Clay and Buck just had Riley Gaines on, she's a UK Wildcats swimmer. She beat Lia Thomas in a race but then lost to him last time. She is very disturbed about this situation and said the NCAA is forcing them to shower in the same locker rooms.
The left's messaging is pure lunacy and a constant contradiction yet their base never questions it.
"Well, not all women!"
"If you're not a woman, you don't get a say on abortion"
"Trans women are women"
"The future is female!"
"Anyone can be female"
"Women sports are just as important as men's sports" proceeds to have men play their sports
"Women are paid less than men because of the patriarchy"
"Broke men are hurting women's marriage prospects"
"Defund the police! Cops are racist killers!"
"We need gun control. Only cops should have these weapons...and Ukrainian citizens."
"Whitey is evil! Diversity is strength" "We should be more like these white countries!"
"Love has no borders!" “Voter ID is racist” "SHOW US YOUR PROOF OF VACCINE TO WORK OR EAT!"
“Our base is more educated than you!”
“Our base cannot figure out how to get an ID or use the internet.”
"Unless it's a Democrat then get on your knees to worship and cradle their balls"
This list could be a mile long especially with their views on nationalism, meritocracy, "diversity", race, just literally everything.