Let's put this in elementary terms for some of the dense ones. Some of them just blow this gas thing off like they are rich or something. Here is what is happening and why gas is going up. This is all factual stuff that if you keep up with things daily you will know these things are true. Putting this in simple terms, Biden does not like oil companies. Part of it is their drilling goes against his radical people. Part of it is Trump took care of them so automatically he refuses to do what Trump did in giving them more leeway to drill without being fined. Those are two things for sure and there may be another thing or two from his past. When Psaki gets on national TV and says the oil companies are to blame because they can produce what they want she is lying. I know she isn't that stupid. She is covering for Biden. But to get on national TV and blatantly lie, shows what kind of person she is. The oil companies have many more restrictions since Biden came in. They are fearful of being fined and their hands are tied in drilling on a lot of their land that they could under Trump. This info comes from one of the biggest oil families in a state that is second in oil production in the US. When asked if what Biden and his people are saying, blaming them, they basically said they are lying. These restrictions are the main thing driving up gas prices. When asked what could be done to get the gas prices back to what they used to be they said to reinstate Trumps polices with oil drilling and the like.
So yes, Biden is costing Americans thousands of dollars in just gas alone. And he could care less. No surprise, a man that invites and sneaks in illegals all over the country breaking laws and a man that has helped cost Ukraine thousands of lives and is willing to cost them thousands more just because he is the one person that will not give the go on sending the Mig planes to Poland to use and us provide Poland with planes so they aren't low on them. A man wanting to take from Americans and give to illegals. A man with memory loss when he speaks, pretty dangerous when he is talking to other countries. Could go on and on, but I just wanted to make sure that the political Biden people on here that has no qualms in the damage he has done in just a years time, knows exactly what that man is doing to them and every one of us. Trying to erase our history, brain wash our kids and totally change America to a different type country from what it has always been. These are just some of the things these people are supporting and I don't understand how they could even show their face because to us you are anti constitution and/or just flat out ignorant on the issues. And by the way, I am a person that wants what is best for this country and nothing more. If Trump was a democrat I would back him. If Biden done what Trump did in four years I would back him. I am for who is best for this country, upholding our great history, values, pride and just everything this country was built on and stands for. Biden is against most of those things just so he can appease his supporters. He cares that little for this country. His power over this country, what kind of people would vote and stand for that?