Why does this issue have to be black/white; either/or?
I have friends and family with transgender kids, think they should have every right to a happy life that anyone else does, and should not be discriminated against, hope we all agree with that. They are not crazy, most are very unhappy people trying to become happy, we should support that ideal.
But . . . the one exception is competition in athletics, it is also not hard for me to admit I would be severely chafed if my two daughters were competing for a big trophy, e.g., state or NCAA championship, for which they had worked all their life, only to see them lose out to a transgender male who was becoming a female. I think most of us would feel the same way. And I really don't think that makes me a bigot.
FWIW, there are really very very few transgender athletes competing and winning titles, this is a fairly uncommon situation. But where did nuance go in America? Seems in very short supply these days.