How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I agree with most of what you’re saying. I do think increased and continuous training is absolutely needed. But when you have a large portion of the country calling for your heads, morale and motivation are going to be an issue. None of us really know what a lot of these guys have to deal with on a daily basis.
It takes longer to become a hairdresser than it does to train a cop. That should say a lot right there. Better training is vital.
Told 4 minority women to go back to their country. Yea not racist and xenophobic at all. Of course besides that fact that Trump is to stupid to know that 3 of the 4 were born in the US. So he really just shit on himself since he told them to fix their shithole countries, aka the USA, the country he runs. If you want to pretend he hasn't doubled and tripled on what is very calculated race baiting then thats your prerogative. He heavily miscallculated on this move
* KA - BOOM *

You are dismissed.
What is it going to take to attract the best people into law enforcement? How many people on here are or have been policemen? It's an often-thankless job where you encounter stressful situations on a routine basis. You never know when your life may be in danger. Just maybe a lot of people would prefer to work in areas where you make as much or better money and can avoid the danger and disrespect? How much will we have to pay to attract the best people despite the negative aspects of the job? While I agree we need the best people we can find and they need to be trained as well as possible, there are going to be realistic limits on who and how many top people we can get.
I have never really watched SNL, I'm aware of a lot of the famous skits because if they were actually funny you will end up seeing them.

But it is funny to me that on a week where a bird sh-t on Biden and Biden tried to shake a ghost's hand after speaking to a crowd...they open with Trump.


If baby killer Hochul wants something to frown about. Someone needs to tell her that Kentucky has pretty much banned abortion. I've NEVER been more proud to be a Kentuckian. God bless our state legislators
And a Happy Easter shout-out to our missing brother Knowls...

I know he isn't religious, he doesn't accept or enjoy many of the gifts God has given us.

God is like 'Here my child, I give you chickens. They are delicious. Enjoy.'

Knowls 'Nah, I'm good. I'm just going to nibble on this kale.'

One day you will see the light Willy
And a Happy Easter shout-out to our missing brother Knowls...

I know he isn't religious, he doesn't accept or enjoy many of the gifts God has given us.

God is like 'Here my child, I give you chickens. They are delicious. Enjoy.'

Knowls 'Nah, I'm good. I'm just going to nibble on this kale.'

One day you will see the light Willy
And a Happy Easter shout-out to our missing brother Knowls...

I know he isn't religious, he doesn't accept or enjoy many of the gifts God has given us.

God is like 'Here my child, I give you chickens. They are delicious. Enjoy.'

Knowls 'Nah, I'm good. I'm just going to nibble on this kale.'

One day you will see the light Willy
Or they have him locked up with Jimmy Buffet in Paradise eating cheese burgers and singing about it till the end of time as punishment for his misdeeds.
This is the bunk they pull.

The greatest privilege you can give your children is have them not indoctrinated by such nonsense.
Today I learned how it is possible that DeSantis rejected math books for CRT and grooming.

Guess this also explains why homeschooling is up 5.6% over the norm and is continuing to skyrocket.
I will not comply ever again no matter what. No going into any business or anywhere that requires a mask. I’ll make any job fire me. I will never bow down to these people and these nuts will not have the same success they had two years ago.

Humana went from requiring 2 shots and a booster, to no shots as long as you get tested weekly at your own expense and wear a mask, to wear a mask if you don't want the shots, to no restrictions at all in the span of about a month
Humana went from requiring 2 shots and a booster, to no shots as long as you get tested weekly at your own expense and wear a mask, to wear a mask if you don't want the shots, to no restrictions at all in the span of about a month
Crazy how that science changed. I’m sure it was that and not just idiotic and cowardly leadership who sway whichever way the bureaucrats say.
That was always the inevitable outcome, for those with any sense left anyway.

And they knew this all along; it was readily apparent once delta hit that the virus had already mutated to sevade the vaccine and that the "Vaccine" itself was losing efficacy at preventing transmission, was more of a therapeutic, a prophylactic against severe disease.

I posted such in the virus thread at the time, even had a Catpaw MD get mighty pissy with me for explaining that for the fit and healthy, the vaccine wasn't a must-have and that vaccinations wouldn't stop the virus.
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@Dionysus444, you’re a self proclaimed “ally” do you think these kinds of measures are good? Do you think standards should be eased, reading and essay writing de-emphasized? Mathematics changed? Lowering grading standards? Essentially everything being dumbed down in the name of “equality”. Is this really a productive way to elevate the black community? Sounds like they are just going to perpetuate the illiteracy problem? Why not find ways to elevate them? There are lots of gifted, and highly smart kids of all races that suffer and get the shaft in the name of “equality”. It doesn’t make sense.
MTA and Port Authority up here are quasi-private corporations that are absolutely corrupt to the core. Overtime fraud is rampant. Some rail workers just got caught claiming they were working 18 hours a day 365 days a year. Toll collectors are sometimes paid $100k+. Port Authority charges $16 to cross the GW Bridge, Lincoln Tunnel, and Holland Tunnel.
Sounds like what happens when influenced by the mafia as many big unions are. Especially in places like NYC and Chicago.