Before long, they're gonna even lose Bill Maher 
Whole cocktail of drugs flowing thru that hags bloodstream.
HAG? HAG? How DARE YOU insult hags like that! Hags are far superior than Dancing Nancy!Whole cocktail of drugs flowing thru that hags bloodstream.
Good God. We're doomed. Please, gassy, don't share anything this horrific amd scary ever again.
I mean, this is insane.
I mean, was she casting a spell with all those hard gestures? Wtf?Yeah, I can't believe she has the power that she has
I mean, was she casting a spell with all those hard gestures? Wtf?
I remember Victor Davis Hanson telling Maher and his panel about this stuff about 4 years ago and they laffed at him. What's weird is that when someone repeatedly is proven right and you wrong.... dems still won't change their opinion on the problem.
Since when have gas prices dropped at the same rate they’re raised. Stations are milking the elevated prices as long as they possibly can. Gas prices drop in 3-5 cent increments (at least around where I live). They raise in 20-30 cents or more increments.Oil has dropped 30% the last week, under $100 now. Gas hasn't moved down at all. Once again proving that the energy market is completely detached from all economic rules. The companies just do whatever the **** they want to gouge consumers because the legislatures are bought and paid for. Oil futures move up a bit and gas prices skyrocket instantly. futures fall back down and gas prices still go up, maybe go down a month later.
@Platinumdrgn @azurricat2010 @sambowieshin @vhcat70
Dude. Nobody takes anyone who comes on here proclaiming Mitt Mutherphuching Romney to be the savior of the world seriously. Dudes a troll.It's obvious who the poster is, they have a very distinct writing style. Why does it matter if they're on a different username? They have a political opinion to share just like anybody else. I'll never get the obsession with blocking people. I've never even had the desire to put someone on ignore, let alone done it. Why participate in a political thread if you're put off by different opinions?
This is the man you dipshits worship
Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday praised Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to send Russian troops into Ukraine to support Russian-backed separatists in the Luhansk and Donetsk provinces. In an appearance on the right-wing talk radio program "The Buck Sexton Show," Trump broke his conspicuous silence on the crisis to applaud the Russian dictator.
"This is genius," he said of Putin's decision on Monday to officially recognize the breakaway provinces and authorize the use of Russian military personnel to assist them. "So Putin is now saying it’s independent — a large section of Ukraine. I said, how smart is that? And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace, all right."
Fauci is an infectious disease specialist. He is a scientist that gave advice on a new virus that no human had dealt with before. He told people not to worry about masks at first then later changed that advice as the virus spread. He told people to keep socially distant during a pandemic. He has said he doesn't think Covid originated in the Wuhan lab but it is a possibility.@Platinumdrgn @azurricat2010 @sambowieshin @vhcat70
What in any of that did he say that was wrong, or “misinformation” or misguided?
Putin wanted Trump to continue defunding NATO and kissing his ass. When Trump lost, he wrongly assumed that Trump had weakened NATO enough and that he could do whatever he wanted. He wrongly thought Biden and NATO would roll over and do nothing. He was can't blame Trump or the Republicans anymore. You folfs control The WH and Congress!!!!!! Don't blame US!
Why did Putin wait to invade Ukraine until now? Think about that.
Was it because Putin was best buds with Trump? HELL NO! He was just waiting for Americans to vote in a bunch of limp-wristed goofs to take control...which unfortunately happened and look at what we have now!
Just keep telling yourself that. Putin invaded Ukraine when? When your boy was in office. But hey, go ahead...blame Trump!Putin wanted Trump to continue defunding NATO and kissing his ass. When Trump lost, he wrongly assumed that Trump had weakened NATO enough and that he could do whatever he wanted. He wrongly thought Biden and NATO would roll over and do nothing. He was wrong.
Trump would have done nothing when Putin invaded Ukraine. He would have said it was Europe's problem. Hell, he complimented Putin as he was getting ready to invade. Trump also proposed painting US jets like Chinese jets and bombing Russia. What a f'ing idiot.
So damn glad that 🤡 doesn't have any power right now.
Putin was going into Ukraine no matter who was President right now. Biden is doing a hellava job uniting NATO and sanctioning the F outta Russia. Putin and Russia will come out of this weak as hell if we play the long game and keep supplying the Ukrainians with weapons.
🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Ideas......
‘We sit back and watch’: Trump suggests disguising US fighter planes with Chinese flags to bomb Russia
Former President Donald Trump has suggested painting American F-22s with the Chinese flag and "bomb[ing] the sh*t out of Russia” to start a war between China and its neighboring country. Trump made the suggestion while giving a speech to around 250 Republican donors at the New Orleans
I'm not big on rap but that nailed it.
Dude is canadian from what i gather. Still speaks a lotta truth.I'm not big on rap but that nailed it.
"Don't Tread on Me!"
Once again...Trump never wanted to defund nato. You keep saying this over and over. All he suggested was that the other countries Pay a percentage relative to gdp as opposed to the US paying the majority of it.Putin wanted Trump to continue defunding NATO and kissing his ass. When Trump lost, he wrongly assumed that Trump had weakened NATO enough and that he could do whatever he wanted. He wrongly thought Biden and NATO would roll over and do nothing. He was wrong.
Trump would have done nothing when Putin invaded Ukraine. He would have said it was Europe's problem. Hell, he complimented Putin as he was getting ready to invade. Trump also proposed painting US jets like Chinese jets and bombing Russia. What a f'ing idiot.
So damn glad that 🤡 doesn't have any power right now.
Putin was going into Ukraine no matter who was President right now. Biden is doing a hellava job uniting NATO and sanctioning the F outta Russia. Putin and Russia will come out of this weak as hell if we play the long game and keep supplying the Ukrainians with weapons.
🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Ideas......
‘We sit back and watch’: Trump suggests disguising US fighter planes with Chinese flags to bomb Russia
Former President Donald Trump has suggested painting American F-22s with the Chinese flag and "bomb[ing] the sh*t out of Russia” to start a war between China and its neighboring country. Trump made the suggestion while giving a speech to around 250 Republican donors at the New Orleans
Nonsense...fauci is the master of word salad and talking over ppls heads using various things ppl won't understand so they can't ask anything back. It's also why he absolutely refuses to do interviews with anyone accept the triple mask afraid of the grocery crowd...aka his fan base.Fauci is an infectious disease specialist. He is a scientist that gave advice on a new virus that no human had dealt with before. He told people not to worry about masks at first then later changed that advice as the virus spread. He told people to keep socially distant during a pandemic. He has said he doesn't think Covid originated in the Wuhan lab but it is a possibility.
Rand wants to crush him because of a disagreement over whether to wear masks or not during a pandemic and where the virus began.
The level of anger and Boogeyman status he has aquired from Rand Paul is insane. Fauci owns property in Rand's head.
China cannot nor will not "invade" Taiwan. They lack the number of ships required to sufficiently transport the troop numbers to the island for starters. They lack a place to land those troops safely in sufficient numbers to support their objectives, and even if they were able to do all that in fantasyland they'd find themselves lacking sufficient infrastructure on the island to support and sustain the troop numbers required to hold it. It literally is paint by numbers impossible for them to do against a very well equipped 450,000 entrenched soldiers in well defended mountainous positions overlooking all possible landing points.And when China invades Taiwan in the next few months (most likely) I guess that will be Trumps fault as well?
What percentage of douchebags on tiktok even vote or are eligible? 5%?Did anybody listen to a single thing she said? Nobody is watching her to find out her take on politics.
John Bolton, certainly no Democrat, is on record saying Trump wanted to withdraw from NATO in 2018 and repeatedly had to be talked out of it. At the NATO Summit in 2018 Trump very nearly did exactly that and had to again be talked out of pulling the US from NATO.Once again...Trump never wanted to defund nato. You keep saying this over and over. All he suggested was that the other countries Pay a percentage relative to gdp as opposed to the US paying the majority of it.
Do I need to repeat this again...bc every few days there you take off again posting the same talking point nonsense
Trump was doing what he does, negotiating. He wanted our so called allies to pay their dues. Without us there was no NATO. Europe knows that.John Bolton, certainly no Democrat, is on record saying Trump wanted to withdraw from NATO in 2018 and repeatedly had to be talked out of it. At the NATO Summit in 2018 Trump very nearly did exactly that and had to again be talked out of pulling the US from NATO.
Former national security adviser said Trump came very close to leaving NATO in 2018, and Russian President Vladimir Putin “was waiting for that.”
There are multiple sources on this including more than one member of Trumps own National Security Team. We can all continue to argue fantasy, or we can engage in the reality of the current situation while also understanding actual true history. Playing make-believe because it makes you feel good is dangerous.
If we're in disagreement, then in what way might we safely conclude who is more likely correct? How about looking at Trumps entire history of withdrawing support from international treaties and organizations? Did Trump exclusively often want to join such things, maintain such things, or was he rabidly pro-withdrawal from them?Trump was doing what he does, negotiating. He wanted our so called allies to pay their dues. Without us there was no NATO. Europe knows that.
Poser eh.Dude is canadian from what i gather. Still speaks a lotta truth.
I don’t know enough about the military situation to hazard as confident a prediction as this. I respect you for going on record though. I agree that history indicates China might take a different approach to Taiwan than Putin is taking with Ukraine. Russia’s a doddering old man on the world stage, blindly flailing about with his rusty, decaying Soviet sword trying to recapture the glory days. The only thing they ever had was authoritarian might, and that’s what they’re using. China on the other hand is the abused stepson who was always so messed up from the wounds inflicted by the surrounding adults that they could never get it together internally. Now that they’ve matured they’ve channeled that strife into pure focused will. And since they aren’t the physically strongest bully on the block or the richest one with the best toys, they sit back and scheme. Their long game worked with Tibet and Hong Kong. Seems likely they’d try the same playbook with Taiwan. Russia and China are different major powers, each playing to their own particular strengths and weaknesses.China cannot nor will not "invade" Taiwan. They lack the number of ships required to sufficiently transport the troop numbers to the island for starters. They lack a place to land those troops safely in sufficient numbers to support their objectives, and even if they were able to do all that in fantasyland they'd find themselves lacking sufficient infrastructure on the island to support and sustain the troop numbers required to hold it. It literally is paint by numbers impossible for them to do against a very well equipped 450,000 entrenched soldiers in well defended mountainous positions overlooking all possible landing points.
They can destroy Taiwan from a distance a la Russia's medieval castle bombing laughably outdated technique, but they can't take it and have anything left of it worth taking. If China wants Taiwan they have to approach it from the standpoint of hearts and minds and win with soft power. You will never see a million Chinese troops sailing off to take the island like people who simply don't understand military power like to scare monger with.
China will try to Hong Kong Taiwan. A slow and methodical takeover by quietly replacing the government with CCP stooges. One day they just announce a total crackdown and see if it works. But it will be much harder because of geography, military, economics. They also need a president in place like Trump who will do nothing to stop it. Taiwan is more vulnerable to major natural disaster than they are to the CCP. It would take the entire Chinese fleet and thousands of landing craft for an invasion attempt. Its not something they can feint. Or pull a Russia and say oh we just doing exercises over here with our entire navy and million+ assembled conscripts being loaded up. I think Xi is a little smarter and restrained than Putin.Taiwan has 258 mountain peaks at an elevation of more than 3000 meters to fight from and are riddled with pre-positioned defensive positions pre-targeted on any potential landing areas below. Think Afghanistan on steroids. A nightmare to consider invading and it is an island. You couldn't pick a worse place to try and fight anywhere on the globe. It really is, in all the world, a uniquely difficult military objective to even consider.
The littoral zone is the area and stage of conflict where Taiwan’s advantages are optimized, and where its military has the potential to be most lethal. This is where warships and fighter jets can attack the enemy with support from CDCMs, UAVs and anti-aircraft defense coverage. Taiwan’s military can conduct joint fire strikes against the PLA from air, sea and shore assets, with the full coverage of multi-layer air defense systems. Coordinating and executing successful landing operations are tremendously difficult, especially when transporting thousands of troops and heavy machinery across the Taiwan Strait. With its capabilities limited during transit, the PLA will be most vulnerable when nearing landing beaches. A layered defense of sea mines and pre-deployed obstacles along with swarming fast-attack craft and missile assault boats will hinder the enemy’s advance. As the enemy approaches landing beaches, land-based precision-guided munitions and ground forces will provide additional firepower.
Taiwan’s Overall Defense Concept, Explained
Think about China contemplating an assault they don't have the ships for to begin with, to land on beaches they can't possibly hold and are not of sufficient size and number to accommodate the number of troops they need to land, and to support a troop level they can't possibly sustain... while also wondering how they will defend against the United States Pacific Fleet.
Never going to happen. The right needs to find some other boogieman to scare their sheep with. Taiwan has smartly focused on high quality military capability sporting the latest and most advanced systems in the world. It is a hornets nest wrapped deep in well defended mountainous positions. This really is a foolish question and it amazes me the right has gotten so much traction with it from their cackling flock.