How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Considering a healthy or unhealthy society impacts all members of it, yes I’d say how children turn out is everyone’s business.

Now, does anyone have a right to force people how to raise children? Of course not and I never argued otherwise.

All other things equal, do you disagree that a heterosexual married household is the best environment for children to be raised in?
100% I’d disagree “all things being equal”
I mean we can talk why the African American community is further behind than the rest of society if you want but I’m not sure how that pertains to Kim Davis.
You can’t understand why some people are against anything they believe undermines traditional marriage? Really?
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That tweet shows me Biden is actually doing his job and restricting the drug flow while TRump just let it pour in and caught none of it. KA BOOM!
Haha.. I just saw that.

Easily one of the most unintentionally funny things I've ever seen in my life.... i mean really, how did we end up with so many of those sheltered total idiots running around thinking they're smart, capable of contributing anything worthwhile or advising anybody?

i tell ya man, what a time to be alive.

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We're talking about government here, not church. There is a reason our constitution strictly separates them, and KD is the reason.

How would you like it if a strict Muslim was elected mayor of your city and demanded women wear burkhas while banning pork sales?
What is the definition of marriage? Ordering someone to wear a burka is unconstitutional. Changing the definition of marriage and then saying she is being unconstitutional is how we got in the trouble we are now.... Lawyers changing definitions and meanings to fit a narrative instead of changing a law or an amendment. Marriage was the union of 1 man and 1 woman for over 1000 years. If it doesn't mean that then it just means whatever you want it to mean at any particular time.
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That's because conservatives don't believe in facts or science.....only conspiracy theories, fear and emotion based culture wars. It's a brain development issue according to many scientists. Some brains are just wired to be scared of anything new or different (gays, trans, immigrants, education). That's why Fox News broadcasts nothing but fear and anger 24-7 and conservatives lap it up like nectar.

Yep, let’s spend more money we do not have. Its unbelievable there are people in that cesspool administration who comes up with these stupid ideas. Let’s throw more money at a problem that could easily be solved by easing red tape and freeing up production in this country.
Just trying to buy back the votes of those they’re hurting the most with their ignorant policies.