How will they rule ??!

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Hmm, wonder what’s changed recently that might be a contributing factor?
The reason for higher rates of HIV in gay males isn’t promiscuity. Not the primary reason anyways. But yea, I’d say since guys typically have higher sex drives that gay men probably get laid more than anyone. But that also doesn’t necessarily correlate to your argument that married gay men are more promiscuous leading to higher rates of divorce. Data doesn’t support that.

Also, this conversation isn’t just about gay men. Plenty of lesbians in the world.

And I like lesbians.
Promiscuity was a major factor in the spread of HIV through the gay community. That, and form of sex. I had friends who died from aids. If a gay man was a needle sharer, his chances exponentially increased. Not sure how any of this is relevant, but don’t change the facts.
The Florida Law is very interesting to me and even though I am a liberal I fully support the law.

The reasons are I do not want something foolish like "Creationism" taught to kids and so in order to be consistent I don't want anything that smacks of partisan nonsense being taught in the classroom.

Life is tough enough for kids now as the world comes at them fast with the internet and all the things they have to contend with that we never did. I don't know how they navigate the mixed confusing and conflicting world they find themselves in.

So our job is to make sure to the best of our ability that school is a refuge from that. Offer traditional learning and you'd better have a rock solid reason to deviate from that. No need to teach them about homosexuality or indoctrinate them into religion. Let children be children before the right wing or left wing get ahold of them.
I remember being taught that life came from a primordial soup and evolved to form what we know today. It was taught as fact. What a load of unsubstantiated hooey. No evidence supports such a theory. It would be better to tell kids aliens likely seeded the earth and we don’t know what created the aliens. For some reason, saying “we just don’t know” isn’t an option. Wanna know why? Belief about religion. People can’t figure it out, but they have to point to something that does not include a creator. So, they just have faith and they teach kids their faith. Sound familiar?
I know this will not be received well among my conservative friends here but marriage as an institution has never been about religion. It has never been about a Holy union or God. Ever. Marriage has always been about the distribution of family assets. In every single culture for all times.

1000 yrs ago or 100 yrs ago...i have this land I have this ability to produce this or that. Long before out time now of cookie cutter homes with no yards assets mattered maybe more than now. If I let my my kid marry your kid we needed to come to an agreement that our asset allocations matched. Because letting that happen meaned your family now just bought into what I have built. Your daughter marrying my son gave your future rights to my assets.

So he marriage was never about christian values or religion at all. Research your history.

But because of that it was also never about 2 dudes or 2 girls either. Because their relationship could not reproduce a next generation.

Gay marriages didnt happen because you could not continue your family wealth or potential wealth growth by having 2 humans who were incapable of reproduction.

I dont have a right answer in today's world. I am not that smart or egotistical. But Marriage was never founded on religion. Or ever meant for same sex. It was always about assets. In its original application. Distribution of wealth and property. Thats it. That's history. Get over it. Not one single
You know what is not well received, posting the same post three times in a thread. ;)
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Promiscuity was a major factor in the spread of HIV through the gay community. That, and form of sex. I had friends who died from aids. If a gay man was a needle sharer, his chances exponentially increased. Not sure how any of this is relevant, but don’t change the facts.
Good God. The reason hIV is more common in gay men is anal sex.
-anal sex is the reason hiv hit gay men hardest. Period. Anyone who argues otherwise is not to be taken seriously.
Monogamous people who were not sharing needles were not a high risk for aids. In fact, they were an extremely low risk for aids, regardless of sexuality. Multiple partners greatly increased the risk. Type of sex greatly increased the risk. A friend who died of aids treated aids patients before he died. He worked in his community to teach monogamy. We don’t have to deny the facts to have an adult conversation.
-absolutely. Promiscuity was a massive issue...just saying heterosexual folks were/are less likely to contract because anal sex is the driver of aids, needle drugs as well.
That is a primary factor. Promiscuous sex is a primary factor. The combination was lethal. Don’t be a fool to prove a point that does not have to be proven.
You’re literally agreeing with me and calling me a fool. This is why we can’t have nice things
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I know this will not be received well among my conservative friends here but marriage as an institution has never been about religion. It has never been about a Holy union or God. Ever. Marriage has always been about the distribution of family assets. In every single culture for all times.

1000 yrs ago or 100 yrs ago...i have this land I have this ability to produce this or that. Long before out time now of cookie cutter homes with no yards assets mattered maybe more than now. If I let my my kid marry your kid we needed to come to an agreement that our asset allocations matched. Because letting that happen meaned your family now just bought into what I have built. Your daughter marrying my son gave your future rights to my assets.

So he marriage was never about christian values or religion at all. Research your history.

But because of that it was also never about 2 dudes or 2 girls either. Because their relationship could not reproduce a next generation.

Gay marriages didnt happen because you could not continue your family wealth or potential wealth growth by having 2 humans who were incapable of reproduction.

I dont have a right answer in today's world. I am not that smart or egotistical. But Marriage was never founded on religion. Or ever meant for same sex. It was always about assets. In its original application. Distribution of wealth and property. Thats it. That's history. Get over it. Not one single
I will bite on this a bit. Over 3,000 years ago, Genesis 2 was written. Close to 2000 years ago, Matthew 19 was written. While culture has many different reasons to encourage ways of living, the idea of one man and one woman as an ideal has been part of some of our oldest written history.
She's not optimal. But we have to deal with what we can. Trump nominated moderate dudes, the left will nominate far left people. Have to trust the process. It will all play out in the long run.
This nomination is nowhere close to acceptable in anyway. This makes multiple times you have encouraged us in the direction of our own destruction. Are you good with light sentencing for pedophiles?
-keep the government outta marriage all together. That's the answer.

-I was/am a proponent of gay marriage. I

-didn't buy into the slippery slope etc. It's silly.

-we now have a scotus nominee that says she can't define what a woman is because she isn't a biologist.

^this shit right here is a's backwards, and it isn't helping the gay community.
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The reason for higher rates of HIV in gay males isn’t promiscuity. Not the primary reason anyways. But yea, I’d say since guys typically have higher sex drives that gay men probably get laid more than anyone. But that also doesn’t necessarily correlate to your argument that married gay men are more promiscuous leading to higher rates of divorce. Data doesn’t support that.

Also, this conversation isn’t just about gay men. Plenty of lesbians in the world.

And I like lesbians.
I don’t think I made a connection to divorce and gay men. Those were just two different statements. I just said a lot of gay men are promiscuous and have open marriages.

The study I linked

  1. 28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners: “Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners. Bell and Weinberg p 308.”

That's crazy.
-keep the government outta marriage all together. That's the answer.

-I was/am a proponent of gay marriage. I

-didn't buy into the slippery slope etc. It's silly.

-we now have a scotus nominee that says she can't define what a woman is because she isn't a biologist.

^this shit right here is a's backwards, and it isn't helping the gay community.
Curious how you think a 'slippery slope' argument is silly considering how quickly we went from "We just want to be left alone to love who we love' to drag queen story hour, trans bathrooms, guys dominating girls sports, trying to get kids to change their gender and keep parents in the dark, not to mention the increasing amount of sympathetic articles regarding pedophilia being promoted by pretty big publications?

I agree with everything else you said.
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I remember being taught that life came from a primordial soup and evolved to form what we know today. It was taught as fact. What a load of unsubstantiated hooey. No evidence supports such a theory. It would be better to tell kids aliens likely seeded the earth and we don’t know what created the aliens. For some reason, saying “we just don’t know” isn’t an option. Wanna know why? Belief about religion. People can’t figure it out, but they have to point to something that does not include a creator. So, they just have faith and they teach kids their faith. Sound familiar?
So you disagree with Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection which is bedrock foundational scientific theory as clearly as every discipline of science can determine (paleontology, genetics, zoology, molecular biology to name a few)? You really don't want evolution taught in schools?

I have no intention of engaging in a debate of such a frivolous nature, I just want to know if you are a nut or not.
So you disagree with Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection which is bedrock foundational scientific theory as clearly as every discipline of science can determine (paleontology, genetics, zoology, molecular biology to name a few)? You really don't want evolution taught in schools?

I have no intention of engaging in a debate of such a frivolous nature, I just want to know if you are a nut or not.
No offense intended, but Darwin did not explain the creation of all life. Nor can you. Unless you are a nut.
my guess, Scwab, Psaki, Hill, and Obama getting “Covid” at the same time is some form of comms

Imo it definitely tells us they were all together somewhere. If they were all together it was something they didn't want to communicate via electronic means.

One can only imagine what level of anti American plans that might be
Imo it definitely tells us they were all together somewhere. If they were all together it was something they didn't want to communicate via electronic means.

One can only imagine what level of anti American plans that might be

most likely. And yeah, nothing good for America with those demons.

you know none of them got the poison vax