How will they rule ??!

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I feel for Sluggers loss, and can't even begin to imagine the pain it's put his family through. My Wife's good friend at work, just lost her brother a few weeks ago to a dose of Marijuana that was laced with fentanyl. I think that's likely a true culprit in many deaths from smoking MJ these days. Something I think legalizing and regulating would help curtail.

We live in one of the worst parts of the country for it. Sadly I’d bet almost everyone here has lost a friend or family member to addiction and overdose. I have too. Drug abuse is a disease of despair and we need to address the root causes while getting people help, not sweep the entire thing away out of sight under the carpet into the criminal world where it becomes extremely dangerous.
Well, today has been a shit day, and now I come here and find the I agree with Dion on something. What a damn day.

Weed today isn't the same weed we had twenty years ago, much less in the seventies. Even back then you had to be careful about where you got weed for fear of it being laced with everything from glass to meth. finding a good, safe, products was hard for some people. Now you have fentanyl and that stuff is death's kiss. I had to quit many years ago for security clearances, but even if I hadn't needed them, I was getting out for fear of being spiked.

The war on drugs has been a complete disaster for everyone except law enforcement. They have gotten fat and rich, and so have the pols via the overflow. Freedoms have been straight up stripped away in the name of "for the children". Where have you heard that one before. Black markets are everywhere, we have created uber rich drug lords, destabilized entire countries, drained our resources, and for what? It has also led right to the Patriot Act. F them both. They need to end.

Micro dosing shrooms has been found to erase depression in many people. ERASE, as in gone permanently. That's pretty damn impressive for a fungus.
Well, today has been a shit day, and now I come here and find the I agree with Dion on something. What a damn day.

Take solace in the fact that you assuredly disagree on solutions to that problem.

Identifying the problem is not the limitation for radical leftists, it's their ignorant and dogmatic solutions.
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Take solace in the fact that you assuredly disagree on solutions to that problem.

Identifying the problem is not the limitation for radical leftists, it's their ignorant and dogmatic solutions.
Yeah, some of it is just moonbeam bullshit, but some of it I wholly agree with, like counseling.

There comes a time in any war when you have to change tactics. That time has come and gone for the war on drugs. Prohibition was a massive failure and so is this current "war".

I urge everyone to look into who started the war, and why is was started. It will explain a great many things. Also, look into why cannabis (hemp) was outlawed and why the FBI wanted no part of it.

Hint: It involves lobbyists and corporations.
I keep hearing about how Dems have supposedly gone super far left. Here's a platform statement from the national convention that seems pretty reasonable. Is this the "insane hard left turn" the party's taken? Which of these do y'all disagree with? Don't seem so outlandish to me.

The green new deal includes nothing because it is a resolution not a bill. It is just a text of ideas to fight climate change and build back up the poor and middle class. It has no laws and no enforcement. It's just Congress being a useless Congress as always and proposing a resolution to discuss future legislation. I don't know why Congress is even allowed to pass these useless resolutions. It's just their way of wasting time and getting media attention. It's essentially their grandiose Twitter feed.
I keep hearing about how Dems have supposedly gone super far left. Here's a platform statement from the national convention that seems pretty reasonable. Is this the "insane hard left turn" the party's taken? Which of these do y'all disagree with? Don't seem so outlandish to me.

1. More give aways instead of getting people to work

2. SS has been going broke as long as I can remember. BS

3. open borders.

4. minimum wage is not supposed to be a career goal. If you’re making minimum wage after a year, you got bigger problems.

5. why do they need to increase unemployment when there are thousands of jobs that need filling?

6. union money grab

7. you get what you are worth
I keep hearing about how Dems have supposedly gone super far left. Here's a platform statement from the national convention that seems pretty reasonable. Is this the "insane hard left turn" the party's taken? Which of these do y'all disagree with? Don't seem so outlandish to me.

1. How much federal assistance is already provided? This is worded as if it’s non-existent. The number is likely astronomical already. But I have no problem with improving infrastructure in any community. The problem is that any bill passed has so much pork in it the consequences outweigh the societal good
2. Obviously no blue collar citizen would have a problem with this. Bad thing is they don’t mean it. Neither do the RINO GOP’ers
3. Every immigrant who enters this country should be properly vetted and prove they can benefit our society. Period
4. Raising minimum wage in an economy with ever rising inflation benefits no one.
5. Yes we definitely don’t have enough people on federal assistance. Let’s sign everybody up.
6. No problem with improving working conditions. Unions don’t give a rip about the workers anymore.
7. No problem with the last one. Should have always been this way. But In salaried positions where talented people are in high demand, corporations sometimes have to offer signing bonuses and other perks to get their man… or woman.
I keep hearing about how Dems have supposedly gone super far left. Here's a platform statement from the national convention that seems pretty reasonable. Is this the "insane hard left turn" the party's taken? Which of these do y'all disagree with? Don't seem so outlandish to me.

that is a copy/paste from 40 yrs ago.

there are a few items conveniently left off that list
I keep hearing about how Dems have supposedly gone super far left. Here's a platform statement from the national convention that seems pretty reasonable. Is this the "insane hard left turn" the party's taken? Which of these do y'all disagree with? Don't seem so outlandish to me.

Where is equal pay for equal work not a thing, especially for sex? Thats already a law for starters.

I've never once heard of saying huck huck there's a woman, let's pay her less. A. If corporations are so greedy...wouldn't they just hire all women and save. B. It defeats basics of capitalism that I wouldn't pay a woman more of she brings in more revenue/value or else a competitor would.

I remember when bernies campaign discovered that men were making more...bc they were working more...instead of asking why the women didn't work more hours, he just made the men get paid less. Lol.

If this is the Democrat platform they do an incredibly shitty job of selling it. Not to mention its the govt, writing cuddlies on paper doesn't translate to anything but inefficient unintended consequences that does nothing except demand everyone continue to pay more and more in taxes with no solutions.

I can start on each of these, but social security is always my most annoying issue. The ultimate ponzi scheme of theft.
1. More give aways instead of getting people to work

2. SS has been going broke as long as I can remember. BS

3. open borders.

4. minimum wage is not supposed to be a career goal. If you’re making minimum wage after a year, you got bigger problems.

5. why do they need to increase unemployment when there are thousands of jobs that need filling?

6. union money grab

7. you get what you are worth
1. How much federal assistance is already provided? This is worded as if it’s non-existent. The number is likely astronomical already. But I have no problem with improving infrastructure in any community. The problem is that any bill passed has so much pork in it the consequences outweigh the societal good
2. Obviously no blue collar citizen would have a problem with this. Bad thing is they don’t mean it. Neither do the RINO GOP’ers
3. Every immigrant who enters this country should be properly vetted and prove they can benefit our society. Period
4. Raising minimum wage in an economy with ever rising inflation benefits no one.
5. Yes we definitely don’t have enough people on federal assistance. Let’s sign everybody up.
6. No problem with improving working conditions. Unions don’t give a rip about the workers anymore.
7. No problem with the last one. Should have always been this way. But In salaried positions where talented people are in high demand, corporations sometimes have to offer signing bonuses and other perks to get their man… or woman.
Where is equal pay for equal work not a thing, especially for sex? Thats already a law for starters.

I've never once heard of saying huck huck there's a woman, let's pay her less. A. If corporations are so greedy...wouldn't they just hire all women and save. B. It defeats basics of capitalism that I wouldn't pay a woman more of she brings in more revenue/value or else a competitor would.

I remember when bernies campaign discovered that men were making more...bc they were working more...instead of asking why the women didn't work more hours, he just made the men get paid less. Lol.

If this is the Democrat platform they do an incredibly shitty job of selling it. Not to mention its the govt, writing cuddlies on paper doesn't translate to anything but inefficient unintended consequences that does nothing except demand everyone continue to pay more and more in taxes with no solutions.

I can start on each of these, but social security is always my most annoying issue. The ultimate ponzi scheme of theft.
Thanks for the responses. To all: THIS WAS THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM OF EISENHOWER'S 1956 CAMPAIGN. Yes, Ds have moved left since then. But Rs have moved MUCH further right. It isn't debatable, and it's destroying the very foundations of society. Thank you all for playing.
Where is equal pay for equal work not a thing, especially for sex? Thats already a law for starters.

I've never once heard of saying huck huck there's a woman, let's pay her less. A. If corporations are so greedy...wouldn't they just hire all women and save. B. It defeats basics of capitalism that I wouldn't pay a woman more of she brings in more revenue/value or else a competitor would.

I remember when bernies campaign discovered that men were making more...bc they were working more...instead of asking why the women didn't work more hours, he just made the men get paid less. Lol.

If this is the Democrat platform they do an incredibly shitty job of selling it. Not to mention its the govt, writing cuddlies on paper doesn't translate to anything but inefficient unintended consequences that does nothing except demand everyone continue to pay more and more in taxes with no solutions.

I can start on each of these, but social security is always my most annoying issue. The ultimate ponzi scheme of theft.
Regarding your 100% correct view of SS as a Ponzi scheme.

When it was introduced with a retirement age of 65, the average life expectancy at the time was 62.
Thanks for the responses. To all: THIS WAS THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM OF EISENHOWER'S 1956 CAMPAIGN. Yes, Ds have moved left since then. But Rs have moved MUCH further right. It isn't debatable, and it's destroying the very foundations of society. Thank you all for playing.
Do you think this is some type of gotcha? We kind of all agreed they were good ideas, but overly simplified. I think as a base line many conservatives would still be fine with this. Except for the immigrant asylum point. And if you think that situation hasn’t changed significantly since 1956 then you’re just being disingenuous.
He just went to work over the last week researching/trying to figure out some way to twist reality back into his favor.

Copy/pasted what he found here.

The country has gone radical left and his very existence proves it. IF it hadn't, the kind of idiocy he spews on here daily would be readily apparent to everyone nationwide, even on college campuses and the worthless academics that taught him it, for the malarkey that it is.

It's a complete joke that people midwit ingrates like him actually think/say what they do with a "straight face."
Thanks for the responses. To all: THIS WAS THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM OF EISENHOWER'S 1956 CAMPAIGN. Yes, Ds have moved left since then. But Rs have moved MUCH further right. It isn't debatable, and it's destroying the very foundations of society. Thank you all for playing.
It might be but the dims are for all of that now. not to mention crt, pediphillia and defunding the police.
Those stupid people Trump hired had the economy doing slightly better than it was right before the Ukraine/Russia war started. Take out Covid (which Trump wasnt responsible for but does get some blame for how he responded) and it’s an even bigger difference.
Thanks for the responses. To all: THIS WAS THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM OF EISENHOWER'S 1956 CAMPAIGN. Yes, Ds have moved left since then. But Rs have moved MUCH further right. It isn't debatable, and it's destroying the very foundations of society. Thank you all for playing.
"Destroying the foundations of society"

Don't you want to be Europe which the US pretty much fully funds while its growingly a dying continent
It might be but the dims are for all of that now. not to mention crt, pediphillia and defunding the police.
That's the point. Those statements could have easily been from a D convention today. Those are all tame, moderate positions most of the country should be able to agree on. Even Republicans from nearly 70 years ago. But to today's GOP? Radical socialism!
"Destroying the foundations of society"

Don't you want to be Europe which the US pretty much fully funds while its growingly a dying continent
Yes. Growth should not be the number 1 priority of our society. The welfare of the people should be. Economies only exist to serve people. People are what matter.
Liberals and that MTG doo doo show today. Liberals brought up a scene from Independence Day movie in order to tie in some insane connection MTG.

A movie scene. In court. That was actually done
How about when she lied on the stand about calling Pelosi a traitor? Perjury only matters when it's about a blowjob I guess.

And before anyone says anything I have no idea who this Twitter account is, was just the easiest way to insert the video.
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How about when she lied on the stand about calling Pelosi a traitor? Perjury only matters when it's about a blowjob I guess.

Hillary has lied repeatedly under oath. So has Fauci. Are they in jail or unable to run for office? Not sure why Green would deny saying it anyway. It’s an opinion. Oh and Pelosi is a traitor.
Hillary has lied repeatedly under oath. So has Fauci. Are they in jail or unable to run for office? Not sure why Green would deny saying it anyway. It’s an opinion. Oh and Pelosi is a traitor.
Yeah I don't care at all, they all lie. She's just dumb. They obviously had it in evidence as he immediately went to "exhibit 5" so she should've even been prepped on it right?
Yeah I don't care at all, they all lie. She's just dumb. They obviously had it in evidence as he immediately went to "exhibit 5" so she should've even been prepped on it right?
Yeah. Agree with ya there. She should have just said yeah I think she’s a traitor. Not sure why that would even be used as evidence anyway. If you think Nancy Pelosi is a traitor you shouldn’t be eligible to run for Congress?