience, you'll attract attention, get enormous TV coverage and even get tons of people to vote for you, even though he knows next to nothing about how the office of the presidency actually works.

Who would ever have thought that this years presidential campaign would turn into a glorified reality TV series.
Nothing new, Obama was on tv just about everyday when he was trying to get his agenda passed through the government system knowing that he needed to get public support to turn the tide. The media was an even bigger circus when he was speaking. He knew even less about how the presidency works than Trump and it was not an issue for you then.
The main reason I believed Trump would make some real noise is because he is a master at media manipulation. He simply gets how to use social media to his advantage and knows what to say to get the masses in an uproar. There is a reason he has been a very successful businessman and became a well known celebrity in the process. He knows what the people want to see and hear and he is feeding off of the mess in Washington and knowing how angry folks are with the GOP and politicians in general.

The thing that intrigues me with Trump is that he has a ton of bark, but I also think he is very capable of having a lot of bite. Politicians in general have no spines after they get elected and I think Trump is very different which is why so many people are interested in him. I can see him challenging the Washington cartel (Cruz's term). Tell me how many people would be excited to hear him go after Mitch, Pelosi, and all the other worthless leaders in Washington? Nobody would be off limits with this guy.

In many ways he is an Independent but like I have said before what scares me about him is how liberal he has been in the past. Has he really changed his views as he has aged or his he just playing Republicans like a fiddle?

Those who want him gone are in for a huge disappointment. Unless he does something completely stupid or something very bad comes out of his past (we all know the establishment are digging up anything they can as we speak) he is going to be in the race for a very long time if not win it. They have already tried to bring up an old issue with his ex wife that she debunked quickly. Most if not all of his dirty laundry has been in the media in the past. What could they uncover that has not been brought up in the past?

Compared to most of his competition, he simply is just in another league than most of them in the areas I mentioned above.
Prob only interesting to me but the GOP candidate showing the overall positive numbers in swing states in Rubio. He also is testing highest in the gag-inducing "which candidate cares most about my problems" question. That is the main exit interview question that Obama was clearly ahead of Romney in 2012.
Clinton literally blew her campaign with that stunt yday.
If there was justice and right in the world she should have. Any other person dealing with those questions about their awful decision making and illegal actions responding with a "what, with a cloth!?!?" should not only have their candidacy ended, but next looking at jail time.

But this is a Clinton, and those dealing with them are liberal media, liberal entertainment, and liberal justice department. As always a Clinton will skate away relatively unharmed because those who share their politics will shield and prop them up.
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If there was justice and right in the world she should have. Any other person dealing with those questions about their awful decision making and illegal actions responding with a "what, with a cloth!?!?" should not only have their candidacy ended, but next looking at jail time.

But this is a Clinton, and those dealing with them are liberal media, liberal entertainment, and liberal justice department. As always a Clinton will skate away relatively unharmed because those who share their politics will shield and prop them up.

Actually I think you're wrong in the second paragraph. MSNBC has been raking her pretty badly over this entire issue, and it's been reported that a lot of party insiders want her to step down and bring Biden off the bench. The latest polls show Biden would do better in a general than HRC.

Political and legal Issues aside anyone that uses that type of poor judgement and then attempts to hide, and now trivialize something as serious as this is not fit to be president IMO.
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even though he knows next to nothing about how the office of the presidency actually works.

Good. This nation cant survive more presidents who know "how the presidency works".

Nothing new, Obama was on tv just about everyday when he was trying to get his agenda passed through the government system knowing that he needed to get public support to turn the tide. The media was an even bigger circus when he was speaking. He knew even less about how the presidency works than Trump and it was not an issue for you then.

He STILL is on TV nonstop. Its like he forgot he won both elections, and is still campaigning. But I guess thats good. The more time on late night talk shows, the less time on the job making terrible decisions.
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My suggestions to Bawrong and the others on here who are advocating possibly going socialist/communist, take that crap to a country that is already that way. Expatriate yourselves and go to a country that fits your liking. I can almost guarantee you that if it looked as if we might go that way, we would have another revolution on our hands. There are enough people like me in this country who would ensure that (revolution) would happen. So please, leave and find a country more suitable to your way of life/thinking.
This here is a free country. So either do as I say or get out!

LOL. You really have to admire these idiots. They are impervious to intelligence in any form. They just go round and round like little sputtering electrons orbiting around a concrete nucleus.

There are pages and pages of this type of thing on here. They don't get it. They never do. He is gutting the very heart of what it truly means to be free while demanding respect for the very thing he does not understand he is attacking. They all are like that. On every issue.
This thread is how I imagine a freshmen year political science class first week goes. "Let's just rap with each other," the professor said as he settled in. "Let's talk about the role of government in society. Be general, don't get specific!"
NBC already said he is not welcome back. Pure ego play...not that he won't try to monetize it later.
He'll probably try to launch his own cable TV network. Hybrid news, reality, fashion/lifestyle, and faux business programming.
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