Definitely. End the War on Drugs. Have said such here on multiple occasions. Most widely used hallucinogens are pretty safe.Are you also so passionate about coke or acid or whatever else? If not, why not? What's the difference? Legalize everything, I say, but why is the Left so passionate about marijuana only. Legalize it all, I say, but buzz off with that hipster 4 20 crap.
The Very Best People...The lead grifter was pardoned by Trump of course.
Check out Cannibis Hyperemesis Sydrome...Definitely. End the War on Drugs. Have said such here on multiple occasions. Most widely used hallucinogens are pretty safe.
I'm sorry to hear that about your grandson but the truth is it's one of the only known bad outcomes and it's incredibly rare. Tens of millions use cannabis regularly in this country safely. Thousands die from alcohol poisoning alone every year, not to mention all the alcohol related deaths and accidental overdoses from harder drugs that could be avoided with wider cannabis use. Prohibition is not the answer.Check out Cannibis Hyperemesis Sydrome...
Grandson has lost 60#s and threatened his life. Some of you folks are morons. All this garbage is dangerous!!
Totally understand feeling that way. He is no doubt great.6 years is a lifetime in politics. His star may never be higher than it is right now.
I prefer him over Trump or anyone else in the field in 2024.
He knows it’s likely his last chance for him and his wife to cash in one more time.
Conservative Floridians appreciate the love for Governor DeSantis but he has so much more to do in Florida and needs 8 years to get things corrected.6 years is a lifetime in politics. His star may never be higher than it is right now.
I prefer him over Trump or anyone else in the field in 2024.
Trumps story sure changes quickly.
On Sunday, a reporter asked Donald Trump to explain his administration delaying military aid to Ukraine in July. “I didn’t delay anything,” the president replied.
A day later, the Republican’s story changed a bit. Trump told reporters, “We want to make sure that country is honest. It’s very important to talk about corruption. If you don’t talk about corruption, why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?”
“As far as withholding funds, those funds were paid,” Trump said. “They were fully paid. But my complaint has always been – and I’d withhold again, and I’ll continue to withhold until such time as Europe and other nations contribute to Ukraine, because they’re not doing it.”
“Very important, I want other countries to put up money,” he added. “I think it’s unfair that we put up the money. Then other people call me. They said, ‘Oh, let it go.’ And I let it go. But we paid the money, the money was paid.”
He said he wants Germany, France and other nations to contribute more funds. “And that’s been my complaint from the beginning,” he said.
How does doing a show with rush help Trump? Only the absolute lowest IQ loons listen to that moron. Those people were 100% already voting for him. General elections are about going outside your base.
The fact the CDC was given authority to dictate and set mandates on behalf of the Federal Government is ridiculous. That is beyond their level of authority.
They need to stop calling the vast majority of them "homeless" It's disparaging to those who are truly homeless. Most of those tent cities are full of vagrants, drug abusers, and wandering gypsies who are there by choice or by their own volition based on their life choices. They don't want to work, they'd rather panhandle or wait for whatever government assistance they can get. They aren't looking for jobs or opportunities, just their next fix. the reason places like Portland, San Fran, LA and others have such an problem with them is because these liberal bastions mollycoddle them and enable them.
Judges in Florida are elected. So, how did Democratic governors "put in judges that set us back 50 years with their liberal socialist rulings"?Our state was ruled by Democrats from many, many years. They said they were conservative dims but that was just a lie. They put in judges that set us back 50 years with their liberal socialist rulings. Things are turning around and we have an opportunity to make Democrats in Florida as insignificant as Republicans in California. DeSantis is setting things up so we have some very young extremely intelligent conservatives to take the baton when he passes it.
Democrats try to disrupt the legislative process in Florida by screaming and yelling like savages. This is a tactic they do over and over and over. Scream and yell. But not to worry, we got this. The law passes anyway. More GOP representatives will be in the U.S. Congress. Our aim is to crush Democrats and move forward in the State of Florida. We ain't got time for them anymore. No compromise and no working with them.
The new map is widely expected to expand Republicans' current 16-11 congressional advantage to 20–8. That is four more. We gained seats from the census. What is the Dims advantage in the House now, 5? They are toast in November.
Those stupid people Trump hired had the economy doing slightly better than it was right before the Ukraine/Russia war started. Take out Covid (which Trump wasnt responsible for but does get some blame for how he responded) and it’s an even bigger difference.The Very Best People...
General question. Should Teachers who happen to be activists, for whatever cause, be pushing their activism on their students or should they stick to teaching the subjects at hand?DeSantis is a Florida republican in an election year fwiw. His focus has to be fear because in the GQP there is no other platform. Teachers and gays are the fear so far but I suspect that could change the closer the election nears.
One thing we will agree on regarding the Republican Legislators, at least here in KY, is that their staunch anti-marijuana and expanded gaming stand is bad and outdated.No, they voted to continue the status quo, which is that it's illegal federally. Overruling the states who want to legalize. It's the exact federal overreach you pretend to care about.
DeSantis gets it.
Look you're barking up the wrong tree with me. Lost a son in Feb 21 to an OD. The Dr's told us they are seeing more of this everyday with the MJ. I just know it makes me sick that venue's like music, movies and people like you glorify this poison. I'm in favor of medical use , but like everything else the government gets its hands on it'll be screwed up. My grandson and are sitting at the kitchen table as I type this talking about his situation. The Dr's. said it will take 3 months to get this out of his system and after he better either stop or limit his use to once or twice a month.I'm sorry to hear that about your grandson but the truth is it's one of the only known bad outcomes and it's incredibly rare. Tens of millions use cannabis regularly in this country safely. Thousands die from alcohol poisoning alone every year, not to mention all the alcohol related deaths and accidental overdoses from harder drugs that could be avoided with wider cannabis use. Prohibition is not the answer.
I totally believe you believe that wholeheartedly. Sad, but LOL.So iow he's right.
Liberals helping liberals first. Your kind of people, JL32. I mean getting rid of student debt is the same thing.
Whatever they call it, they pay token amounts at most.I'll grant that this is an "ad hominem", but JamesLee32 is a Coronabro of the first order, so one should keep that in mind when evaluating his posts. He's also "woke", so that should be kept in mind, as well.
He has literally posted tweets from "Dr." Eric Ding on multiple occasions, and has also gloated when people who were unvaccinated supposedly died from "Covid". He is a very bad person to do the latter and a brainwashed sheep to do the former.
Fauci is tiny in any sense you can come up with.Is Kasie Hunt huge or is Fauci Danny Devito size?
Lol. Dim party screws him over again. He and his cult followers should just move to russia amd get it done. He is such a cuck for the dims. Courageous
Relax. You don't need to worry about Mitch. I predict he'll be gone BY DEC. '23 by resignation.The Rinos in DC may be a bigger enemy to conservatives than Democrats. The stories of McConnell and McCarthy the past couple of days making statements behind closed doors of wanting to impeach Trump or as Mitch put it, “Get rid of the Sonofabitch for them. Both these guys should be censured by their states Republican Party. And neither is fit to serve as leaders of their party in congress. We have to vote swamp dwellers like these out and vote real conservatives in, or we’re never going to win. Even when we have the majority.
Years ago Democrats created some of the most gerrymandered districts in the U.S. for the sole purpose of electing black democrats. Our 5th district ran from Tallahassee to Jacksonville, a distance of 163 miles. It was on the Georgia border and had the highest concentration of blacks in the state. It had portions of 8 counties in one district.New York Dems illegally drew congressional districts, appeals court rules
A mid-level appeals court in New York State ruled late Thursday that Democrats illegally drew up new congressional maps to unfairly benefit their own
Me neither. Why is Trump the only person that can do the job for so many?I love DeSantis. He is great. But I think Trump should be the guy for 24. 28 should be the year for DeSantis. Though obviously I would vote for either one in 24 (not sure where people get this Trump or bust stuff talked about earlier in this thread...if its Trump or another good candidate I'll vote for them in 24)
I'm on board with legalizing Marijuana, not other hard drugs. It needs to be regulated and treated and enforced the same as alcohol though. I get where you're coming from and I feel for your grandson. My grandfather was a raging alcoholic growing up. He sought help and got sober, but died at the age of 63 partly due to the effects it had on his body. I would venture to guess Alcoholism is far more prevalent than CHS, and CHS can be cured by simply stopping the use of cannabis. I drink, and on a rare occasion, mostly in the last couple of years, will use some form of cannabis. If there is room for Alcohol to be legal there should be room for Marijuana. now other harder and far more addicting drugs are another story.Check out Cannibis Hyperemesis Sydrome...
Grandson has lost 60#s and threatened his life. Some of you folks are morons. All this garbage is dangerous!!
467k jobs added last month! Strongest yearly job growth in US history! That's called WINNING! YUGE!
6.6 million in his 1st year. That's more than the last 5 gop presidenta ccombined. Its funny how Trumpsters try to rain all over his parade and he just keeps chugging along. Couple more months and he will have regrown all the jobs that moron fat cheeto lost for us.
Sorry for your lossLook you're barking up the wrong tree with me. Lost a son in Feb 21 to an OD. The Dr's told us they are seeing more of this everyday with the MJ. I just know it makes me sick that venue's like music, movies and people like you glorify this poison. I'm in favor of medical use , but like everything else the government gets its hands on it'll be screwed up. My grandson and are sitting at the kitchen table as I type this talking about his situation. The Dr's. said it will take 3 months to get this out of his system and after he better either stop or limit his use to once or twice a month.
I think smart Democrats have realized pretty quickly that the fraud election of Biden might have set their party back for a generation. That’s how long it could be until they get back power and why we all better be prepared for an all in effort from them to continue the fraud.What a shame:
"When will Democrats get that going ‘woke’ was electoral suicide. For a party that prides itself in being diverse, it’s not. It’s rapidly becoming a party of single, college-educated white female socialists. They’re ideologically insane. They’re shrill. They can’t message. They’ve alienated almost everyone. White progressives are also saddled with mountains of college debt. Why do you think it’s become a top issue for the Democratic Party? The base is dominated by a snobby, elitist, and overwhelmingly white core that is way out of step with the other blocs that comprise the liberal base. It’s become so bad that Hispanics are bolting from the party. College-educated men are fleeing to the GOP. And now, Asian-Americans are saying sayonara to the Left. It’s not because they’ve decided to become hardcore conservatives. They’re just tired of being discriminated against when it comes to their kids’ education. Yes, there is a color scale that Democrats slap on everyone, and Asians don’t quite make the cut regarding the ‘person of color’ test (via Daily Caller):"
The one thing this misses is that minorities aren't really liberal, just were convinced by the MSM that Conserves were bad for them. But they woke up.
I don’t think he’ll resign. He wants his going away tribute too badly. I do think he won’t run for re-election. McCarthy is a bigger problem than McConnell. At least Mitch is intelligent.Relax. You don't need to worry about Mitch. I predict he'll be gone in a year by resignation.
Which two are those?I think smart Democrats