How will they rule ??!

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Soooooo…….I get a text message from a former fraternity brother who I remain good friends with. He asks me ‘what’s up with
Your boy’ and attaches a link to an article about a Lexington man arrested on child pornography charges.

Turns out, another former fraternity brother - who was also one of my college roommates and a guy I ran with quite often - was the man arrested.

What my other friend didn’t know was that we had already had it out about 2 years ago when he posted on Facebook that “the only good Republican was a dead republican”.

When I nicely challenged that statement he told me to crawl back under whatever rock I had been under for the last several years. I told him it was good to see he had really grown as a human over the years, that he was a psycho, and blocked him.

He had (has) addiction issues and had been working for the friggin’ post office for several years as a mailman …even through this last election cycle.

I really, really wanted to send him a message that read ‘the only good pedophile is a dead pedophile’.

With all the pedo talk I found this story to be worth sharing. And to point out that psycho-ass liberals really have no morals outside of their hollow virtue signaling.
Lol...somehow Chris Rock getting slapped is you guessed it...Trumps fault

Yes, this is Trump's fault. No one has ever stuck through an awkward encounter with two other people. But good to know that the people who want drag queen story hour and dudes playing women's sports and trannies teaching your elementary kids about sexuality is concerned about "normalcy."

These people's brains are broken, man. You'd think the world did not exist before 2015.

This should be a legit diagnosis of mental illness.
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Absolutely needs investigated. It's damn near impossible to win a case like this even with a really good case. The concept of qualified immunity is strong and provides absolute immunity for policy decisions.

No way this was ever anything but a losing case. The fact they paid anything is shocking but paying this much is absolutely mind blowing
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We have reached the absolute worst timeline in U.S. history. This is pure absurdity.
This is the kind of thing I posted about yesterday (Saturday?) how all the commercials/ads/etc these days are full of mostly non-attractive women (men too). Makes me yearn for the good old days.
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This is the kind of thing I posted about yesterday (Saturday?) how all the commercials/ads/etc these days are full of mostly non-attractive women (men too). Makes me yearn for the good old days.

It really doesn't make any sense to me. Now if you're golden corral and you want to put some fat people in the ad that makes sense. Damn this food is so good I just can't stop eating!!!

But why would I look at an ad for athletic appeal featuring a morbidly obese person and go "Well this is the right gear for me!". It'd be like if Callaway made an ad featuring me duffing 3 straight shots into the water. Who the hell would want to buy those clubs after that?
Really? I love how inflation is out of the control of the controlling party only when the controlling party is your party.
It's all about timing and the ebbs and flows of the economy. Only thing government can control is spending, tax policy and interest rates. The free market will bear the price increases or it won't. Unless you want an un-free market w/ communist price controls.
Gas prices are a supply/demand issue. The price is high all over the world.
Inflation would be up right now regardless of who the President is because gas effects the cost of everything.
That said.....Inflation hits every political party. The party in control gets the blame regardless of why. Them's the rules.
A little anecdotal story on the state of the economy. Supply/price issues. My brother came up this weekend. He just bought a new car...basically for his move to Calif. He wanted a bigger, more comfortable vehicle for the trip (his Parkinson's) and didn't want a he bought a new one. Said it was hard to find the model he was looking for. Dealers didn't have inventory. Said when he found one he paid OVER sticker price. How much I don't know...didn't ask.
Talking to a friend this morning. He too is in the market. Guess he's looking at a new Mercedes model...don't know which one. Went to the dealer last week and they had one but it was sold. Said they could order him one. Price $150K which he said was OVER sticker. They called him back Saturday and told him that it was now available in that the deal they had with a customer had fallen thru. Price they gave him Saturday...$250K He told them to keep it.
Don't know if I've ever heard of dealers selling new cars for over the sticker price.
It really doesn't make any sense to me. Now if you're golden corral and you want to put some fat people in the ad that makes sense. Damn this food is so good I just can't stop eating!!!

But why would I look at an ad for athletic appeal featuring a morbidly obese person and go "Well this is the right gear for me!". It'd be like if Callaway made an ad featuring me duffing 3 straight shots into the water. Who the hell would want to buy those clubs after that?
Let's not even stop there. When a realtor or seller lists a house on Zillow just feature a homeless person with a needle on the front porch.

I wouldn't advocate to be mean to someone but I sure as hell wouldn't put this person as a freaking model for an athletic and fitness brand. Stuff like this is ideological cancer from the woke brigade.
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This is why the separate but equal south was dominated by Dems. They cannot look past race. They don’t want policies with neutral racial impact, they want racism and racial division.
I'm all for equity....but reverse discrimination is not equity and not a good way to teach anything. That professor sounds like a complete ass wipe.
It really doesn't make any sense to me. Now if you're golden corral and you want to put some fat people in the ad that makes sense. Damn this food is so good I just can't stop eating!!!

But why would I look at an ad for athletic appeal featuring a morbidly obese person and go "Well this is the right gear for me!". It'd be like if Callaway made an ad featuring me duffing 3 straight shots into the water. Who the hell would want to buy those clubs after that?
Totally agree. Kind of what my wife and I were talking about the other night watching a commercial and the whole 'fat shaming' thing that started 20 odd years ago. At least in the old movies, TV shows, commercials the people (women) were slim and beautiful for the most part. And you would think that people at home watching would aspire and work (diet, clothing, hair dresser, etc) to look that way. But not today.
Jealousy and envy are hard to overcome.
A little anecdotal story on the state of the economy. Supply/price issues. My brother came up this weekend. He just bought a new car...basically for his move to Calif. He wanted a bigger, more comfortable vehicle for the trip (his Parkinson's) and didn't want a he bought a new one. Said it was hard to find the model he was looking for. Dealers didn't have inventory. Said when he found one he paid OVER sticker price. How much I don't know...didn't ask.
Talking to a friend this morning. He too is in the market. Guess he's looking at a new Mercedes model...don't know which one. Went to the dealer last week and they had one but it was sold. Said they could order him one. Price $150K which he said was OVER sticker. They called him back Saturday and told him that it was now available in that the deal they had with a customer had fallen thru. Price they gave him Saturday...$250K He told them to keep it.
Don't know if I've ever heard of dealers selling new cars for over the sticker price.
I heard same. Dude bought a Ford truck for $70000 that was sticker priced at $54000.
  • Wow
I don't think people should fat shame. But there is a huge difference between "shaming" someone and pointing out that it is incredibly unhealthy.

I posted it before, but there was an article on Huffington Post once by some woman that was a huge Harry Potter fan. She went to the Harry Potter theme park and couldn't get on the ride because she was too big to fit. She freely admitted that the locking mechanism wouldn't work when she got on the ride. Now did she say "Maybe I should lose some weight so I can safely ride this"?

No, she just called JK Rowling, Universal Studios, and the company that designed the ride "fat phobic".

I was at Kings Island once and I couldn't get on a ride for similar reasons (which really made no sense because I was 50 pounds lighter than the last time I went and got on with no problems). It was very embarrassing to me, but it just motivated me to work on my health. I didn't blame the operators of the ride. The thing wouldn't lock. If they let me ride there is a good chance I'd have fallen off and died.
A little anecdotal story on the state of the economy. Supply/price issues. My brother came up this weekend. He just bought a new car...basically for his move to Calif. He wanted a bigger, more comfortable vehicle for the trip (his Parkinson's) and didn't want a he bought a new one. Said it was hard to find the model he was looking for. Dealers didn't have inventory. Said when he found one he paid OVER sticker price. How much I don't know...didn't ask.
Talking to a friend this morning. He too is in the market. Guess he's looking at a new Mercedes model...don't know which one. Went to the dealer last week and they had one but it was sold. Said they could order him one. Price $150K which he said was OVER sticker. They called him back Saturday and told him that it was now available in that the deal they had with a customer had fallen thru. Price they gave him Saturday...$250K He told them to keep it.
Don't know if I've ever heard of dealers selling new cars for over the sticker price.
I didn't even know that was possible and I sold cars when I was younger. MSRP+ destination handling fee and then accessories plus whatever the finance manager could get on the back end was as much as you could maximize. But the info is out there online to see what a dealer pays for the car (invoice).

In the era of COVID, it seems everything has changed. I have buddies who still work in cars and hearing their stories is interesting. Before this, you could basically price shop cars and pit dealers against each other to the point they will take a loser or a mini deal (a deal where the gross is less than $1K and the salesmen only gets $100 of that) simply so they can move a unit to hit a goal from the manufacturer as it will balance out with deals they made money on.

What seems to be happening now is there's no inventory, no one to compete and it's a "Take it or leave it" sticker price. There's no negotiating anymore so there's less units but buyers are getting their heads torn off in these deals and that's new cars. You make more money in used car sales since they will not take losing deals so I can't even imagine what those are going for now and what the markup is.

Right now has to be the worst time in the internet era to be buying a car.
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In the era of COVID, it seems everything has changed. I have buddies who still work in cars and hearing their stories is interesting. Before this, you could basically price shop cars and pit dealers against each other to the point they will take a loser or a mini deal (a deal where the gross is less than $1K and the salesmen only gets $100 of that) simply so they can move a unit to hit a goal from the manufacturer as it will balance out with deals they made money on.
That's basically in a nut shell how we bought one of our cars just before COVID hit. Initial pricing, etc from home using the phone and the computer. Then went to about 3 dealers and one went I went there in person absolutely blew the other two away on price.
Glad I bought before COVID. Now, if I had only done the same with a new camper. Was going one too at that time but me and the Mrs couldn't agree on the floorplan, so I put it off till Spring. Well COVID hit in Feb/March '20 and since then the price of campers has everything else.
Have you noticed that when Biden gives a speech he most often says something either stupid or dangerous and the White House staff has to come out and correct it "for the record".

This has to drive liberals and policy makers cringe in fear of what is coming out of his mouth next. He is a total disaster and there is no way he will be allowed to run for re-election.
Have you noticed that when Biden gives a speech he most often says something either stupid or dangerous and the White House staff has to come out and correct it "for the record".

This has to drive liberals and policy makers cringe in fear of what is coming out of his mouth next. He is a total disaster and there is no way he will be allowed to run for re-election.
Sadly, Harris is just as a bad. Between the two of them, we're screwed.
Sadly, Harris is just as a bad. Between the two of them, we're screwed.
I am afraid you are right. I talk to people around me and we think no way this man and his political party survive this disaster of a regime. Then I come on a UK message board and see one looney post after another supporting everything he does. There are people who will vote for him again if given the chance
