I'm still not over this injustice...unbelievable that officer will not be charged for stopping a stabbing
You can't read a graph. Look at the slope for 14 months starting Jan. '21: Going way up. Now go back 14 months to Nov. '19: inflation drops in that period. Try again.Even that graph shows inflation to be increasing prior to Biden. If you look harder you can see a decrease in early 2020 which would be due to the FED cutting rates, correct move this time, to curb the crash that was happening in the markets. In recessions you'll see rates lowered to promote growth.
First, CRT isn't anti-racism. It claims the US is systemically racist. That's not anti-racism.@Dionysus444
Trump promoting violence to combat CRT.
Crazy how the right are so against teaching CRT when it's mainly taught in places of higher learning and not as much in primary and secondary institutions.
Also funny how the right wants to ban CRT and other anti-racism lessons.
I could see it being a no no to teach any of the topics below should the right get their way. Oddly enough, most of these topics weren't even taught in primary or secondary school 20 years ago. The ones that were, 3/5 compromise and slavery were only briefly discussed.
Black people were 3/5s a person
Segregation Era
Red lining
Tulsa Massacre 1921
East St Louis Riots 1917
Red Summer 2019
Baptist Street Church Bombing - Birmingham 1963
There are countless more events that people of color had to endure against racism amd in their fight for rights and even then they still face a different USA than what white America takes for granted.
All history should be taught, the good and bad, it's a teacher's job to do this. They just need to do it from a neutral position.
You can't read a graph. Look at the slop for 14 months starting Jan. '21: Going way up. Now go back 14 months to Nov. '19: inflation drops in that period. Try again.
Another alias for me: Plat !!This is how I know you aren't Dion or Azurri just trolling a conversation with yourself, you understand fundamental mathematics.
Hmm, actually, Plat understands the basics too. 🧐
Actually Dion @Sawnee Cat should run for office as state rep in his district to curb the idiots of “I identify” of this or that crap shoot you all come up with 🍺🇺🇸It needs to be soon for you. Since you won’t be around much longer to dictate what’s “normal”.
This graph only has three years on it…
I don’t care nearly as much about skin color and gender as I do about character, competency, and political conviction.
Another alias for me: Plat !!
Why don't those homeless veterans just pull themselves up by their bootstraps? Progressives are the ones advocating for help for the poor and downtrodden. Y'all call that socialism and fight against it every step of the way. You don't ever fight for assistance for the homeless, you just piss on people who aren't like you.
I consistently advocate for the poor and working class. Income inequality is the biggest problem in this country. You fix it by confronting the elites who are siphoning off our wealth, not by scapegoating already marginalized populations.
Yet we have posters here who support this for underage children. Disgusting.The best part about your ignorance and stupidity is that you won't see your inevitable demise coming until it's too late.
The tragic part is the damage your "dictating" does to others during the process.
In 2018, the year you stated, interest rates were raised. In 2019 they were dropped barely a 1/4 point. That’s after rising up to 2.5 during Trumps first 3 years in office, after the longest period in history of being at zero under Obama.Rates were decreased 3 times in 2019 after Trump kept pressuring the FED to do so. He argued we should have policy similar to Japan or German with zero or negative interest rates.
Open Market Operations
The Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington DC.www.federalreserve.gov
The problem about that is each country and their respective monetary policy is different. Wanting to mirror another country is asinine because they have different problems.
I didnt necessarily say tarrifs caused this inflation but tariffs, by their very nature, are inflationary. The cost of the good is passed down to the consumer or the country that has to pay that tariff takes their business elsewhere. Look at our soy farmers being hurt back when these tarrifs were being pushed.
There hasn't been enough study to show whether not they've contributed to the inflation we're currently experiencing. Even the WSJ has articles covering both viewpoints.
I agree inflation is due to monetary injection but most of this happened in 2020, under Trump. You cannot blame Biden for something that didn't happen under his administration.
Inflation would've happened regardless so it's dumb to even waste energy to blame a politician.
Blame the gas companies who can produce more oil but decide not to.
.....that people like me and millions of others who didn't need it...didn't get the stimulus checks.I blame everybody in power for inflation. There was zero reason to hand out as much money as we did during 2020. But both sides were pushing for it. They should have made sure people didn't lose their homes or not get evicted and had enough money to eat, but everything else was pretty much shut down. So dumb.
I agreed with the raising of rates in 2017 and 2018. It didn't make sense to lower them in 2019 is all I was saying.In 2018, the year you stated, interest rates were raised. In 2019 they were dropped barely a 1/4 point. That’s after rising up to 2.5 during Trumps first 3 years in office, after the longest period in history of being at zero under Obama.
It’s Biden’s policies causing the rise in oil price since he took office.
Obama from December '20....
So you are telling me what Jussie Smollette did is normal for a trans or gay or black in your world. You are OK with their making up stories in an attempt to start a race war or war on homosexuals.Society can't stop people from being trans or gay. The vast majority are born with that predisposition. Good luck with that. Hitler tried and Putin is trying as well. Crushing the human spirit will always fail in the end. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is guaranteed by our Constitution period.
This is a whopper...Vlad will not survive this...
I"m sure he believes that. No doubt at all.
I"m sure he believes that. No doubt at all.
Wtf are you even talking about? When did I ever say anything about defending Jussie Smollett??? He is a lying turd. I've never defended anything he's done after the truth came out about his lies. I don't think I've ever even commented on him specifically that I can recall at all.So you are telling me what Jussie Smollette did is normal for a trans or gay or black in your world. You are OK with their making up stories in an attempt to start a race war or war on homosexuals.
What human spirit did society crush. Smollette is a psycho and should be in a mental institution. The sad thing is people like you believed him. You actually believed men wearing MAGA hats attacked him because he was black and a homosexual. Nothing you said above makes any sense and had nothing to do with the facts. Jussie Smollette is not in jail today because he is a homo. He is in jail because he made up a false story and tried to make Trump's followers look evil and cruel to people like him. All lies.
You should step forward and acknowledge you were wrong in judging people based on this story by a psycho.
* KA - BOOM *final numbers for 2018. revenue grew 1.2%. inflation was 1.9%. debt grew 17%.
for those of you not math inclined, that's not good numbers.
Prove it.Wtf are you even talking about? When did I ever say anything about defending Jussie Smollett??? He is a lying turd. I've never defended anything he's done after the truth came out about his lies.
Big Mike knows why Barry has a scratchy throat...
Lol what a stupid time this is.
How do you prove a non existent comment? Nothing to prove. Prove me wrong.Prove it.
The ego for this mentally ill fool is huge. Most had absolutely no idea who this guy was until his hoax. The idea that anyone recognized him is hilarious. The idea that anyone gives a shit about him is amusing too.
Brave browserBeen using DuckDuckGo for a number of years now thinking that they weren't as 'woke' as the others. I know...wishful thinking.
Based on his tweet...think I'll change. Anyone know a good one that doesn't track you, etc?