How will they rule ??!

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"I cannot imagine a worse result for us than what happened tonight. This changes everything." -RINO cuck in a particular state admin

One of the more sobering phone conversations I've ever had. Goodnight, Paddock.
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First president with no govt or military experience. I think that's part of the theme, ppl are tired of big government.

Republicans run the entire government literally a #thanksObama lol..he will be the most bitter ex president ever

Also...that supreme court...I think that had a lot to do with it.

Where do we go from here..bc the media is going to try to never let the public unite
I am not going to gloat to anyone with this win. This country needs serious help and it's now time for Trump to prove to America that we made the right decision by defying all odds and took a chance on someone very different than the norm and the most capable to do the job.

I think history will prove that Trump was the right person at the right time much like Reagan was 36 years ago.
First president with no govt or military experience. I think that's part of the theme, ppl are tired of big government.

Republicans run the entire government literally a #thanksObama lol..he will be the most bitter ex president ever

Also...that supreme court...I think that had a lot to do with it.

Where do we go from here..bc the media is going to try to never let the public unite
Already working on it. They are truly disgusting people. Van Jones and Juan Williams are cryong racism like no other. Full blown hypocrisy.
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MSNBC saying Trump is a tyrant. Wasn't he campaigning on giving more things to the states? Interesting take on tyranny.

Then, they're saying thank God they can filibuster things. Man the tables turned quickly.
So what the hell was the deal with sending Podesta out and saying what he did and then Hillary makes the call?

Almost a mortal lock that she absolutely had no concession speech prepared. Never in a million years did Hillary think she might lose. She considered herself to be entitled to be President now. It was supposed to have been preordained when she stepped aside 8 years ago for Obama. No way was she going to go on stage without something to read.
Democrats are in HUGE trouble. No candidates in the pipeline. They were so sure Hillary would win and usher in amnesty.

Now, nothing. No amnesty. No candidates with potential. No scotus. Out of touch with the electorate.

My how things changed in the past few weeks.
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MSNBC is in complete meltdown mode and I love it. I only turned over there to watch them cry and it's beautiful.
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Almost a mortal lock that she absolutely had no concession speech prepared. Never in a million years did Hillary think she might lose. She considered herself to be entitled to be President now. It was supposed to have been preordained when she stepped aside 8 years ago for Obama. No way was she going to go on stage without something to read.

Cancelling fireworks means they knew they could lose.

This election had a 1980 feel.
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I am not going to gloat to anyone with this win. This country needs serious help and it's now time for Trump to prove to America that we made the right decision by defying all odds and took a chance on someone very different than the norm and the most capable to do the job.

I think history will prove that Trump was the right person at the right time much like Reagan was 36 years ago.

You owe yourself some gloating.
Al is laying down the climate change knowledge in this appearance with Hillary. More like a victory lap, actually. Makes me feel good that he will be featured prominently in Hillary's cabinet.

Is the cabinet where she keeps people who can no longer do her bidding?

I can't wait until the election is over and we can focus earnestly on giving Trump the Bill Cosby treatment. He'll be broke and in jail in 3 years. Mark it down.

I can't wait til Trump is sworn in and can appoint a special prosecutor to give Hillary the Bill Cosby treatment. She'll be in jail within 3 months.

Come on back and give a concession speech you mouthy POS.

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