How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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We agree on this point. No one is arguing for pedophiles. You are twisting a single case that you know nothing about and the sentence that was handed down on that case. By the way, I'm fairly moderate, but just think that a person's choice on who to marry should be, and finally now is, a protected right. That is what this discussion was about, right? pun intended
NO. The original post said "outspoken bigot".... She was enforcing KY law in an area that the constitution is clear that it is a state issue. The federal government took that power on itself for political reasons and not legal ones because 17 of the 19 states that put in on their ballot... it lost. If you don't see the slippery slope then I don't know what to tell you. 6 yo boy is having his penis cut off because his mom and a dr think he's a girl. A dude with a penis just won a swimming title. A dude just won woman of the year. A current supreme court nominee gave a man 3 months in jail for viewing child porn among which was an 8 yo girl being beaten and raped... she said it was too easy to download stuff today and he was just curious. Could you view that for more than 2 seconds?

We get into this moral relativism where we are at the point that Professors and a Freaking Supreme Court Justice think that pedophilia isn't really a crime. 5 years from now maybe opinions change and if 51% of voters agree... maybe a 25 yo dude can marry a 12yo. or a 50yo dude can have sex with a willing 8yo. You good with it if it's your 8yo daughter?

I just don't think all progress is a positive. If that makes me a bigot then have at it. But the lines have moved so much that im done with moving more. I said gay marriage is a thing now because of precedent but I will not accept this new round of woke BS. You people that hate Christians are exactly what you claim Christians are.
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I don't consider disagreeing with people that think gays shouldn't have the same rights as me, including the right to marry someone they love, advocating for gay people. If I'm advocating for anything, it is equal rights for all people.
And I do think you deserve the same rights. There are legal consequences today that didn't exist 60 years ago. So that is why i would add civil unions and private partnerships or whatever you want to call it, to the marriage license. I wouldn't even require a separate license. I'd make it one license with 3 or 4 different legal "bindings" that equated to shared property, insurance, visitation of children rights or some kind of communal living agreement.
I could care less if a black woman is on SCOTUS. of course I could also care less if a bunch more old crusty white guys are there. They make like a half dozen rulings each year that have no effect on my life.
You know you're living in a sad world when you have to warn people about free speech being used.

A little over a year ago I took my HS Senior son on a college visit to IUPUI. The PC wokeness was everywhere. As soon as we completed the tour and got off by ourselves I was relieved to hear my son say he didn’t want to go there.
NO. The original post said "outspoken bigot".... She was enforcing KY law in an area that the constitution is clear that it is a state issue. The federal government took that power on itself for political reasons and not legal ones because 17 of the 19 states that put in on their ballot... it lost. If you don't see the slippery slope then I don't know what to tell you. 6 yo boy is having his penis cut off because his mom and a dr think he's a girl. A dude with a penis just won a swimming title. A dude just won woman of the year. A current supreme court nominee gave a man 3 months in jail for viewing child porn among which was an 8 yo girl being beaten and raped... she said it was too easy to download stuff today and he was just curious. Could you view that for more than 2 seconds?

We get into this moral relativism where we are at the point that Professors and a Freaking Supreme Court Justice think that pedophilia isn't really a crime. 5 years from now maybe opinions change and if 51% of voters agree... maybe a 25 yo dude can marry a 12yo. or a 50yo dude can have sex with a willing 8yo. You good with it if it's your 8yo daughter?

I just don't think all progress is a positive. If that makes me a bigot then have at it. But the lines have moved so much that im done with moving more. I said gay marriage is a thing now because of precedent but I will not accept this new round of woke BS. You people that hate Christians are exactly what you claim Christians are.
So clear that the Supreme Court said it was not a state issue. As far as the child porn issue, there is definitely a difference between viewing and creating, but both are awful. Do you know whether he watched it for more than 2 seconds as you say? I don't know enough about that case to comment, but I do know that most of the time when people have criticism of jury verdict or court opinions, they don't the whole story. As far as a 25 year old dude marrying a 12 year old, that was my grandparents. Wasn't all that uncommon at the beginning to the 20th century in the US. Definitely has not been uncommon historically worldwide. There is no such thing as a willing 8 year old. I think you are a bigot because you don't think gay people are entitled to the same marriage you are entitled to. Our argument is that simple. I don't hate Christians, I am one. A true Christian does not discriminate, despite what their pastor or priest tells them.
Wife's close friend just got news her baby will be Down Syndrome. Years ago, I would be a person to say abort it

Age sure does change ya. What a gift for her. I hope she goes through and does not abort. Wife and I discussed this and we hope she has the baby.


I pray that she makes the right decision.

It is a challenge ahead, but loving that child will make her a better person.
So clear that the Supreme Court said it was not a state issue. As far as the child porn issue, there is definitely a difference between viewing and creating, but both are awful. Do you know whether he watched it for more than 2 seconds as you say? I don't know enough about that case to comment, but I do know that most of the time when people have criticism of jury verdict or court opinions, they don't the whole story. As far as a 25 year old dude marrying a 12 year old, that was my grandparents. Wasn't all that uncommon at the beginning to the 20th century in the US. Definitely has not been uncommon historically worldwide. There is no such thing as a willing 8 year old. I think you are a bigot because you don't think gay people are entitled to the same marriage you are entitled to. Our argument is that simple. I don't hate Christians, I am one. A true Christian does not discriminate, despite what their pastor or priest tells them.
And there it is. He downloaded a video of an 8 yo girl being beaten and raped and you ask "how long did watch it".... Have you ever watched 1 second of a 8 yo girl being beaten naked and then tied and raped? Is this something that you just stumbled upon? Im not gonna lie and say I haven't watched porn. But that shit right there would of made me out myself to the feds and say "HAY... I just accindently saw this shit and you need to to investivgate this shit".... but that dude ended up COMMITTINIG the exaxt same crime 6 months after being released.

But you must see that there is a free market even in pedophila? If more men look at young girl being raped by old men then more people will find more minors to be raped by older men?

That is why they call it contributing to....

Actually... now it makes sense why you got into it with me to begin with. THis is a slam dunk and you can't even flush it on this one case.
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You do realize that transgendered people have existed as long as recorded human history right?

That whole societies accepted them and considered them I don’t know valid human beings first and foremost.

You should try that sometime.
It's fine when you are talking about societal norms or what someone wants to be based on societal stereotypes, for example Women only wear dresses because our society adapted at some point where they did.

What you're discussing has nothing to do with biological men COMPETING against biological women. And yes, I've seen these absurd studies that claim testosterone can be the same...but is that what makes us different...considering we have more dense bones, muscle mass, etc.

There's a reason trans men don't play in men's sports. And there's a reason the wnba exists...meaning the NBA IS the everyone league. If a woman could play on the NBA they would let her, and no one would say anything bc that would mean she's damn good. The wnba is specifically for women.

Your discussion on the existence of trans people has nothing to do what's happening here
Oil has dropped 30% the last week, under $100 now. Gas hasn't moved down at all. Once again proving that the energy market is completely detached from all economic rules. The companies just do whatever the **** they want to gouge consumers because the legislatures are bought and paid for. Oil futures move up a bit and gas prices skyrocket instantly. futures fall back down and gas prices still go up, maybe go down a month later.
* KA - BOOM *

Damn it, man. WTF is going on here? Get the hell out of my face.