How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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The combination of the unelected fake Biden administrationā€™s treasonous anti-American policies & deficit spending spree along with the absolute woke Morons in the Fed who told us that inflation was transitory & who unbelievably didnā€™t raise rates til it was far too late, have reached their goal of crashing the economy & stock market while redistributing wealth. All involved in this insurrection should face the South Carolina firing squad.
Had no idea there were local/volunteer 'To Catch a Predator' type organizations. Guess we don't need Chris Hansen after all.

Plus, another deviant school teach/administrator.

I was going to say something similar, but I worried I would look stupid about business haha.

I didn't even know there were that many JC Pennys around anymore.

I thought it was doing about as good as Blockbuster.
About 90% of my clothes come from Kohlā€™s. About 9% from JC Penny. Iā€™m high fashion. But wish it were the other way around. I woulda thought Kohls was doing better than JC Pennys.
You have clearly never been to Town Square Mall in Owensboro. It somehow still has a Spencer and Claires. Other than that...
Those two stores are still in a lot of Malls. Mall St. Matthews still has both. Spencerā€™s is awesome. A mainstream sex toy store.
There's actually something to this, though, because higher taxes would remove money from circulation and reduce inflation. The government adopted similar policies during World War II to suck up money in the economy because there was a shortage of goods due to rationing. It's not the only way to do it, but it is an option, just like how raising interest rates is meant to discourage spending and encourage saving.
Did not see this when you posted it. Ben Shapiro was never anti-vaccine. I was listening to his podcast when the vaccines came out. His wife is a doc. He encouraged people to get vaccines. In fact, I think his dad or father-in-law was resistant and Ben said he was trying to convince the man to get the vaccines.
Plat is an idiot. Ben has been pro vax since day one. I have disagreed w him in this thread about his stance. (Ben said he had vax immunity before catching c19 and now has natural immunity. My point ... he never had vax "immunity". If he did, he wouldnt now have natural immunity.)

Edit... had no idea his wife was a dr. He should mention that sometime.
if he was on the board he would be required by law to act in the financial interest of shareholders. He also would be heavily restricted on what he could tweet. That is why he turned the seat down, he couldn't use it as a publicity stunt anymore. If you do any research on how he runs his companies you would quickly see Elon gives no shits about how twitter controls its speech. He has a long history of destroying anyone in his companies that speak out against his visions. He also sues the shit out of anyone that put out bad reviews of his products. Elon is an interesting visionary. but to say he cares about free speech is a lie, he cares about $$$$$ and attention.