How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Mrs. Thomas is the tip of the coming iceberg. I wonder how long it will take the FBI to get all of those exchanges now the the door is wide open?
It is all political posturing, she just got confirmed for the DC Circuit last year 53-47. Be honest, you guys would be against any S Ct nominee Biden puts up, the reasons may differ from one candidate to the other, but you still would be against the choice, as would Cruz, McConnell, Hawley, et al. Anyone could see from 100 miles away that the vote is going to end up 51-50, or maybe 51-49 if a Republican breaks ranks, but Jackson is going to get confirmed.

As for me, I preferred Childs from South Carolina, a state court judge who went to public universities, breaking up the Harvard-Yale-Columbia Ivy League cartel.
Thanks for avoiding every single question.
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Thanks for avoiding every single question.

Made a NYD resolution to do just that on this board's political discussion(s)! Thanks for noticing.

Wasn't this thread about the 500M womens' relay? How did we get on the S Court nomination anyway?
Made a NYD resolution to do just that on this board's political discussion(s)! Thanks for noticing.

Wasn't this thread about the 500M womens' relay? How did we get on the S Court nomination anyway?
Then stay out of the threads if you don’t want to have legit discourse and would rather troll.

And, at some point, the issue of a biological male competing against biological women may make its way to the SC. Now We know where she stands on that and child porn/pedo issues.

Things that may be of some importance going forward. But obviously it should just be swept aside since “she’s going to be confirmed anyway”. 🙄
Then stay out of the threads if you don’t want to have legit discourse and would rather troll.

And, at some point, the issue of a biological male competing against biological women may make its way to the SC. Now We know where she stands on that and child porn/pedo issues.

Things that may be of some importance going forward. But obviously it should just be swept aside since “she’s going to be confirmed anyway”. 🙄

Legit discourse? On this board? That would be a refreshing change.

But over a beer in person sometime, wouldn't mind at all.
Well, good old Manchin came out in favor of this left wing loon for the Supreme Court.
He plays some GOP like a fiddle. I bet 95% of West Virginians don't care for this left wing loon but Joe is solid in his approval and support.

If you follow his career he does this over and over. I had zero faith he would do the right thing.
He plays some GOP like a fiddle. I bet 95% of West Virginians don't care for this left wing loon but Joe is solid in his approval and support.

If you follow his career he does this over and over. I had zero faith he would do the right thing.
her nomination has to get out of the senate judiciary committee before the full Senate votes on it, and he isn't on the committee. The committee is evenly split at this time.
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her nomination has to get out of the senate judiciary committee before the full Senate votes on it, and he isn't on the committee. The committee is evenly split at this time.

Do we know, yet, what happens, if the committee vote is tied?

There has been a lot of speculation, but I’m not sure that anyone has told us exactly what happens in that case.
A tie vote in the judiciary committee just means that there would have to be a motion in the Senate to discharge the nominee from committee. And the Dems have the votes in the Senate to win that motion and bring the nominee up to vote by the Senate.
A tie vote in the judiciary committee just means that there would have to be a motion in the Senate to discharge the nominee from committee. And the Dems have the votes in the Senate to win that motion and bring the nominee up to vote by the Senate.

And it’s still a 50+1 at that point, or does it require 60?
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