How will they rule ??!

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Got an email from a friend this morning (UK friend, alum, booster...former). A number of truisms. Kind of long so I'll break it up into little nuggets during the day.


According to the American Petroleum Institute, we have enough oil in North America to fuel every single passenger car and long-haul truck for the next 430 years. We have enough natural gas to provide electricity for every business and household for the next 535 years and enough coal to provide electricity for about 500 years. So, don’t you think that in 430 years we will have developed alternative fuel sources? Why then did Joe Biden sacrifice America’s energy independence, cease all exploration for oil and gas, abandon pipeline development and drive up prices of gasoline, heating oil, and jet fuel and make us once again dependent on foreign oil?
Got an email from a friend this morning (UK friend, alum, booster...former). A number of truisms. Kind of long so I'll break it up into little nuggets during the day.


According to the American Petroleum Institute, we have enough oil in North America to fuel every single passenger car and long-haul truck for the next 430 years. We have enough natural gas to provide electricity for every business and household for the next 535 years and enough coal to provide electricity for about 500 years. So, don’t you think that in 430 years we will have developed alternative fuel sources? Why then did Joe Biden sacrifice America’s energy independence, cease all exploration for oil and gas, abandon pipeline development and drive up prices of gasoline, heating oil, and jet fuel and make us once again dependent on foreign oil?

Because that does nothing for me if I'm invested in batteries, if I own a tech company instead of an oil rig.

The worse part of it all is who does it hurt the most? That's right, the poor, the very people the left champions masquerades themselves as protecting. No one is hit harder by rising energy costs than those on fixed budgets because it necessarily means they have to sacrifice elsewhere to make ends meet.

Then some complete fool like dion/plat/sammy comes along withe their "durr, hurr, ya'll would vote D for the free healthcare if you weren't so bigoted to vote against your own insterests"

THey can't make anything better, ceratinly not healhtcare
Got an email from a friend this morning (UK friend, alum, booster...former). A number of truisms. Kind of long so I'll break it up into little nuggets during the day.


According to the American Petroleum Institute, we have enough oil in North America to fuel every single passenger car and long-haul truck for the next 430 years. We have enough natural gas to provide electricity for every business and household for the next 535 years and enough coal to provide electricity for about 500 years. So, don’t you think that in 430 years we will have developed alternative fuel sources? Why then did Joe Biden sacrifice America’s energy independence, cease all exploration for oil and gas, abandon pipeline development and drive up prices of gasoline, heating oil, and jet fuel and make us once again dependent on foreign oil?

the NWO doesn’t have 450 years. Adenochrome will only keep them alive for 200 years. They gotta act now
'Someone needs to educate me as to how we are going to produce all the batteries needed to facilitate a transition away from fossil fuels to battery-driven vehicles when the basic ingredients for batteries are all found in rare minerals such as lithium, cobalt, and zinc and others, all of which must be mined in countries not exactly friendly to us. Also, if you have ever driven on the Cross Bronx Expressway or the 405 in Southern California and were stuck in traffic, how exactly will the repair truck reach a disabled vehicle before their battery dies…along with the batteries of all the other vehicles in traffic?

When will construction start to build the 500,000 battery charging stations Joe Biden told us about? Where will they be situated? Won’t they be powered by burning fossil fuels? '
'Someone needs to educate me as to how we are going to produce all the batteries needed to facilitate a transition away from fossil fuels to battery-driven vehicles when the basic ingredients for batteries are all found in rare minerals such as lithium, cobalt, and zinc and others, all of which must be mined in countries not exactly friendly to us. Also, if you have ever driven on the Cross Bronx Expressway or the 405 in Southern California and were stuck in traffic, how exactly will the repair truck reach a disabled vehicle before their battery dies…along with the batteries of all the other vehicles in traffic?

When will construction start to build the 500,000 battery charging stations Joe Biden told us about? Where will they be situated? Won’t they be powered by burning fossil fuels? '
Yeah the whole thing is nothing but bullshit to distract people from his own failings. None of this is serious. This is simply punishment for the pee-pul who voted for Trump. Damn peasants.
We absolutely are. Happens every time we start taking giant influx of refugees. But hey....that's the cost of importing democrat votes

From world peace to world war in one election flat
At the rate Hispanics are turning on the democrats, their open borders policy may likely backfire on their asses. Probably why they’re suddenly acting like they need to secure the border.
'If you ever feel like you haven’t accomplished anything, try to remember that it took 20 years, trillions of dollars and four Presidents to replace the Taliban in Afghanistan with………. the Taliban.

If you feel your job is hard and you are unappreciated, think about the poor slob who serves as the sign language interpreter for Joe Biden.

Let me try to understand this: we can’t seem to find illegals to deport, but we can sure find them to give them money! How does that work?

If there was a barnyard election, the pigs would always vote for the person that feeds them and gives them treats, even though that same person is going to slaughter them someday. That same philosophy is the very definition of socialism'
Streaming a church service from Murfreesboro, TN. He was talking about prayer...mostly about/for the problems in the nation right now. Then in the middle of it he says....'Anybody watch the UT - Kentucky game yesterday? Tell me we're not learning how to pray.' Lot of laughter from the congregation. Thought it was kind of funny.
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'Memo to Generation Z and the Woke Generation: The Stars and Stripes that fly over our Nation’s Capital and are wrapped around the coffins of our honored dead who sacrificed their lives to keep us free, is my Flag. I will never apologize for it. The Flag does not stand for skin color, race, or religion. It stands for freedom. Never forget that!'

"If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools."

And finally from my buddy's email.....

'Isn’t it curious that in some states like California, Washington, Illinois, and New York, shoplifting of items less than $950 is not a crime but the Biden Build Back Better Spendalooza calls for hiring 87,000 IRS agents to monitor individual banking transactions of $600 or more? Fascinating.

We recently celebrated Christmas. Some neighbors refused to shout “Ho, Ho Ho” for fear that it might be insulting to Vice President Kamala Harris. No joke!'

I imagine his email was forwarded one or copy/paste job. Don't think it was random thoughts of his....but he agrees.
Streaming a church service from Murfreesboro, TN. He was talking about prayer...mostly about/for the problems in the nation right now. Then in the middle of it he says....'Anybody watch the UT - Kentucky game yesterday? Tell me we're not learning how to pray.' Lot of laughter from the congregation. Thought it was kind of funny.
Do you believe prayer works? Were the UT fans praying harder than the UK fans?
At the rate Hispanics are turning on the democrats, their open borders policy may likely backfire on their asses. Probably why they’re suddenly acting like they need to secure the border.

When they get here and get theirs, they want to close the door behind them. Makes sense. Plus they are mostly Catholic and family oriented so they have nothing in common with libs.

That's why they have to keep importing more
This graph only has three years on it…
Funny how they blame Biden for inflation when all inflationary triggers happened prior.

2018 - call for lowering rates in a booming economy

Normally you'll raise rates in a booming economy and lower them in a recession.

2017-2019 - tariffs

Prices are passed down to the consumer. 10% tariffs passed on goods leads to America consumers paying more.

2020 - money printing

Massive inflation would've happened regardless who was in office.

Even that graph shows inflation to be increasing prior to Biden. If you look harder you can see a decrease in early 2020 which would be due to the FED cutting rates, correct move this time, to curb the crash that was happening in the markets. In recessions you'll see rates lowered to promote growth.
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Funny how they blame Biden for inflation when all inflationary triggers happened prior.

2018 - call for lowering rates in a booming economy

Normally you'll raise rates in a booming economy and lower them in a recession.

2017-2019 - tariffs

Prices are passed down to the consumer. 10% tariffs passed on goods leads to America consumers paying more.

2020 - money printing

Massive inflation would've happened regardless who was in office.

Even that graph shows inflation to be increasing prior to Biden. If you look harder you can see a decrease in early 2020 which would be due to the FED cutting rates, correct move this time, to curb the crash that was happening in the markets. In recessions you'll see rates lowered to promote growth.
A call for lowering rates isn’t lowering rates. In reality the rates were raised.

The tariffs didn’t cause inflation in those years you listed, they aren’t now either.

The inflation now is caused by massive amounts of money being injected in the economy due to Covid, and ridiculous fuel prices.
If we calculated inflation as we did in 1982, it would be over 15% right now.
Cool. I like Presidents who:

1. Can engage with reporters without having to look at his (or her, for future reference) notecards to decide who to call on to ask the next question.
2. Corollary to #1: don’t say publicly “I’ve been asked to ask so-and-so the next question….”
3. Doesn’t gaslight the American people by pretending they weren’t advocating defunding the police a year or so ago, now that surging crime has become a political liability.
4. Doesn’t gaslight the American people by pretending they weren’t advocating for shutting down the fossil fuel industry now that high fuel prices have become a political liability.
5. Doesn’t commit to selecting a Vice-President and Supreme Court justice based on gender and skin color. In the former case, we’re already seeing disastrous results.

I’m just getting started bro…….
Don't worry. Everything's gonna be all white.
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Trump promoting violence to combat CRT.

Crazy how the right are so against teaching CRT when it's mainly taught in places of higher learning and not as much in primary and secondary institutions.

Also funny how the right wants to ban CRT and other anti-racism lessons.

I could see it being a no no to teach any of the topics below should the right get their way. Oddly enough, most of these topics weren't even taught in primary or secondary school 20 years ago. The ones that were, 3/5 compromise and slavery were only briefly discussed.

Black people were 3/5s a person
Segregation Era
Red lining
Tulsa Massacre 1921
East St Louis Riots 1917
Red Summer 2019
Baptist Street Church Bombing - Birmingham 1963

There are countless more events that people of color had to endure against racism amd in their fight for rights and even then they still face a different USA than what white America takes for granted.

All history should be taught, the good and bad, it's a teacher's job to do this. They just need to do it from a neutral position.
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A call for lowering rates isn’t lowering rates. In reality the rates were raised.

The tariffs didn’t cause inflation in those years you listed, they aren’t now either.

The inflation now is caused by massive amounts of money being injected in the economy due to Covid, and ridiculous fuel prices.
If we calculated inflation as we did in 1982, it would be over 15% right now.

Rates were decreased 3 times in 2019 after Trump kept pressuring the FED to do so. He argued we should have policy similar to Japan or German with zero or negative interest rates.

The problem about that is each country and their respective monetary policy is different. Wanting to mirror another country is asinine because they have different problems.

I didnt necessarily say tarrifs caused this inflation but tariffs, by their very nature, are inflationary. The cost of the good is passed down to the consumer or the country that has to pay that tariff takes their business elsewhere. Look at our soy farmers being hurt back when these tarrifs were being pushed.

There hasn't been enough study to show whether not they've contributed to the inflation we're currently experiencing. Even the WSJ has articles covering both viewpoints.

I agree inflation is due to monetary injection but most of this happened in 2020, under Trump. You cannot blame Biden for something that didn't happen under his administration.

Inflation would've happened regardless so it's dumb to even waste energy to blame a politician.

Blame the gas companies who can produce more oil but decide not to.
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