How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Dude the House just passed it 220-204 and Schumer has said the Senate will act on it. Look at the House vote, Democrats could do more but Republicans are the problem. 202 against. If they were smart they’d have taken this issue away from the Ds years ago by claiming ‘states rights’ or Freedom! or something, but it seems they’re stuck opposing the will of the people.
Well if the house gop voted against it, wouldnt that be a vote for states rights? Since each state is free to generate legislation now. But dims do not ppl deciding for themselves.
Dumbest comment of the year ... if not ever.

Yea ... sandle wearing Jesus would be saying to kids, hey lets discuss your sexuality and separate you from your parents and loved ones so you can grow up confused and molested by other f'd up adults.

IOW, Jesus would not be a Dimocrat.

In fairness, he wouldnt be gop either. But closer.
I'll grant that this is an "ad hominem", but JamesLee32 is a Coronabro of the first order, so one should keep that in mind when evaluating his posts. He's also "woke", so that should be kept in mind, as well.

He has literally posted tweets from "Dr." Eric Ding on multiple occasions, and has also gloated when people who were unvaccinated supposedly died from "Covid". He is a very bad person to do the latter and a brainwashed sheep to do the former.
Disney, CNN, Netflix, MSNBC, Democrats, Hollywood, ABC, NBC, CBS, New York Times, Washington Post, etc.....
DeSantis is a Florida republican in an election year fwiw. His focus has to be fear because in the GQP there is no other platform. Teachers and gays are the fear so far but I suspect that could change the closer the election nears.
Well if the house gop voted against it, wouldnt that be a vote for states rights? Since each state is free to generate legislation now. But dims do not ppl deciding for themselves.
No, they voted to continue the status quo, which is that it's illegal federally. Overruling the states who want to legalize. It's the exact federal overreach you pretend to care about.
DeSantis is a Florida republican in an election year fwiw. His focus has to be fear because in the GQP there is no other platform. Teachers and gays are the fear so far but I suspect that could change the closer the election nears.
Yea. He has 58% approval and his top 2 opponents are in the 30% range. The polls were off by 8% in 2020 so... yea. He has nothing and dems are coming with cool stuff, like a gay black guy , that passes out in hotels with male prostitutes. That's what FL really wants, right groomer?

You really don't want to check into voter registration either. It makes your post look even more foolish than the rest of your nonsense.
Is Kasie Hunt huge or is Fauci Danny Devito size?

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Some awful little gnome whined that a federal judge what revoked the transportation mask mandate has "no experience in public health". Guess what, doc? Her job isn't about "public health". It's about protecting the Constitution of the United States of America, a document that she is FAR more qualified to interpret than Dr. Fauci would be if he had a million years to review it.
Yeah, it's awful. Cannabis helps millions of people in this country and some are having their lives ruined over a plant. Enjoy being on the completely wrong side of an issue you took the time to post about.
Are you also so passionate about coke or acid or whatever else? If not, why not? What's the difference? Legalize everything, I say, but why is the Left so passionate about marijuana only. Legalize it all, I say, but buzz off with that hipster 4 20 crap.
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DeSantis is a Florida republican in an election year fwiw. His focus has to be fear because in the GQP there is no other platform. Teachers and gays are the fear so far but I suspect that could change the closer the election nears.
Teachers and gays? Sorry James that's a weak argument. Obviously the dems must be running scared.
DeSantis is a Florida republican in an election year fwiw. His focus has to be fear because in the GQP there is no other platform. Teachers and gays are the fear so far but I suspect that could change the closer the election nears.
BLM and antifa say hello. Did Desantis or any repubs go fund and recruit terrorists organizations to burn down and loot cities creating chaos and crime and fear because it is an election cycle?

nope, that's how democratic communists operate

he passed a bill giving parents rights over their kids education and you call that fear?

You really know your place in this world don't you.
Some awful little gnome whined that a federal judge what revoked the transportation mask mandate has "no experience in public health". Guess what, doc? Her job isn't about "public health". It's about protecting the Constitution of the United States of America, a document that she is FAR more qualified to interpret than Dr. Fauci would be if he had a million years to review it.
Would that person also argue Roe v Wade should be overturned since the Supreme Court also has no experience in public health?
Yeah, it's awful. Cannabis helps millions of people in this country and some are having their lives ruined over a plant. Enjoy being on the completely wrong side of an issue you took the time to post about.
I didnt say one way or the other dude. I asked a question, bc i do not follow politics at all. You assumed you knew my position. Typical close-minded lib behavior.
Some awful little gnome whined that a federal judge what revoked the transportation mask mandate has "no experience in public health". Guess what, doc? Her job isn't about "public health". It's about protecting the Constitution of the United States of America, a document that she is FAR more qualified to interpret than Dr. Fauci would be if he had a million years to review it.
Gnome ... awesome!! SO accurate!! And btw, he cannot speak on legal matters ... i mean, he is not a LAWYER.
I love DeSantis. He is great. But I think Trump should be the guy for 24. 28 should be the year for DeSantis. Though obviously I would vote for either one in 24 (not sure where people get this Trump or bust stuff talked about earlier in this thread...if its Trump or another good candidate I'll vote for them in 24)