How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I've already mentally prepared myself for a Coach K swan song championship.

Help me Bill Self, you're my only hope. :eek:

Houston, we have a problem? :oops:

Go Heelz?[sick]

Pig Sooey! :uzi:
I may be in the minority but id rather pUKe win over ku. It’s bad enough that they’ll take the all time wins, I don’t want them to get the NC too.
In general, an age limit would be seen as un-American, and in the employment context it would be illegal. There are plenty of "older" people capable of serving in a "position of leadership". It depends on the person.
The U.S.Federal Government puts upper age limits on jobs where the Government thinks the jobs are high stress (mentally and/or physically) and/or high risk. The Government assumes that older people are more prone to injury, a health condition, or to have a loss of concentration while doing the job. Does that last part sound like anyone in power that you know of?
Nothing that was done or was going to be done was unconstitutional.

Senators and congressmen bring up the obvious shenanigans as well as what had been told in sworn testimony in contested States. Those needed further inspection, the only reasonable way to do that would be to delay the certification.
That's what you wanted Pence to do. That isn't what Trump was asking Pence to do as outlined in the Eastman memos. It was highly unconstitutional.
That's what you wanted Pence to do. That isn't what Trump was asking Pence to do as outlined in the Eastman memos. It was highly unconstitutional.
What was happening was exactly that. You’ve been convinced, by a complicit media, into not believing your own eyes.

The election was fraudulent, congress was contesting the first state, and a memo is what you’re worried about.
I may be in the minority but id rather pUKe win over ku. It’s bad enough that they’ll take the all time wins, I don’t want them to get the NC too.
Either of em before St Pete...for me, On the other hand I just heard them say Kansas was the all time winning program, I just verped. It is almost like waking up to a Biden presidential fraud. Nothing we can do about either, for now
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Either of em before St Pete...for me, On the other hand I just heard them say Kansas was the all time winning program, I just verped. It is almost like waking up to a Biden presidential fraud. Nothing we can do about either, for now

I honestly don't care about all-time wins at all, somebody could have 500 more wins then us but if we got more titles...that is all that matters. Kansas has all those wins, but all the blue bloods have more championships.
What was happening was exactly that. You’ve been convinced, by a complicit media, into not believing your own eyes.

The election was fraudulent, congress was contesting the first state, and a memo is what you’re worried about.
A memo outlining the overthrow of the country being acted on by the sitting president? Yeah, that's worrying. I read the plan myself. The media didn't write this, "VP Pence opens the ballots, determines on his own which is valid, asserting that the authority to make that determination under the 12th Amendment, and the Adams and Jefferson precedents, is his alone (anything in the Electoral Count Act to the contrary is therefore unconstitutional)."
Yes, but I want most wins and titties

I found you your perfect lady @55wildcat...She has titties front and back!

Stern has always been a blowhard Lib. At one time he was all about rebelling against the elite but he got rich and then craved being accepted into their club. His biggest fans are just so addicted to his show they won’t leave but have to think he has lost a lot of listeners over the past 5+ years. I stopped listening several years ago because his show simply was not funny anymore.
He rebelled when we were a christian nation and now he's for the government.... Whats that tell you?
Imagine living in 2022 and being upset about gay people getting married.

I can only reach two conclusions:

Religion is a cult based on a stupid myth
Deeply rooted homophobia is still alive and well and is a few generations away from dying out.

I’d like to hear one reasonable argument against gay marriage that doesn’t involve sky daddies, invisible space faries or ancient novels.

The “can’t reproduce” argument is horse shit for many reasons, mainly because we can’t care for all the children alive now. Maybe quit humping for a bit or shoot it on her face or something. Secondly gays can adopt (in states where religious prudes don’t create bigoted legislation to force us all to live by their favorite book). Adoption is that thing the pro-lifers always talk about but rarely do as evidenced by an overrun foster care system.
Changing the definition of the word marriage. You can say its a small change but we don't allow polygamous marriages... Is that bigoted? All powers not delegated to the federal government reside with the states. So states set marriage laws. Many states today have age limits on marriage..... Is that bigoted? Some states are 16yo and some are 16 with parental consent and some are 18.... but it's up to each state to set the law.

California put gay marriage on a ballot thinking it would pass in a slam dunk. Turns out people in the very religious state of California thought the historical definition of marriage was still applicable. 18ish states put it up on ballots thinking that people did know what the definition of marriage was... I think only 2 states actually passed it... Which they had the right to do.

I don't think people care as much as you think though. Its a ship that has sailed and now we have to worry about people trying to normalize pedophilia and encouraging trans lifestyles in 6 yo kids.
He’s right. Why do some of y’all care so much about what others do in their private lives? Does a gay person getting married affect your life in any meaningful way? No.

I live my life by my rules and don’t care at all about what you do in your home as long as all parties are consenting and are of legal age.
What if we change the definition of private property? What if your house and yard is turned around and we only recognize private as what can't be seen in public? So now your yard and front porch are public.... No big deal right? We are being progressive with property rights.

... and that isn't a made up scenario. People on the left are seriously challenging private property rights right now. That includes stocks and businesses especially.

And for the record, I dont GAF what you do in your bedroom but you sure seem to want to force your bedroom behavior on people that you know don't want to hear about it.