How will they rule ??!

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Not a Turkish and UAE Mara Lago. Say it ain't so!

A little anecdotal story on the state of the economy. Supply/price issues. My brother came up this weekend. He just bought a new car...basically for his move to Calif. He wanted a bigger, more comfortable vehicle for the trip (his Parkinson's) and didn't want a he bought a new one. Said it was hard to find the model he was looking for. Dealers didn't have inventory. Said when he found one he paid OVER sticker price. How much I don't know...didn't ask.
Talking to a friend this morning. He too is in the market. Guess he's looking at a new Mercedes model...don't know which one. Went to the dealer last week and they had one but it was sold. Said they could order him one. Price $150K which he said was OVER sticker. They called him back Saturday and told him that it was now available in that the deal they had with a customer had fallen thru. Price they gave him Saturday...$250K He told them to keep it.
Don't know if I've ever heard of dealers selling new cars for over the sticker price.
Yeah, it's a thing right now. Ford and Chevy both made a big to do awhile back about cracking down on rouge dealerships for over inflating car prices. Let me see if I can find a link.

Meh, best I can do quick.

John Quincy Adams address to congress.

“America... goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all.”​


The whole speech is pretty damn good. He warned of getting entangled in foreign wars that would cost us more than we gain. Times change but given post ww2 I think it's hard to say our foreign policy has been a net positive for the US.
Only Prez to serve in Congress (House) after being Prez.
you do realize genetics allows for a lot more than just male an female? about 3% of the population are born intersex and sex inversion is rare but can happen. It is naturally possible to be XX and with testicles and a penis. more common is having both sets of reproductive organs and imbalance hormones. In most cases the edge cases are infertile and the extreme edge cases won't survive long. They are 6 chromosome combinations that can generally survive outside the womb. The brain can also screw up and map wrong which is how you get into genders.
  • X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s )
  • XX – Most common form of female
  • XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter)
  • XY – Most common form of male
  • XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people
  • XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births
Most people that aren't born normal male or female have no idea unless they have medical complications.

Don't know if I've ever heard of dealers selling new cars for over the sticker price.
Part of the issue is dealers have fewer cars available to sell while a lot of their costs are fixed. Net, they have to spread their total sales dollars/ profit over fewer cars; i.e., higher price/car.
Have you noticed that when Biden gives a speech he most often says something either stupid or dangerous and the White House staff has to come out and correct it "for the record".

This has to drive liberals and policy makers cringe in fear of what is coming out of his mouth next. He is a total disaster and there is no way he will be allowed to run for re-election.
Tells me Biden isn't running his own show.
Maybe this ruling will put enough pressure on Garland and NY AG to finally prosecute the Fat Cheeto.

“Based on the evidence, the Court finds it more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021,”
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Don't know if I've ever heard of dealers selling new cars for over the sticker price.
I bought a 2022 Ford Maverick a little over a week and a half ago. They are very popular small tucks and are very difficult to find one available for sale. I was working looking for one in a 250 mile radius. Ford stopped taking orders for the 2022 model year back in February. If you didn't order one, the only way to get one is when a customer decides for whatever reason they don't want it when it arrives at the dealer - which is how I was able to get mine.
Happening everywhere right now, even here in Lex.

I heard same. Dude bought a Ford truck for $70000 that was sticker priced at $54000.
There was a Lexington area Ford dealer that had a Maverick in my preferred color, but they were selling it for $10K over sticker. Plus, I was going to have to pay an extra $1000 for paying in cash. To top it off, they were adding "paint protection" and several other gimmicks I didn't want for ax extra $1200. The salesman told me over the phone that this was pretty much a non-negotiable deal. I'm glad he was up front about it before I drive 200+ miles to the dealership.
What seems to be happening now is there's no inventory, no one to compete and it's a "Take it or leave it" sticker price. There's no negotiating anymore so there's less units but buyers are getting their heads torn off in these deals and that's new cars. You make more money in used car sales since they will not take losing deals so I can't even imagine what those are going for now and what the markup is.

Right now has to be the worst time in the internet era to be buying a car.
My truck was 27 years old with over 353,000 miles and was in pretty bad shape. I briefly looked at used trucks but 2018/2019 Rangers were selling for $35,000! So I decided to put in the work and try to get a Maverick. I found my Maverick at a dealership up in Indy. They wanted $10K over MSRP, and even had a supplementary sticker stating "Market Demand" with the $10,000 written on it. I also test drive a new Ranger, and for that one they wanted $2,000 over sticker.

I ended negotiating it down to $5000 over MSRP. Under the circumstances I felt like I got a reasonably decent deal that I could live with.

Basically, in summary, unless you really need a new vehicle, do what you can to keep your current vehicle in good working order, and wait for prices to come down, whenever that might be(?).
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Ford stopped taking orders for the 2022 model year back in February. If you didn't order one, the only way to get one is when a customer decides for whatever reason they don't want it when it arrives at the dealer.
One of my nephews bought/ordered a new Ford Bronco (think that's the model...Ford has just now started that model back up I think) probably 8 or 9 months ago. Still waiting.
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This should help. Guess old Xi got something in exchange for not helping his buddy Putin.

Just say'in.

GOP signatories included House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as well as Reps. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Burgess Owens (R-UT), Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), Ken Buck (R-CO), Young Kim (R-CA), and Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH).
One of my nephews bought/ordered a new Ford Bronco (think that's the model...Ford has just now started that model back up I think) probably 8 or 9 months ago. Still waiting.
Ford makes the Bronco Sport in the same factory as the Maverick down in Mexico, and I believe the Bronco has the same supply issues (computer chips, etc.). It's simply not a good time to be in the market for a vehicle.
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I have heard that some manufacturers are delivering cars and allowing customers to take ownership with many of the chips still missing, along with a “promise” that chips will be provided/installed when they become available.

In general, the cars are drivable, but a lot of the tech features are disabled without the chips.
This should help. Guess old Xi got something in exchange for not helping his buddy Putin.

Just say'in.

GOP signatories included House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as well as Reps. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Burgess Owens (R-UT), Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), Ken Buck (R-CO), Young Kim (R-CA), and Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH).
Same ole same ole from the globalists.
I am afraid you are right. I talk to people around me and we think no way this man and his political party survive this disaster of a regime. Then I come on a UK message board and see one looney post after another supporting everything he does. There are people who will vote for him again if given the chance

That's the problem with a lot of voters nowadays, they don't vote with their head. They see a letter beside someone's name and let that decide who they're voting for.
This should help. Guess old Xi got something in exchange for not helping his buddy Putin.

Just say'in.

GOP signatories included House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as well as Reps. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Burgess Owens (R-UT), Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), Ken Buck (R-CO), Young Kim (R-CA), and Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH).
Not familiar with some of the names....but am disappointed in Owens in Utah. Thought he was a rock solid conservative.
I'll take "Next year's recession for $500, Alex"

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Republicans have held the legislature or the WH for most of that spending. We were never energy independent, complete bullshit line. That imaginary, "independence", brief moment of net export was ruined by Trump not Biden. When we go back to net export later this year we still wont be independent. you can't import 40% of oil use and use that word. Oil is global, everything impacts prices. They only way it doesn't is if you nationalize the industry and control pricing with legislation.
We don't have a free market. We have a market that protects corporate profits at all costs and subsidizes corporate losses at any cost to tax payers. Thanks mostly to Republicans.
oil is down to $95 today which is equal to $2.75 gas. lets see how long it takes to for gas to fall with it to under $3.
Clay and Buck just had Riley Gaines on, she's a UK Wildcats swimmer. She beat Lia Thomas in a race but then lost to him last time. She is very disturbed about this situation and said the NCAA is forcing them to shower in the same locker rooms.
The left's messaging is pure lunacy and a constant contradiction yet their base never questions it.

"Well, not all women!"

"If you're not a woman, you don't get a say on abortion"
"Trans women are women"
"The future is female!"
"Anyone can be female"

"Women sports are just as important as men's sports" proceeds to have men play their sports

"Women are paid less than men because of the patriarchy"
"Broke men are hurting women's marriage prospects"

"Defund the police! Cops are racist killers!"
"We need gun control. Only cops should have these weapons...and Ukrainian citizens."

"Whitey is evil! Diversity is strength" "We should be more like these white countries!"
"Love has no borders!" “Voter ID is racist” "SHOW US YOUR PROOF OF VACCINE TO WORK OR EAT!"
“Our base is more educated than you!”
“Our base cannot figure out how to get an ID or use the internet.”


"Unless it's a Democrat then get on your knees to worship and cradle their balls"

This list could be a mile long especially with their views on nationalism, meritocracy, "diversity", race, just literally everything.
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The left's messaging is pure lunacy and a constant contradiction yet their base never questions it.

"Well, not all women!"

"If you're not a woman, you don't get a say on abortion"
"Trans women are women"
"The future is female!"
"Anyone can be female"

"Women sports are just as important as men's sports" proceeds to have men play their sports

"Women are paid less than men because of the patriarchy"
"Broke men are hurting women's marriage prospects"

"Defund the police! Cops are racist killers!"
"We need gun control. Only cops should have these weapons...and Ukrainian citizens."

"Whitey is evil! Diversity is strength" "We should be more like these white countries!"


"Unless it's a Democrat then get on your knees to worship and cradle their balls"

This list could be a mile long especially with their views on nationalism, meritocracy, "diversity", race, just literally everything.
That is the sad and insane thing about lefties. They never question anything. If a Democrat says it they believe it and they do it.