No, that was husband number two. This is number 3 who she cheated on number two with.I'm this her husband who is also her brother? Or is this a new guy she left her brother for?
No, that was husband number two. This is number 3 who she cheated on number two with.I'm this her husband who is also her brother? Or is this a new guy she left her brother for?
They have to keep it going as long as possible to help usher in the great reset. It’s all in Klaus Schwab’s book.
I read where their revenue source isn’t reliant on having people in the stands. All of the games for all teams are being played in Birmingham. Not sure what the deal is but they don’t care if the stadium is empty. It’s more of a made for tv thing.I've got more people here in the house for Easter dinner that they have at the stadium for the USFL game.
At some point you can’t hide the ridiculousness anymore.Wow. What in the wide, wide world is going on at CNN?
CNN panelist blasts Biden: Americans 'have not had a sense of leadership' since last summer
A CNN panel blasted President Biden's lack of leadership and "cratering" political support in an analysis of his poor approval
Those idiots really think that’s what’s behind this whole battle for free speech.
and Trump is a Democarat. what is your point? he is still the lord and savior of MAGA morons. calling someone a democrat or republican doesn't mean shit.
I looked at this several times and I can't figure if this is a boy or girl hitting the pavement. Maybe a transgender? Time to bust some heads
Wrong stunt. The one this is referring to is the secondary state-level inspection he ordered on 100% of commercial traffic crossing into the US last week after one commercial truck was found to be smuggling immigrants. It didn't make a single second on the MSM news, but it created a royal nightmare at the border last week.False. Twitter twit making up fake propaganda hoping outrage will stop Abbot from sending more illegal invaders to DC. Proof? How could 4 busses of illegal invaders eat $240 million dollars' worth of food? They can keep the food fresh and send it to DC. But it won't be $240 million dollars worth.
You'll find most of them at the local shrink's office.
White liberal women are the most unhinged, lunatics in this country. Democrats are losing every voting block there is, except white college educated women. Birds of a feather, these kind of nutcases is what the democrat party depends on for their votes.
"Adams--who follows a mostly vegan diet and has already scheduled plant-based menus in city public schools--assured a nine member, bipartisan group of New York's Congressional delegation that he won't push for a ban on chocolate milk, at least for now."
The vegans are who we thought they were...give them some power and they will immediately start planning plant-based everything...and no chocolate milk.
everyone is "mostly vegan"
Twitter really loves their control and censorship to promote full-blown leftist propaganda. Because if you didn’t give a shit on trying to control speech, you’d take that ridiculous offer and cash out.Elon Musk plan B, Tender Offer. He is going to buy shares direct from the share owners. LOL. This whole thing is NUTS. I hope Elon isn't suicidal.
Oh, by the way, the board of directors own somewhere around 77 shares collectively. 77. They loose nothing if the shares tank out.
Warning. Salty Cracker speaks truth, but it isn't for everyone.
NO CHANCE that fat azz is mostly vegan"Mostly vegan" is one of the funnier examples of today's identity politics nonsense. Unless solely carnivore; everyone is "mostly vegan"
Did you miss the part where bezos thinks long term. he isnt a short-sighted idiot like most Americans. He knew that if he hemorrhaged cash for a few years he could dominate the market, bleed competition dry, and then swim in mountains of cash. And his plan couldn't have worked out more perfectly. Anyone that invested in his vision is absolutely filthy rich now. His space ventures are behind Musk ATM but I'm sure he'll catch up and dominate that market as well. Bezos understands how to plan a decade out with honest projections.
Well, prepare yourselves for more crashes and deaths. Who the eff is clamoring for their pilot to be diverse? 😂 Just get us to the place where we want to go.
Well Cats fans have been waiting for some good news.